
Twilight 10

"This isn't my fight, I've grown tired of his games," Laurent stood in the Cullen's living room, explaining to Carlisle what James was planning to do. "He's got unparalleled senses, I've never seen anything like it in my 300 years. And the woman, Victoria, do not underestimate her,"

Skylar was sitting on the couch with her hands buried into her face. Carlisle showed Laurent to the door before walking over to her. He gently wrapped an arm around her and pulled her face up to meet his eyes.

"We'll keep you two safe. He's going after Bella right now, but I wouldn't be surprised if he went after you next," He stood up pulling Skye with him. The human and vampire began to walk to the garage where the rest of the family were gathering.

"Carlisle, I'm going to run Bella south and lead the tracker away from here," Edward explained and Skylar shook her head.

"No, James knows you wouldn't leave Bella's side. He'll just follow you," Skylar spoke up as she went to stand beside Bella. The vampires gave her an impressed look but knew she was right.

"Then Jasper and I will drive them south," Alice volunteered, "We'll keep them safe,"

Carlisle nodded before turning to Rosalie and Esme. He held some clothes out to the two, "I have a few pieces of Skye's and Bella's clothes. Put them on so we can throw James off the scent,"

Rosalie hesitated for a moment and grabbed Skylar's shirt and jacket. She slowly pulled the clothes on before walking over to Skylar and giving her a hug.

Skylar pulled away and walked over to Carlisle, "You know I can protect myself right?"

"I know you can, I just don't want anything bad to happen to you. You are my life now Skylar, I can't lose," Skylar locked eyes with Carlisle. Her knee's suddenly felt weak and she grabbed his arm.

Skylar hugged him tightly. Her eyes closed as she laid her head on his chest. Now she couldn't leave him, she needed him just as much as he needed her. She wanted to hunt James down and rip him apart into pieces so he couldn't hurt Carlisle. The darker side of Skylar was coming out and she knew it. She didn't resist.

Alice cleared her throat and Skylar pulled away from Carlisle, "Be safe,"

Carlisle gave Skylar one more reassuring smile as he watched her get into the car with Bella. Alice put the car into reverse and sped out the garage. Skylar watched out the window, tapping her fingers on her knee. She listened as Bella spoke to her mother. The sound of the car made enough sound for Skylar to drift off into The Void.

She had just found her way in there when Bella suddenly spoke up. "Skye?" Skylar turned her head to her friend, feeling a little dizzy from shifting so quickly. "How did you know?"

"Same as you, I figured it out," she said plainly and turned back to the window.

"Are you and Carlisle...?"

"Mates? Yes, we are," she smiled sadly. She missed him so much already and now she had the fear that she might never get him back.


After some long hours in the car, the group arrived at a hotel near Phoenix. Skylar sighed when she forgot to ask one vampire of a change of clothes. She hoped that she could use one of Bella's outfits.

Skylar stood at the window in their hotel room and watched the people below dither around and socialize. She sighed and reached for her phone. As she went to turn it on Alice and Jasper rushed over to her.

"What do you see Alice?"

"The hunter, he's changed course," Jasper reaches towards the table to grab a pen and paper.

"Where will it take him, Alice?"

Skylar moved to stand next to Bella who was watching Alice draw. "Mirrors, a room full of mirrors,"

"Edward said the visions weren't always certain," Bella questioned.

"She sees the course people are on while they're on it," Jasper explained as Alice's vision stopped, "If they change their mind the vision changes,"

"So, the course trackers on is now gonna lead him to a ballet studio?" Bella said.

"You've been there?" Skylar asked.

"Yeah, I used to take lessons as a kid," she explained. Skylar found it very hard to believe someone as clumsy as Bella could do ballet.

Alice's phone rang and Alice jumped up quickly, "Edward, is everything okay?"

"We've lost James," Skylar heard him say. She heard another phone ring which was Bella's phone. When she picked it up her expression changed to a look of horror and she left the room. Skylar shook her head and turned back to Alice.

"Carlisle and I are coming. Rosalie and Esme are staying to protect Charlie, Skye's will be alright. Let Skylar speak to Carlisle," Edward spoke. Skylar took Alice's phone and held it up to her ear.


"I'm coming to Phoenix, me and you are going to go somewhere alone. The rest of them will keep hunting but for now, I need to keep you safe," The vampire sighed, "I should have never let them tell you what we were. At least then you would've been safe,"

Skylar laughed sarcastically, "No I wouldn't Carlisle. If I hadn't met you I would've have learned to accept my powers and learn to control them. If I hadn't have met I wouldn't be as happy as I am now. Nothing could've stopped us from meeting, it's fate,"

Carlisle was silent for a while before speaking up, "Is Bella with you?"

"No, I think she was calling her mum, she left the room," Skylar frowned, why was Bella taking so long on the phone? Skylar looked down to Alice's drawing, her eye widened, "Oh my God, I know where she's gone,"

She hung up the phone and grabbed the paper on the table, "Jasper! Alice! I think Bella went to the studio,"

The two vampires shared a look, Alice reached forward and grabbed Skylar's hand, pulling her out the room. Skylar rolled her eyes at Alice's actions, she was tired of people pulling her around.

The trio got into Alice's car and Jasper searched for the ballet studio. Skylar held the back of Jaspers seat as Alice sped around corners. She closed her eyes and hoped Bella was alright.

Alice's car came to a stop outside the ballet studio. Skylar threw the door open and ran inside. She looked around frantically before seeing Bella lying against a mirror, James in front of her holding a camera.

Skylar glared and threw her hands forward. She felt her powers take control of James and threw back into a mirror Bella snapped her head where Skylar was standing with her jaw dropped.

Skylar didn't care about her friend's reaction, she only focused her eyes on James. He recovered quickly and stood up, he laughed mockingly, "I was wondering when you would show up. Your friends must be not far behind,"

He began stalking towards her and Skylar raised her hands, "Come any closer and I'll rip you up,"

"Well we wouldn't want you to do that now would we," as fast as lightening James was behind Skylar "Go ahead save yourself,"

Skylar tried to move but the tracker kept her steady. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her wrist and a crack that went with it. James hand broken her right wrist, Skylar held back a scream. The tracker took the opportunity to shove a shard of glass in her thigh. This time Skylar could hold back a scream of pain as blood seeped through her jeans.

Skylar brought her hands to her stomach and let her power go through her body and into James. The power hit James and forced him back into the wall. She turned around and hit him with a blast of energy. She fell to the floor, breathing carefully, holding her wrist to her stomach and her hand to her thigh to stop the bleeding.

"Skylar!" Carlisle called. Skylar's breathing was heavy as she tried to force a smile as well as focus her vision. She looked over to James who was still dazed from being thrown.

Carlisle rushed over to her and took her face in his hands, "Are you alright?"

"James stabbed me with a shard in my thigh and I think he also broke my wrist," Skylar tried her best to speak through the pain.

She reached up to touch his face, he gave her a sad smile. Carlisle immediately took off his scarf and wrapped it tight around Skylar's leg. He examined her wrist, it was definitely broken, he could tell even without x-rays. He then took his jacket and made it into a sling to comfort Skylar's arm.

As he began to move Skye into a more comfortable position, a scream echoed through the studio. Skylar turned to see Bella withering on the floor. Horrific screams came from Bella's mouth and Skylar pushed herself over to her friend. Carlisle moved over to Bella next after settling Skye, he knelt beside her.

"Alice, tie your belt above my hand and then go help your brothers. Edward, come here," Carlisle instructed.

Skylar grabbed Bella's hand and smiled down at her, "It's going to be okay Bella,"

"Carlisle, what do I do!?" Edward panicked. His face was full of fear and sadness as he watched his mate wither on the floor.

"You have two options. Either let the change happen or suck the venom out," Carlisle looked up at Edward, "make your choice fast, she hasn't got long left,"

"I won't be able to stop, Carlisle,"

"The find the will to stop," Carlisle replied.

Edward sighed as he grabbed Bella's wrist, "It's going to be okay Bella. I'm going to make it go away,"

Skylar gasped as she watched Edward bring Bella's arm up to his mouth and sucked the venom out. Bella screamed and her body began to twist in strange ways. Skylar squeezed Bella's hand as she watched Edward.

"Edward stop, her blood is clean you're killing her," Bella struggled to keep her eyes open, Skylar's eye stung with tears, "Edward stop!" she shouted.

A tear fell down her cheek when Bella's eyes dropped closed. Skylar's arm ached, he thigh stung, she let out a painful groan. Edward on the other was still attached to Bella's arm, "Edward stop,"


Bella had fallen unconscious and Edward managed to pull himself away from her wrist. Skylar let go of Bella's hand and sighed with exhaustion. She too had lost a lot of blood.

Once Carlisle tightened the belt around Bella's leg Edward picked her up and walked out of the studio. Alice then rushed over to Skylar, she helped her get up along with Carlisle.

"How are we gonna clean this up?" Jasper spoke up.

"I've got it," Skylar said weakly.

She lifted her hand and waved it slowly around the room. All the pieces of wood, shards of glass and everything else went back to its rightful place. Carlisle smiled down at his mate but then remember she was hurt.

He picked her up bridal style and walked out of the ballet studio with the rest of the vampire coven.
