
Eclipse 5

The house was very empty. It was weird not having the boys around. The house was so quiet even though there were 5 other people in it. Esme had disappeared into thin air and Rose hadn't spoken a word to Bella. The only noise was the slow classical music coming from the radio.

"Are you hungry?" Alice asked, "Esme can make you something,"

"No I'm okay Alice, but thank you," Skylar smiled.

It was very late, at almost 11 pm. She knew she was going to stay up all night with one of the vampires but she wasn't sure if she could. Even though there was nothing important happening at school the next day, Skylar would eventually slip into unconsciousness.

Bella had disappeared up into Edward's room claiming she needed to change but she hadn't come back down. Skylar thought that Bella had figured out why Alice wanted to have a sleepover.

"Hey Rose," Skylar turned to the blonde vampire, "can I ask you something?"


"Why did you say no when Bella asked about becoming a vampire at the vote," She was really curious.

Rose sighed for a moment then looked up at the human, "My human life was perfect. Absolutely perfect. But there were still things I wanted. To be married to a nice husband who kissed me when I came home. A family of my own," she gave a sad smile.

"Royce King was the most eligible bachelor in town. I barely knew him but I was young. I was in love with the idea of love. On the last night of my life, I was leaving a friends house late. He was drinking with a group of men in the street when he called me over," Rose paused as she thought back to that time, he left me in the streets to die. And I wanted to be. That's when Carlisle found me. He smelt all the blood. He thought he was helping me,"

"I'm so sorry Rose," Skylar pitted the girl.

"I got my revenge on them, one at a time. I saved Royce for last so he knew I was coming. I was a little theatrical back then," she smiled, "things got better when I found Emmett. But we'll always be frozen. That's what I miss the most, the possibilities. Sitting on a porch somewhere, Emmett grey-haired by my side. Our grandchildren running around and laughing,"

The blonde vampire suddenly turned to Skylar, "Do you want to be a vampire?"

Skylar pursed her lips and thought of her answer. Then she thought about telling Rose everything, "Yes and no. I want to stay with Carlisle forever. But I still want to be with Natalia and my family. They would accept it, but I wouldn't be the same,"

"What has Carlisle said about this?"

"I made him promise me that he could only turn me if I was dying and there was no medical help that I could get. Changing me would be like the last resort you know? Though I've never really thought about dying. But I don't have long left to live so I suppose I have to think about,"

Rosalie furrowed her eyebrows, she didn't know what Skylar was talking about. "What do you mean?"

Skylar sighed and closed her eyes only to reopen them with tears, "The day after you left Alice had a vision of me collapsing and then she couldn't see my future. I did collapse and I woke up in the hospital. They took an MRI scan and they told me...I have a tumour in my brain,"

Rosalie gasped and immediately brought the human into a hug, "I'm so sorry Skye, that's awful. If you don't mind me asking how long have you got?"

"I went to the hospital for an appointment after my date with Carlisle. They said I had until September 20th," She cried into Rose's shoulder.

Rose pulled away and looked at the human, "Haven't told Carlisle have you?"

"No, because it'll destroy him, I don't want him to constantly worry about me. But then if I don't tell him then one he'll find out that I just dropped dead, it would be too late to change me. I have to tell him soon though,"

"It's okay Skylar I won't say anything, I'm glad you're Carlisle's mate. But you must promise me you'll tell him," Rose said wiping the tears away on Skylar's face.

"I promise,"


"Do you want to come to Jake's with me?"

Skylar and Bella were walking out of school when Bella popped that question.

Skylar only shrugged, "I've got nothing better to do,"

Carlisle wasn't back yet, Natalia was busy as usual and she missed the wolf pack. She followed Bella to her truck and got in the passenger seat. Bella started the truck and headed to the reservation.

The car ride was quiet and Skylar zoned out as soon as they were on the road. Bella didn't mind the silence, she thought maybe Skylar just needed it.

The sound of Bella shuffling made Skylar come back to Earth and get out of her seat. She saw the pack standing in a circle around Emily's house.

"Skylar!" Emily left Sam's side to run to the girl and gave her a hug.

"Hi," she greeted the wolf girl.

The rest of the boys smiled once Skylar was released by Emily, "You smell better,"

"Paul if you're going to tell me how I smell every time I come over then I'm going to beat you up," she threatened.

"Yeah right," he said with a cocky smile. Skylar raised and eyebrow and her hand.

Paul's eyes widened as roots under the ground began to twist around his legs, "Okay, I'll stop,"

Skylar put her hand done and the roots released. She turned around when some twigs snapped behind her. That's when she came face to face with a girl who was around her age. She must be Leah Clearwater.

"Bella, Skylar, this is Leah Clearwater," Jacob introduced, "Seth's sister,"

"If you're here to torture Jacob some more feel free to leave," she sneered at Bella then turned to Skylar, "And you, a science experiment? What makes you so special?"

Skylar smirk, her eyes glowed as she lifted up her hand. Leah was forced into her wolf form and made to wither on the ground from Skylar's ability to control people's body. She released Leah and the wolf bounded into the woods behind them.

"Well isn't she just a bundle of joy," Skylar said sarcastically, "I'm normally not that cruel, but she had it coming,"

"Yeah," Paul snorted, "she has a permanent storm cloud following her,"

"Skye, we're going to the garage if you want to come," Bella called. Skylar nodded before leaving the rest of the pack. She wanted to go to make sure Jacob kept his hands to himself.

The three walked to Jake's garage. Skylar could hear every thought Jacob had, he was annoyed that she was there. The boy had to realize that Bella would never be his.

"So when did Leah join the pack?" Bella asked sitting on Jacobs bench.

"Her and Seth shifted right after Harry's funeral," Jacob explained. She wished she had known her parents, they could be alive but she couldn't be sure of it.

"He's only 15, the youngest we've had. Sam keeps him home studying but he's chopping at the bit. I wish it was Leah who stayed home," he snarled.

"Jacob, don't be such a guy," Bella laughed. Skylar knew the whole issue with Leah, Sam and Emily. It must've only made Leah feel worse when she joined the pack.

"It's not a chick thing, it's a triangle thing. We all have to live the same Sam, Leah, Emily pain fest. Wolf telepathy," Jacob said.

"So Sam dumped Leah for Emily?" Bella questioned.

"It wasn't like that. Sam hates himself for hurting Emily," Skylar spoke up.

Jacob threw her an annoyed look for interrupting his story, "But Emily was the one," he continued.

"Yeah," Bella smiled, "I guess it just chooses you,"

"It's not a crush Bella. Sam imprinted on Emily,"

"Do I want to know what that is?" Bella reluctantly asked.

"Imprinting on someone is like...like when you see her, everything changes. Suddenly, it's not gravity that's hold you to the ground, it's her. Nothing else matters. You would do anything, be anything for her," he had a dazed look on his face.

"Sounds like you know the feeling," Bella commented, "have you...,"

"Imprinted on someone?" Jacob laughed, "no, you would know if I had. I just have a direct line to Sam's thoughts,"

"So you're still you," Bella nodded.

"And you're still you," Jacob smirked at the girl.

"Yeah, until graduation,"

Skylar suddenly looked at Bella with a confused look. "Wait what?"

"Graduation?" Jacob said.

"You knew this was going to happen, Jake," Bella tried to get Jacob to understand but the werewolf wouldn't have it.

"Not in a month! I mean not before you've...you've even lived! Or before I could...," He trailed off on that last sentence, "just for a second, I thought, but he has his hooks so deep in you-"

"This wasn't his choice, it was mine," she interrupted him. Skylar stood up next Bella and gave Jacob a warning look.

"Bella they're not even alive! It makes me sick," Jacob spat, "I'd rather you be dead than one of them,"

"Jacob, that's enough," Skylar shouted.

"No, you're just the same, Skylar! You'll change to after Bella and then you'll be like your bloodsucking friends," he shouted back.

Skylar's eyes glowed as she looked at the werewolf. She shot her hand forward and watched Jacob get thrown back. Bella shook her head before walking out, "We shouldn't have come. Edward was right,"

Jacob watched Bella walk out leaving just Skylar and him. She looked at the boy before opening her mouth, "Don't worry I'll be dead by the time Bella gets changed,"

With that, she walked out of the garage leaving Jacob questioning her last comment.


Skylar went back to the Cullens house that night. Carlisle had finally come home and she wanted to be with him before going back home. The coven of vampires sat in the living room, Jasper and Alice playing cards, Rose and Emmett were relaxing in each other's arms and Esme was reading a book.

Carlisle sat next to Skylar who was scrolling through the computer. She was resting her head with one hand while moving her finger on the mouse. She was supposed to be studying for exams but she found that nothing was sticking in her head.

"Carlisle, can I stop now?" Skylar turned her head to her lover. She had been looking over Chemical equations.

He only nodded and took her hand in his. She switched off the computer and thought about her situation with Jacob early. She hadn't told Carlisle and she didn't want to. What Jacob had said to here struck a nerve.

The front door suddenly opened, pulling Skylar from her thoughts. She looked up to see Edward walking in frantically, dragging Bella behind him. Carlisle stood up with Skylar and pulled her close.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

She waited for Edwards response but he wouldn't say anything. So, she read his mind instead and found her answer.

"Someone's been in Bella's house," she said.
