
Breaking Dawn Pt1. 4

Bella and Edward had been home for two weeks. The house was full of confusion for those two weeks. How was it possible for a vampire to impregnate a human?

Bella laid on the couch with Rosalia and Skylar by her side. The coven had been trying to think of ways to help. After just two weeks Bella looked 5 months pregnant. This baby was growing fast.

Skylar was worried as Bella got worse, she was literally dying in front of everyone's eyes. But then again, so was Skylar. Skylar always though Bella would have a fast, painless death now it was going to be slow and painful.

Carlisle and Edward suddenly shared a look and Carlisle rushed downstairs. Bella and Skylar shared a confused look. She heard the front door open and footsteps march up the stairs.

Her eyes widened as she looked up at Jacob. His eyes widened at Bella who gave him a small smile, "I'm glad you came,"

He took a few steps closer before Rose and Skye stepped forward, "Close enough dog," Rose snarled.

"What's your problem?" Jacob growled at the both of them.

"It's okay Rose," Bella spoke up, "you too Skye,"

Rose and Skylar backed off so Bella could see Jacob.

Skylar took Carlisle's hand as she watched Jacob with Bella. He crouched down in front of Bella and scanned her.

"You look terrible," Jacob smirked.

"Yeah it's nice to see you too Jake," Bella smiled back.

"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" Jacob asked.

"Rose, Skye? You wanna help me up?" Bella asked and the two moved to her side. Bella grabbed her stomach and pushed herself off the couch. Her blanket fell off her to reveal what was wrong.

Jacob stared for a moment before look at Edward. He began to walk towards the vampire, "You did this!"

Skylar reached out her hand and stopped Jacob in his tracks with her power, "Let go of me, Skylar,"

Skylar refused and gave Carlisle time to talk to Jacob, "We didn't even know it was possible," Carlisle said as Emmett made Skylar loosen her telekinetic grip on Jacob by pushing her away.

Jacob looked at Carlisle with a worried look, "What is it?"

"I don't know," Carlisle sighed, "ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sack,"

"I can't see it either," Alice said, "and I can't see Bella's future anymore,"

"We've been researching legends but there isn't much to go on. All we know is that it's strong and fast-growing," Carlisle explained. Skylar helped Bella back on the couch.

"Well, why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her?" Jacob raised his voice.

"This is none of your business, dog!" Rose retaliated.

"Rose!" Esme scolded her.

"All this fight isn't good for Bella," Skylar tried to defuse the situation.

"The fetus isn't good for Bella," Alice replied.

"Say the word, Alice. Baby, it's just a little baby," Rose began to get agitated.

"Possibly," Jasper mumbled.

"Carlisle you have to do something," Jacob pleaded.

"No! This isn't his decision, it isn't any of yours," Bella ignored their comments.

"Jacob, I need to talk to you," Edward said and began to walk outside. Jacob gave Bella another look before following Edward. Skylar looked down to Bella.

"Do you need anything Bells?"

"No, I'm okay, Skylar,"

Bella snuggled into the blanket and Skylar walked to Carlisle's room. She flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore her headache. Things were getting worse. She was having trouble focusing and even doing simple things. Carlisle noticed this and now insisted that she rest and hour a day at least. He was more protective now.

The bedroom door opened slowly. She picked up her head to see Carlisle walking to her. Carlisle sat down next to her and she cuddled into him.

Skylar sighed as her body relaxed, "What are we going to do?"

"It's not our decision," he sighed, "if Bella wants to try this we just have to go along with it whether we like it or not,"

Skye lifted her head to look at him. His eyes met her distressed ones, "What if she dies?"

Carlisle only lightly kissed her forehead and pulled her in closer.


Skylar was back on the couch that night. Her expression was one of worry as she listened to what news Jacob had.

"The treaty is void, at least in Sam's eyes," Jacob explained.

"No in ours," Esme said.

Skylar looked at Carlisle, "You guys haven't hunted in weeks. You can't wait forever,"

"We'll make do," Carlisle reassured her before turning back to Jacob, "you've done us a great service, Jacob. Thank you,"

He nodded to Carlisle. Jacob took a short glance at Skylar before looking at Bella. He moved over to Bella and Skylar went to Carlisle's side.

"Are you insane?" she whispered to him.

Carlisle furrowed his eyes, "What do you mean?"

"You have to hunt. None of you can take on the wolves if you're weak," She said.

"Don't worry, we'll be alright," he chuckled.

"You're not worried!?" Skylar argued back, "what if you guys go hunting while the wolves and I protect Bella. If Sam and pack come we can distract them,"

Carlisle was silent for a while, "We'll consider it if things go too far,"

Skylar scoffed and looked out the window to the woods. Sam and his pack were out there in the woods somewhere just waiting. They were waiting for the right moment to kill Bella.

Skylar scowled as she thought of what they would do. They were going to kill Bella and her baby. Skylar never thought Sam could turn so cold, cold enough to turn against his friends.

If it came down to the only thing that stood between Sam and Bella was Skylar then she was prepared to die for Bella. Sam was not going to hurt the people she loves not as long as she's alive.


"Are you coming in?" Carlisle held the door for Skylar.

He was about to check on Bella and the baby. Bella was nagging Skylar to come with, but she always refused. But this time she decided to follow. She nodded and went in to see Bella laying on a table smiling at her.

"Hey, Skye," Bella said. Skylar examined Bella carefully, her skin was pale she was almost as pale as the vampires. Her lips were cracked and her skin seemed thin. Her face had sunken in so every bone was visible. Skylar remembered a time when she looked like this, all those years ago.

"Hey Bella," Skylar smiled weakly as Carlisle began the checkup. She didn't make any eye contact with Bella, instead, she kept her eyes down. Bella knew that Skylar was worried that they would never see each other again. After all, they were both dying now.

After a while, he looked up at the group from the screen. He had no expression on his face, "Your rib is crack, but there are no splinters which mean you haven't pictured anything yet,"

"Yet," Edward said coldly.

"Edward," Carlisle warned his son not to start his drama now.

He ignored Carlisle's warning and looked at Bella, "It's breaking your bones now. It's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle tell her what you told me,"

Skylar looked between Carlisle and Edward waiting for either of them to say something.

"Carlisle, it's alright, just tell me," Bella asked.

Carlisle gave a heavy sigh, "The fetus isn't compatible with your body, it's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need-it's starving you by the hour. At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver,"

Skylar bit the inside of her cheek trying to blink the tears away. It seemed that Skylar was going to have to watch Bella die sooner than she thought. She looked down to see Bella shaking her head, "Then I'll hold on as long as I can and then-"

"Bella," Carlisle stopped her, "there are some conditions that even the venom can't overcome. I don't even know if the venom can overcome Skylar's condition,"

"What?!" Skylar's eyes widened at Carlisle's words. Carlisle only looked at her with a grim look. She looked down to Bella who looked equally shocked. She fought to hold back the tears both as she walked out of the office.

Carlisle followed after his mate and closed the door behind them. He took her in his arms as she began to cry. She clutched Carlisle's shirt as she rested her head on his chest. Her sobs quietened as she forced herself to speak.

"So there's a chance that I won't even wake up?"

