
Tragedy of The Eternal Champion

What happens when the Champion of Light is born with the essence of Darkness? The Hero who was supposed to bring prosperity to his nation becomes the very reason of its demise? Eternus, the hero of an age-old prophecy, destined to achieve greatness in combat and wisdom so much so that he would be remembered for Eternity. But everything comes at a cost... For Eternus, It was EVERYTHING itself. His smile, His parents, His nation... And all that he ever had... Gone in just one day. ----------- The Champion of Light... Now a fugitive! Scarred by the nightmares of that terrible day when he lost his Home, his Parents, and even his Smile. Everything gone in just one day... Watch him grow cold blooded and cruel yet at the same time pure of heart at his core... finding his way through the Mortal realms and beyond!

Refound · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Reminiscing the Past

Neko looked around nervously like a child who got caught in his mischief, [Uh-Um… It is a long distance… W-where are we headed now exactly?] She changed the subject.

Eternus snorted in response. He then sat down and set Neko right in front of him, glaring at her silently.

'He is more observant than I thought, he's probably on to my 'secret'. I don't know for sure but I bet he's looking at me through that black mask of his right now…' She shook her body in a big shiver as she said, 'It's getting a little scary!'

Unable to bear the heavy glares from Eternus as his eyes were constantly fixated on the little cat, Neko succumbed to the Masked Boy that looked through his mask like a Hollow,

[Stop glarin at meee!!!] She screamed out in frustration. [We're friends now, so fine, I'll tell you… But you go first!] She stuck out her tongue like a child.

Eternus responded with a sigh, "Very well then…" He began speaking as he reminisced his tragic story in a nostalgic tone filled with sorrow, "I belong to the fallen Land of Ignotus. It was one of the three great empires."

[Yes, I've heard of that land… What a sorry end.] Neko shook her head in pity.

Eternus didn't like her pity but continued, "There was a famous legend that every One thousand years a talented… H-hero would be born in this realm. But for some reason, the Champion didn't appear for 100,000 years." He looked at the sky,

"And then I was born."

Neko took a moment to understand and when she finally did, her eyes widened as she yelled out in astonishment,

[No way!!... We- I mean You're a freaking LEGEND?!!? Then that means...]

Eternus looked down at his feet and continued, "I didn't know that till I was already 10 years old... But even before that, I loved fighting… I had a family, friends and I even used to smile."

Neko's interest kept rising and rising with every word he said,

[Then what happened to you?] She asked with her eyes shining with suspense.

Eternus looked up straight into her yellow eyes and uttered one heavy word,


Neko gasped, covering her mouth with her little paws.

"I didn't realize my power till my nation was destroyed and my parents were murdered, smiling in front of me, torn and bitten limb from limb. Their dying smiles still haunt me every night in my sleep."

"All because of that BASTARD INURA!!" Eternus punched a hole in the ground with anger as he mentioned Inura.

Neko was startled, sad, and angry about her friend's terrible past.

[I didn't know… Fate can be so cruel!] She murmured with sorrow for his friend.

"You're mistaken. It wasn't fate that killed my parents. They were killed because of my weakness." Eternus corrected her. "After that, I lost all my senses. I raged and destroyed everything I saw… My power awakened when I had nothing to protect anymore…" He spat to the side, "How useless."

Finding no words to make him feel better, Neko does all she could to comfort him by gently curling u into his lap. She rubbed her sad face with his belly, showing her compassion.

Eternus hesitantly placed his hand on her back and gently began petting her,

"I lost consciousness after killing each of those disgusting creatures that killed my parents. And after that, I was taken to that forest by a Mage called Vankolv, and my nation's General, the Bastard Inura." Eternus's mask showed a spark at their mention depicting that it suppressed another burst of anger yet again.

Neko noticed his mask waver as vague fumes of Gold aura with Dark impurity leaked out from him. Eternus noticed it as well and scoffed, stopping the leaking mana,

"Huh... Now you know why my mask is Black… I bear the fate of Black Darkness."

Neko remained quiet and Eternus continued further, "I cannot smile any longer because I'm confused. Would my parents still smile at me seeing what I've done and become? Why did they curse me while they died?"

Eternus looked at his hands and added, "When I am in rage... everything goes black. And when I return to my senses after being lost in that darkness, I find myself covered in blood, surrounded by death." He bit his lips as he continued, "Tell me Neko, Would my parents still smile at that sight? I couldn't save them... I have no right to smile back at them as they did while they died."

Neko was in tears. However, Eternus' eyes were dry, but she knew that no matter how calm or cold his voice sounded… He was the one in pain the most.

[You saved a village yesterday, many people. Don't you feel happy?] She asked, trying to lighten his mood.

He replied, "I was happy... to see Blaine and the town relieved. But I still couldn't smile. That is why I am on this journey, to find what I had lost four years ago and know Who I truly am."

[Your Black Mask might show your dark fate… But I see two bright rivers of shining gold too.] Neko looked up at his masked face. Eternus's eyes widened as he felt the warmth he felt with his family, coming from Neko.

She shook off the gloom and tried to cheer him up, [You know what, Eternus… I'll go with you wherever you go! We'll find your smile together and all the answers.] She looked up with the brightest of smiles, [You are my friend after all...]

"I'll keep that in mind... Thank you, Neko." He said warmly.

Neko got off his lap and back onto his shoulder,

[Now that I know your story... Let me tell you mine... It isn't like yours and I don't know most of it myself.]

Eternus knew something was up and listened to her words with total attention.

Seeing him pay so much attention, Neko, being her mischievous self, urged to troll him a little.

She filled her lungs with air and spoke really fast,

[I'll tell you if you reach that rock in 20 seconds!!]

"W-whaa" Eternus exclaimed with surprise and began running toward the faraway rock at full speed!