
Chapter 45 : Smart Choices

“Vira.” I looked up to see Marisol standing over me as I held my baby in my arms. “She is beautiful.”

Then, Marisol did something that made my heart still in my chest.

“You have the baby,” she said simply to Varon. “You can take her and leave.”

I looked at my mother in disbelief. I was so shocked that, for a moment, I couldn’t speak. I was so sure that she would rescind her words. It never came though. And I recovered enough to find my voice.

“Are you serious right now?” I asked, letting all of my incredulity sound through in my tone. “This is what you want to say right now? Your granddaughter is in front of you, and you’re kicking her father out?”

But my words, impassioned as they were, had absolutely no effect on Marisol. It was like she had been waiting for this moment just so that she could put that ultimatum before Varon.