
Chapter 28 : My Mother


It had been an insane few days. Tiessa was with child. Finally. After waiting so long, and after doubting whether it would even happen for us, it finally did. The moon blessed us with a child.

And I felt like I could finally breathe.

At first, I thought that it was about the pack. And there was no doubt in my mind that it really was. The Nobles stopped muttering in the Alpha Hall and whispering among themselves. My mate was chosen by the Moon. She had to be. She was carrying my child. My heir.

And while that alone gave me more relief than I ever thought it would, it wasn’t just that. I felt like a heaviness lifted off me too. A heaviness settled on me the night I was forced to kill my father. My father never once thought that it would bother me this much. He never intended for it to. But the truth of the matter was that it did.

It bothered me that I killed him. Even if he was already dying.

And I hated that my mother made me do it. I still did.