
Chapter 25 : More Spies

The first thought that went through my mind was, ‘How did he know I was pregnant?’

And the answer was simple, I wasn’t his only spy.

No matter what I promised him, and no matter what they threatened me with, I wouldn’t tell them anything any longer.

I pictured Serena and her face after losing two children.

This was how I repaid her. I was going to make sure that no one else suffered because of me. It was a poor repayment, and it would never equal her loss, but nothing I was able to do for the rest of my life ever would.

But I still had to do something.

No matter what, I would not give the Crimson Mist any more information. But I still needed to get away from him safely. So, I promised Daejong whatever he wanted to hear, and I snuck in through the kitchen back door before anyone noticed that I was gone.