
Chapter 11 : Not Pregnant

“You are not with child,” Emerys’ words echoed in my mind, replaying itself over and over. “There is no cub growing inside of you. Your red moon will start soon. It was simply late.”

Her words had been going through my mind for the past seven days unbidden, ever since I heard them. I had begun to bleed that same day. But it had already passed. Only six days of red moon.

And now her words followed me everywhere, in my thoughts at all times. And no matter what I did, there was nothing that could get them out of my mind.

It wasn’t the fact that I wasn’t with child that bothered me. No, that part I was eternally grateful for. For now.

It was the fact that soon, I very well would be. And I wasn’t prepared to face that reality yet.

I sat at my vanity and lifted my eyes to stare at my own reflection. My ladies in waiting were just outside my door. I had asked that while they were there to accompany me for everything, they at least give me some space.