
Toxic Hearts

I stared at the alter deep in thoughts, when I heard the trumpet. Sudden silence all over the church, you could hear a pin drop. The sound of footsteps, his footsteps; echoed around the place. I looked away from the floor i'd already spent 5 minutes studying, and saw a man, if not an angel; staring intently at me. He had the most beautiful gray eyes, like a void you could get sucked into if you looked at for just even a second; and for some reason I didn't want to look away. The most pale and beautiful skin I had ever seen, and that beautiful dark ash coloured hair that graced his already stunning face. I was crossed on whether he looked like an angelic devil or a devilish angel.

Dera_xs · Fantasía
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12 Chs

What exactly is the king like.

As i stare into the mirror, wondering if this is going to be the beginning of a love story that begins from an arranged marriage, or the beginning of a tragic story that should have been avoided right from the start, i heard the voice of someone calling. "--lady___My lady."

"uh...yes kara, what is it." i quickly answered.

"Seems like you were lost in thought, are you perhaps excited for your wedding." She asked with a teasing smile on her lips.

"Not exactly kara, um...what exactly is the king like?." i asked.

"I really don't know my lady, but from what i've heard, he is a man full with dignity and valor."

" oh really, that sounds goo--". All of a sudden i saw the senior maid running into my changing room.

"what is taking so long, the ceremony is about to begin and the queen is waiting to see her daughter in her wedding dress." she said in haste.

"almost done madame, its just remaining for the house of Balliol heirloom to be worn on her neck." kara said.

The phoenix tear necklace, an heirloom that has been passed down from generations in the House of Balliol, the second most heard name after the King's name. According to the legends, my great, great grandfather fought side by side with the first King of Euphoria during the great war against the Black Hydra. It was passed down that my great, great grandfather and the first King, after defeating the hydra went into the heavens as a phoenix and a dragon. The villagers believed that the phoenix and dragon will once again return.