
Toxic Emperor

*Not a Overwatch Fic* This work is just an experiment. We do not own none of the characters besides our original ones. *This Fic is set in a world where's the mix of a bunch of animes, video games and things like that. It is not set in a single anime world with elements and characters of another worlds, but rather a conglomerade of many worlds fused together.* Enjoy. We'll release more chapters depending of your support :)

Dereck_Oliveira · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs


Upon hearing what Samael said, mocking a grown ass man who hid behind children, the twins responded.

"You heard that, big sister?" The boy looked at the girl with a smile.

"Yes big brother. Apparently he thinks that we are kids." The girl smiled back.

"Shall we show him that we are grown ups, big sister?" Hänsel's eyes then stared back at Samael.

"Sure, big brother. Let's bring an angel's punishment down upon him." Gretel also followed her brother's actions.

As soon as they finished their little moment Samael started firing upon them. Anybody else would have hesitated since the opponent are two kids, but not him. He had no mercy for anybody in his way, he only allowed them to have a moment because his instincts screamed that the twins deserved to say a couple of final words.

As soon as Samael pulled the trigger, Gretel threw the sheet wrapped around her weapon, revealing a powerful machine gun while Hänsel pulled out an axe. They quickly dashed and dodged the bullets that Samael fired. Their speed was unnatural, for a bunch of kids they reacted like soldiers.

The brother dashed while the sister covered him with rapid fire. Their teamwork was like they were one human being and their movement... It was like Samael was fighting a bunch of tamed animals.

"What the hell is up with these kids? The way they move, their speed, their strenght... It's like I am fighting an enforcer without his ridiculous suit." He whispered as he dodged an axe swing made by the brother only to see the sister coming out of hiding behind her brother with her huge machine gun.

Samael quickly back flipped and dodged the hail of bullets coming his way. As soon as he landed on his feet he immediately fired his machine gun at the twins, forcing them to back off to escape the bullets.

"It's beautiful isn't it? They are genetically created twins, they have more drugs running through their veins than blood. All of their senses have been improved, they feel no fear and yet they are terrific sexual toys. One of my daughters loves to use them as her little pets. Serving the Warlord has its perks, a lethal duo of twins that obey every single word coming out of my mouth and the power... I can do whatever the hell I wish and nobody will complain." Leo monologued, irking Samael.

'Jesus, does this guy not shut up?' Samael thought as he was fighting the twins.

Samael kept dodging Hänsel's ferocious axe swings and Gretel's pinpoint shots, with only tiny windows of time where he could actually fight back. It was quite annoying for him that two children were actually cornering him, but he knew that if he wait they were bound to make a mistake. When that happens, he will strike and separate them.

Evading one more of the brother's axe swings, making him hit the ground, Samael pointed his gun at him and was about to pull the trigger when the boy twisted his body and with a kick, he sent the machine gun flying out of Samael's hands.

"Big sister, now!" Hänsel gave the signal whilst getting out of the way.

"Ok, big brother!" Gretel yelled back and aimed her gun at Samael and pulled the trigger.

Unlike what she was expecting, the moment she pulled the trigger, instead of bullets flying at him, a rough metallic sound was emitted. Her gun jammed, making her eyes widen.

They knew that the enemy they were fighting with was tough. No one that they ever fought, survived for such a long time. They also knew that no one who's that tough would let this chance pass.

Smilling viciously under his mask, Samael pulled out his pistol from underneath his trench coat and aimed at Gretel.

The fraternal instincts that both shared went haywire. While they were brother and sister, they swap their identities using Hänsel and Grete to determine who was who. The boy, acting as Hänsel, moved and before he could even realize, he was already in front of his sister, Gretel. He, under his identity of Hänsel, was willing to take a shot for her... even going as far as dying for her knowing well that even if he died, both were bound to survive, one way or another.

What he wasn't expecting though, was that Samael was not going to shoot. The moment Hänsel got in front of his sister, Samael had already closed in on him and stabbed him with his claw in the neck. The toxins travelled through the vials on his wrist right on to the boy's neck.

Then, he grabbed the boy by the collar and simply threw him through the window. The window was broken and the boy was thrown from the second floor. The sound of his body hitting the floor could be heard by anybody in the room.

Taking out a small box from his breast pocket, he looked at Gretel who was still holding her gun. "I injected your brother with a deadly toxin, his veins will start to bulge and in around 3 minutes he will die." He said to the sister. "Inside this box, there is the antidote to that toxin. So I will give you a choice." Throwing box out of the same window that he threw her brother in, he turned to her. "Either you continue fighting me and wasting my time or you will go after your brother and save his life."

"I'll kill you then I'll save big brother." The sister said with resolution.

"Are you sure? If not even the combined effort of you two could take me down, what makes you think that you, alone, can?" His question made her hesitate. "What a cruel sister you are. You brother was willing to jump in front of a bullet to save you, but you're more focused in complying with your master's orders rather than saving your brother's life." He shook his head.

His words hit her deeply. She didn't know what to do. What path to take. She was not sure if she could kill him and possibly obey her master or simply go and save her brother.

"What are you waiting for? Kill him, you were made to obey me!" Leo screamed, making her aim at Samael.

However, Samael, in return looked at his golden pocket watch. "Tic. Tac. You have one minute and a half before you brother's systems starts shutting down."

Upon hearing that, Gretel finally made her decision. She released her gun and dived out of the window, going after the box that he threw out. There was a little present that he left in that box though. That box carried two vials, one of them carried the antidote the other one carried a more lethal toxin. If she choose the wrong one... then her brother would suffer even more. If she is lucky then her brother will live.

"Look like your little helpers ran out. Who are you going to call now to do your dirty work?" Samael asked as he looked around the trashed room, they were really troublesome twins. He took out a bandage from his pocket and started to treat his wounds. Despite having won, he was pushed back, almost cornered, something that greatly displeased him and left a bitter taste in his mouth. The middle aged man behind the eletric field could do nothing more than observe Samael, he was of no threat to him.

"You might have been stronger than I expected, but this changes nothing. I only lost my entertainment that is all, you have no way to break the field around me. The only thing that I have to do is just lay back and wait for the night to be over and you will soon enough be forced to either retreat or risk being killed by the Warlord's private army." He was right about something, Samael couldn't afford to sit there waiting

In a couple of hours the night will be over and the broken windows, the dead guards at the gates will without a doubt raise suspicion. They might have cut off the communications inside the mansion but all it takes is for a passerby to make a phone call and the entire army stationed in the centre of Paradise will surround the perimeter in seconds.

"I wouldn't count on that. When the armies arrive we will be long gone." A voice resounded through the room while Samael turned around seeing Sombra on the door with a woman and three girls following in front of her.

The woman has blonde hair and a very shapely body, however, her. The girls following the woman looked all under aged. The oldest one was the only one with the appearance of a teenager

"It took you long enough to catch a couple of rats." Samael complained seeing the bound captives that were going to serve as bargain chips.

"Hey, you have no idea of what kind of maze these fuckers have under their house. These 4 were rather quick on their feet, that combined with the remaining of the bodyguards... The cave soon enough turned into guerilla warfare." Sombra said as she pushed the girls forwards, making them stumble and fall onto the ground.

"You see there is something that I forgot to mention. Human beings always have a soft spot, yours is your family." The original plan was to obtain one of his family members and use the hostage as a bargain chip, however apparently the plan worked too well.

They managed to take the first floor faster than the security team could react and they only managed to evacuate the master of the mansion to the eletric field leaving his entire family vulnerable. While the mc ensured that the main target didn't escape, Sombra went after the family.

A simple and yet efficient plan, that had its fair share of risks. If the entire family managed to be evacuated to either outside of the mansion or a safe place then they would have to leave with empty hands. That is if they could even leave with their lives.

"You touch one hand in my family and I will..."

"You will what? Scream out loud empty threats?" Samael asked before Leo could even finish his sentence shutting him up.

Then, Samael walked towards the daughters. The mother immediately got up and stood on his way. "I will not let you harm my daughters."

"Such a beautiful sense of mothership, this is quite a heartwarming sight. If your heart wasn't rotten to the core that is." Samael said to the mother before turning to Leo. "You know, I used to have a family just like yours... Well, we didn't own a huge mansion or a bunch of servants to clean our asses, but we were happy. Oh yeah, we also didn't have parents, but that is irrelevant. The point is that I know what it is like to lose a family and I would rather not kill yours. So I will offer you a deal." The memories of his childhood flashed through his eyes in the spam of a second. With no parents he only had one family member that he cared for and that was enough for him. Until that day came...

"If it is money that you want take as much as you can possibly carry. Just leave us alone." The mother immediately said not allowing Samael to even mention his deal.

"I don't want your money..."

"What he means to say is that we will take your money later, we have priorities."

Sombra interjected before he could even finish. There is no way that she is saying no to free money. He just sighed and pulled out his pistol again.

With little to not patience left. He pointed towards one of the daughters with his gun, watching them shiver in fear. "I will count to three, if you don't get out of your little cage you will lose your wife. After your wife, I will kill your daughters one by one. Remember you are the one forcing my hand. One... Two..."

"OK! Ok, don't shoot. I am coming out." Leo said as he clicked on a button in the armrest of his chair and the force field went down. As soon as the force field went down Sama walked directly towards Leo and pulled him up by his shirt's collar.

"So here is how it is going to be. You are going to show me the location of your vault and you are going to give all the blueprints that you own. I don't think that I need to tell you what happens if you don't do as I asked." He pointed towards one of the daughters with his gun, watching them shiver in fear.

"Do you have any idea of what you are asking for? You could take all of the money that you want, but the blueprints... they are another story. I have designed all types of buildings for the Warlord, if those blueprints fall onto your hands... The Warlord would use everything that he has on his disposal to hunt you down." Those blueprints are impossible to find or hack since the warlord doesn't keep a digital record of his most important buildings. The only ones that have the plants to important key government buildings are either the warlord or the architects that designed the place. To plan a heist or a break in, blueprints are essential and they are kept under extremely tight security. Stealing from the warlord is pretty much suicide, which only leaves one option.

"You never get tired of saying the same thing do you? I already said multiple times that I couldn't give a rat's ass for what the Warlord thinks or does. If he wants to come after me, then so be it." Samael said, staring back at Leo's eyes.

"You are wasting your time. People like him only learn after a demonstration of what you are capable of." Sombra said out loud, tired of the guy's stalling.

Agreeing with her, Samael turned his towards the eldest daughter and shot her in the leg. Her screams were annoying to say the least, but the message was still sent. The mother immediately rushed towards her daughter's side.

"In around 30 minutes she is going to bleed out, if she doesn't get medical treatment. Keep stalling and I will force you to watch your daughter lose her life." Leo tried to rush towards his daughter's side, just to be punched right in the gut, forcing him to go back to his knees.

"Margaret, put pressure on Stephanie's wound!" Leo screamed at his wife while Samael pointed the gun towards another daughter. "Wait! D-Don't shoot. There is a safe bellow the chair where I was sitting."

Samael looked at Sombra and pointed towards the chair with his head. Sombra rolled her eyes understanding what he was implying. "You know you are going to overwork me to death." She said as she kicked the chair, sending it flying towards the wall. She then took out a small knife and ripped out the carpet. When she pulled the carpet out, a huge safe made from titanium was revealed.

"I can't hack this. This is a an ancient safe as old as my grandma. I need the code or i can't open it." She turned to him.

Samael then punched Leo in the face. "The code."

"4-5-2-1-3." Leo spit out a teeth from the punch but still answered.

Sombra inserted the numbers given and sure enough the vault opened.

"Well? Are the blueprints there?' Samael asked since he couldn't see the inside of the vault.

"Holy shit! This guys is loaded, look at all these platinum." Sombra said out loud showing off a bunch of paper money.

Paper money is currency emitted from the central bank, to put it simple if you want to own a bunch of platinum and you don't feel like carrying a bunch of coins you can have one of those papers printed out.

"Sombra focus, are the blueprints inside of the vault?"

"Yes, they are you killjoy." She pulled out a bunch of papers from the inside of the vault and rushed towards his side. "Here."

She delivered the papers.

Samael immediately took a look, there were all types of buildings designs on those papers. Any thief would pay a small fortune just for a page.

"You got what you wanted, now leave us alone." The confident man that was once in this room is now long gone. He is but a former shell of his past self, he had to watch as his family was threatened. His daughter was shot in front of his eyes.

The effects on his mental health were so great that his appearance aged for at least a couple of years in only one night.

"Not so fast. Sit down, I need you to tell me everything that you know about this building." Samael forced him back down and unrolled the biggest paper that was in the safe.

"I was only in charge of a small section of that place, it is a complete fortress. The only way in is through..."

Before he could finish the sound of the window shattering was heard throughout the room while Samael's sensitive ears immediately picked up the sound. His reaction time was unhuman, but it was too late. The bullet went through that man's head.

"SNIPER! Sombra get down!" Samael and Sombra immediately dived towards the floor and used the walls as cover. The walls were a temporary cover, but the precision on that sniper shot was insane.

Before even he could even react, four more bullets were shot and they landed exactly on the family of the deceased man. He fought so hard to protect his family and in the end he died on the hands of somebody that wasn't him.

Well it is not like that changed their fate, Samael was going to kill them all either way once they told him everything that he wanted to hear. The problem is that he died before he gave him the answers he wanted.

"Did you get a good look on the sniper's position?" He asked.

Sombra shook her head. "No, the only thing that I saw was a small bright light, probably the reflection from the scope of the sniper. What about you, could you hear the gun being fired?'

Sombra knew that he had an extremely sharp nose and hearing. To the point where she thought that he was half dog once, he can hear a gun being fired from kilometres away if he is focused enough.

"No. Whoever it is that is shooting that gun, the bastard has a ridiculous aim. I don't think that he is even on the line of sight." A sniper of that calibre was rare.

There were snipers that could shoot from far away distances, but the ones that were a real threat were the ones that you couldn't spot even with enhanced vision. They were like ghosts firing from dozens of kilometres away and if you even came close they would simply disappear.

"What kinda of monster did they send after your ass? And how did it find us so fast?" He was about to respond until he heard something that broke his thought process completely. "Footsteps... Loads of them at the door of the mansion, they are rushing towards our direction."

Sombra was as surprised as him.

"What? How is that even possible? The plan was executed perfectly. How many are we talking about?"

He took out a clip from his pistol and saw that he only had 8 rounds. The only thing left besides that was 4 toxin grenades.

"At least 100 soldiers from the sound of the footsteps. Sombra, I am gonna need you to go invisible." He looked at her.

Sombra narrowed her eyes at what he was suggesting. "You are not expecting me to run away while you fight here to you death, are you?"

Samael placed the clip back onto his gun and sighed. "No. They don't know that you are helping me. At least not yet, when I give you the signal I want you to pull the pins in my coat."

Sombra smiled and turned invisible without asking anymore questions. She knew what she had to do and she had no time to talk it through. As soon as she turned invisible the armed soldiers broke through the door.

"On the ground Now!"

"Hands where I can see them!"

Samael was rather surprised, normally soldiers fire then ask questions. But not as surprised as when he laid eyes upon the individual leading the operation. "You gotta be shitting me... You again?"