
1. Tower Of Eternity

"Alright, we have arrived at Ming Town." a coachman shouted to the people in the carriage behind him.

Many of the passengers exited the carriage with looks of exhaustion and relief. Some of them couldn't even stand up straight for a while.

The coachman looked at his passengers in confusion. Although the ride was a bit long, it shouldn't have tired them to this level.

It wasn't until the last passenger came out that the coachman figured out the reason.

A young boy with long black hair that covered his face stepped out of the carriage. The coachman immediately felt a sense of pressure he had only felt once before.

'Martial Warrior!' The coachman thought as an expression of shock appeared on his face.

How come he didn't know that there was a Martial Warrior on the carriage.

The coachman thought about the weird expression his boss had when he had set out for this trip. The words his boss said finally made sense to him now.


"No matter what happens, just drive the carriage like you always do and make sure to ignore all of the customers this time."

"Sure, I guess. But why this time?"

"Just don't say anything, act like everything is normal."



Thinking about how he had nonchalantly ignored his boss' advice made the coachman break out into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he didn't do anything to offend this Martial Warrior.

'Wait, why is he on this carriage?' The coachman couldn't think of a reason why such a talented Martial Warrior would take a carriage like this.

He assumed the boy was talented because of his age. In an area as backward as this, Martial Warriors were extremely rare, not to mention those of the boy's age.

Many of them who were Martial Warriors at the boy's age were the children of large clans.

'Could he have become a Martial Warrior in such a desolate place?' The coachman was confused as more theories kept popping into his head.

'Why would he come to a small town like this?' The coachman knew better than anyone that there was barely anything to experience in this small town.

"Could it be..." The coachman's face lit up as he thought of a small rumor that had been circulating in this small town as of lately.

'I need to leave!' The coachman finally realised why his boss had left him to drive such an important passenger to such a desolate area.


Kai shook his head as he stepped out of the carriage. The light irritated his eyes for a bit before going back to normal.

He looked around a bit before settling his gaze on the person closest to him.

"Excuse me." Kai called out to the middle-aged man.

"Y-Yes." The man stammered as he answered Kai.

"Where is the town square?" Kai asked as he ignored the man's discomfort.

"That way." the man pointed. He calmed himself down when he noticed Kai didn't have any malicious intent.

"I see. Thank you." Kai said as he picked up a bag and a long item wrapped in cloth. Everyone there could tell what the item was though.

'A sword.'

Kai then walked in the direction the man pointed. He knew the man wouldn't lie to him.

As Kai walked off, he heard the collective sigh of the group behind him. He shook his head as a wry smile appeared on his face.

He had gotten used to this reaction a long time ago. It was one of the few reasons he had left his village.

He turned to see the coachman setting off, Kai shook his head at the man's futile efforts to escape. He decided to ignore it. After all, he had already warned the boss.

Kai looked white ribbon hanging off his wrist for a while. If one looked close enough, they would be able to read a list of names and a few doodles.

Kai unbound it from his arm and used it to tie up his hair. His pale face was exposed to the light as he opened his eyes. His blue eyes sparkled as a look of resolve appeared on his face.

A sense of pressure escaped Kai's body as he walked off. The commoners in his path kneeled as they struggled to breathe.

He looked at the crowded town square ahead as a smile filled with battle intent filled his face.

'This is just the first stop.'


Meanwhile in a small tea shop, a man opened his as he lightly smiled.
