
Tower Of Babel: Myu's Wrath

[This Is An Original Novel] The city of Uruk, the only city in the entire world. The Tower Of Babel, a tower created by the gods that extends into the heavens. A wish that can only be granted if one reaches that top. A little girl from the slums undergoes her awakening. With the flames of wrath and her goal to have her wish granted, her wish to bring her sister back to life, Myu begins her climb in the tower built by the gods. Will she be able to make it to the top? How many floors does the tower actually have? Trials and tribulations await the young girl who lost her world in an instant. Only to be granted new life, reborn in the flames of wrath. + 10 Advanced Chapters can be found on Patreon!  https://www.patreon.com/invayne Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Show your support and buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/invayne Follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/

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20 Chs

The Strangeness About Her Body

"Here that Tio you got a new friend." Mich smiled and rubbed Tio's head, which caused her to puff her cheeks out at him and slap his hand away. She then looked Myu up and down before grabbing her hand and saying. "Come let's play!"

"Wait, Tio! Let her…." Mich sighed as he watched his daughter pull Myu away. He might have said that his and his wife's room was on the other side of the living area, but that was a lie. His wife had long passed. She had also been a climber.

Because he was always busy with the inn work he did not have much time for his own daughter that he cherished which is why he was willing to let Myu stay. He felt slightly bad since he felt like he was tricking Myu but he was giving her a good deal. Normally it was five silver a night with food included. He cut the price to one silver since he felt that maybe with Myu around Tio would not feel as lonely.

Myu wasn't able to escape Tio's claws until nightfall. But she did not mind spending time with the little girl. She was quite cute and allowed her to keep her mind off her sister. But when she was alone, Myu sat on the bed that was now temporarily hers and felt a little lost. At a time like this, she and Rio would be getting ready to sleep. She would be washing off her body with a damp towel and water that came from the mountain spring.

While lost in thought, a knock came on Myu's door snapping her out of her thoughts. "Come in…."

As the door opened, Tio's head poked through. "Myu, the bath is ready."

"Ah, thank you." Myu smiled and got up. She left the room led by Tio, who showed her to the bathroom.

"Papa, don't ever use this bathroom, so it is ours to share. So if you have anything you wish to keep in here, you can. I clean it normally once a day to keep busy, so it is always clean." Myu looked around the bathroom and felt it was quite luxurious. Well, to her, anyway. In the slums, you had a pot to go in if you were lucky. To keep things from getting messy, this pot was brought to a pit halfway up the mountain that, once full, would be burned while a second pit would then be used. Because it was located away from the slums, the stench very rarely ever reached the slums itself. However, there would be a few days when it would really stink.

But here in this inn, there was an actual bath and a working toilet. This was technology that had been found in the tower. From what Myu remembered while she researched as much as she could about the tower itself, the toilets and baths were found on the seventh floor in an abandoned town that was full of undead monsters.

A group of people brought the technology back since they thought they could make a pretty penny off it, and after a few years of testing the runes that were inscribed inside, they found that climbers with the water attribute could easily create them. But from what she heard, they should still be quite expensive, so she was surprised to see one here of all places.

Myu watched carefully as Tio showed her how to use everything before leaving Myu to wash up on her own. Myu stood in front of the polished bronze mirror and sighed. "Rio… You wouldn't believe it if I told you, but I am going to be using the same bath and toilet as the gods. Although I find it funny that I have not had to go once since I awakened. I wonder if there is something wrong with me. Maybe my awakening failed somehow? Well… Either way, I will keep climbing and will work hard to reach the top floor. Only then can I try to ask to bring you back to life so I can give you a life without worrying about when you will eat or how we will survive the next few days.

"If you are watching over me, then don't be too jealous as I take this bath. I never had one before, so this will be a new experience!" Myu clicked her fingers, and all her clothes and even her bow suddenly went up into flames and sucked into her body. She stood there and inspected herself for a few seconds before pausing and tilting her head. "Now that I think about it. My clothes are made of fire…."

Pursing her lips, Myu walked over to the bath and got in. She sat in the water for no more than a few seconds before the water started boiling. Myu started to panic at first but soon realized that she did not feel the heat of the water at all. Even though it was bubbling and steaming up, she did not feel hot at all.

"Am I made of fire!?" Myu frowned slightly. After thinking for a moment, she took her thumbnail and pierced her skin. "Tss!" It hurt, and she even started bleeding, but soon a small flame appeared, and her wound instantly healed. Even the blood that dripped out had dried up and flaked off.

"So I can feel pain and bleed, but it heals right away. My clothes are also made of flames, so I can only think that maybe my body is partially made of flames?" Myu did not know what was what, but for the time being, she had to get out of the bath. It had already evaporated by a lot.

"Rio, it seems enjoying a bath is still beyond me…." Myu sighed as she dipped her head under the water and ran her fingers through it a few times before standing up. She noticed that as soon as she did, everything dried almost instantly. She got out and took two steps, and her hair bow and clothes were back in place. "Can I wear something else?"

Myu thought for a moment, but even after picturing a nightgown that she had seen in one of the stores in the city, still nothing happened. She could only give up as she did as Tio told her and drained the bath before exiting the bathroom and heading back to her room. It was just that, she did not feel sleepy at all.

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Advanced Chapters can be found on Pat-reon!’

(JP Translation) My Father is a Hero, My Mother is a Spirit, the Daughter (Me) is a Reincarnator +2 Chapters and more to come!

Tower Of Babel: Myu's Wrath + 10 chapters and more to come!

Legend Of Yuki: The Wrath Of The Tailed Asura + 10 chapters and more to come!

Yuki In The Land of Fire + 12 advance chapters and more to come!

The Bored Hero + 5 advance chapters and more to come!

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