
Tower defense: Sacrificial tome from the start!

In a world where life was once ordinary, a blinding white light changed everything in an instant. Billions of inhabitants vanished from the only planet in the galaxy with life, leaving behind empty cities and abandoned structures. Among the survivors was William Davis, an average 22-year-old who was content with his ordinary life. But his world turned upside down when he woke up in a strange place, surrounded by unknowns with dangers lurking everywhere. As William tried to make sense of his new reality, he saw something out of the ordinary that made the gears in his brain move faster. 'A tower?' Waves and waves of monsters came for his tower with the intention to destroy it but how could William let it happen? His life was binded with it! Follow William's journey as he masters the use of his ever-upgrading tower while also building bonds of a lifetime.

sahejRocks · Juegos
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89 Chs

After effects


William was panting while his back was hunched, the book in his hand was smacked on the ground. 

He had slammed the poor tome on the ground many times before stopping which took most of his energy. 

The Sacrificial book was heavy, it was expected with the metallic demon on it and the book having more than a thousand pages.

'Is it dead?' William had the feeling of retracting the book from the ground and stepping back.


But he felt a bit of movement under the book so he just kept one of his feet on it too.

And then came the other, William had his arms on the side of the book while his feet were in the center trying to put as much pressure as possible.

'The book is bigger than I thought…' 

The book had a big surface area, even after William kept both his feet on it, there was still enough space to keep his hands there too.

After a few seconds, the object on his wrist beeped twice. William looked at the button coming out of the object as if telling him to click on it.

His hands were busy so after thinking for a few, he clicked the button with his chin.


[Congratulations on completing the first wave!]

[You were the 1,024,050,002th to complete the wave successfully!]

[Rewards shifted to the tower]

[Detected 1 dead monster- Convert it to Tower Points? YES NO]

[You have leveled up! Look at the system to know more about it.]


"Wait, Dead?" William looked below him and he stepped back.

He looked at the book for moments and finally retracted it.


"Ugh…" William groaned in disgust after looking at the battered corpse of the rat, there were some flesh remnants left on the book as William retracted it.

"YES YES, take my Yes anytime for this." William clicked on the 'Yes' option on the hologram and something unbelievable happened. 

A white light flashed from the corpse that William couldn't look directly.

The light shone for 2 seconds before it passed William speedily toward the tower.

William's reaction speed was not good as it saw the light move past him, in the end, he could only look toward the tower the next second with dumbfoundedness.

"What the hell?" William looked toward the ground and there was nothing left of the corpse, no blood on the ground, not even a little of that battered mess. Even the book was magically clean.

He ran toward the tower to see what happened and stopped at the gate.


There was nothing strange about it, but William had seen the flashing light go inside the tower and the corpse disappear in front of him. Even the mess on the book had cleaned itself as if there was nothing on it to begin with.

William went to the button in the tower and clicked it just as the hologram had told him.


Tower points- 1

Upgrade options- 2

First Wave reward available- Click to get it

Second wave in 5:00:00


"It changed to one… Cool!" A smile bloomed on William's face.

The options of the tower upgrade had increased to two which was seen as a curiosity for William.


The object on his wrist had some notifications yet he first had to take the reward and see what the upgrade options were.


[You have opened the first wave's gift!]

[Congratulations! Transferred 5 Tower Points to the tower.]


'I would have liked a gun or something but this is fine too I guess… Now for the upgrade options…'

William clicked on the upgrade options and the hologram elongated from the right and another prompt opened just beside the normal information of the tower.


Tower Maintenance- 3 Tower points per 1 Tower Health point (Already full) 

+5 Tower's defense ability- 5 Tower points 


'These are some good options huh, but one is useless right now, the tower is alright. What about its defense increase?' William racked his brain in thinking if he should use the only five Tower points he had in increasing the tower's defense which would in turn help his survival.

'Wait, the defense needs 5 Tower Points and I have 5 points too… Is this just a coincidence or someone is trying to test my decisions?'

It was already obvious that something was out there looking at William's every single moves. 

Even he could tell that this was a type of game and someone had forced everyone in playing it. But for what reason? Fun or something else? 

'I have to first make the present safe for me before thinking about the future.'


"Ugh, is it Tom again?"

William smacked the button on his arm in annoyance but it was more than what he was expecting.


William Davis

Tower level 0

Level 1

EXP- 0/50

Title: None


Race: Basic Human

Vitality: 11

Dexterity: 8

Wisdom: 7

Intelligence: 10

Mana: 13

Equipment: Sacrificial Tome(Binded)


There was the same description of his stats in front of him but many things had changed, William could see that he leveled up and there was yet another notification just below the status.


[Leveled up! +1 to Vitality, Dexterity, Wisdom, Intelligence, and Mana!]


'Hoh? So with every level up, every stat increases by one? That is pretty great. My vitality increased too…'

Many things were still unknown to him but one thing was perfectly clear. 

The greed for increasing the Vitality to increase his chances of using the sacrificial tomb.

William just sighed, clearly burdened by many thoughts that didn't seem to dwindle anytime soon. The unknowns were just too many to not stay on his toes all the time.

He sat inside the tower and closed his eyes, after a few minutes of resting his mind, a sound came from his body and he opened his eyes with a frown.

"Wait? Don't tell me…"


Yes, William was hungry and it was the first time in this damned place that he realized the need for food too! But how? So much was going on that he had the most basic thing a life as feeble as he needed.

There was no food in this small area. How does one get food to begin with?

"Fuck… did I make a mistake with the corpse? Was that my food supply?!"