
Touhou Project : Destiny of the human in Gensokyo

We follow the story of a man forcibly taken by Yukari to Gensokyo. This one between dangers and survival must discover the reason while facing yokais, deities, and other beings mostly powerful or even hostile. He will make as many allies as enemies. What will he have left at the end of the road? What will he win or lose? Follow the story of a man of faith whose certain things sometimes conflict with it. Step into this breach! --------------------------------------- Universe created by Zun. Thanks to him for giving a lot of freedom to his fans.

Croix09Lotus · Otras
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17 Chs

Judgment day

This morning, the Yama, namely Shiki eiki yamazanadu, does me the honour of judging me in person.  At the same time, the lemure she should perform had no money.  Therefore, may he rest in peace.  But, things got complicated, because - indirectly - this lemure comes from me, and I was not judged for my human life that I became a yokai;  which is a shame given that their way of judging souls in the east is different from that of the west.  Yes, we agree: this is stupid reasoning.  Anyway, you have to go through the tower of Jade Blanche.  I warmly greet Miss Saigyouji Yuyuko, as well as her servant Yuyuko.  Once at the Sanzu River, a shinigami came to transport me in her boat.  And this time, I have my six pieces.

I whistle immediately when I see the scythe she is holding.  At the same time, since I'm going to be bored to death, I might as well get to know each other.  On the way to my judgement, I decided to strike up a conversation with death.

"Good morning !  You're Onozuka Komachi, if I'm not mistaken.  My name is ...."

"Enoikíasi Angelos or Angelos Enoikíasi.  You have interested me a lot as a human.  You were still born on the same day as Jesus Christ himself!  Say, how was Greece?"

"At first, it was fine.  Afterwards, it went live as we say today in the outside world, I explained to him.  Being a Ningen Yokai, I master human language through time and space and even eras."

"Convenient !  In this regard, it seems that you have created a map of the world and that you plan to take control of the empire."

" Yeah... It was a dream a bit, no, ambitious for my time.  And that caused a lot of deaths.  So, I decided to go into exile according to the laws of my country."

"Well, I pity you.  At least that calmed you down.  How was your life in Japan?

Even if thirteen years as a human is quite short, I am very happy to have known this country.  People were nice there finally after several years, but hey.  This is understandable."

"In any case, we are almost there.  Good luck to you!"

"Thank you so much."

Rule number 1 in society: Always be polite.  Rule number 2 in society: respect comes next.  It's time for my judgement.  On the way to the tribunal of souls!  I enter then bow before the judge of good and evil of Gensokyo:

"Angelos Enoikíasi, Greek, was born on December 25, year 0, and died on December 25, year 33. The eldest son of a high noble family, in charge of transmitting messages to the Emperor of Greece.  During your childhood, you developed various things that allowed the good development of your country and the people around you.  However, in a desire to do good, but being blinded by your ambition, you wanted to start a war and take control of Greece and the world.  But it led to the death of your loved ones as well as your denial by your parents.  You were condemned to exile at the age of 20.  I am wrong ?"

"No... Everything you say is true.  I did no matter what.  May your sentence be...

"That's not all.  At the age of 8, you were diagnosed with psychopathy.  So you had no empathy for your loved ones, afraid to show you charm but manipulation. You don't care about the risks of your actions, whether they are good or bad.  Is it okay, or do you want me to continue?"

"You are right.  Since small I developed this behaviour, and I did not really seek to cure some finally until I made myself exiled."

"I'm coming.  The very reason why you don't end up in hell, then silence!"

I shut up immediately.  She clears her throat, then continues:

"Following the great inconvenience, it seems that you have decided to take control of your life.  The first thing is your rescue of missing boys at sea. Then you helped build a dam that almost collapsed.  You worked in the field to finally have handed over a third of your provisions as well as those of the people who could no longer carry out this activity..."

I stopped listening from there, just waiting for my sentence.  I remember very well, if not too well, my stay in Japan in the first century.  It was beautiful, people - even if some at the beginning made my life very hard, like trying to kill me, that's fine with me.  I wonder if they have all joined the afterlife.  Damn, what am I talking about?  I'd better listen to it. Otherwise, I risk taking a lot of money.

"That's your judgment as a human being."

"I see."

I guess I should be in hell.

"As a human, you will have known how to be..."

I am ready for my sentence.

"In Heaven."

What ?!  But is it a joke?

"Are you sure?  I started a war anyway."

"It is.  I'm never wrong.  First of all, I have one last question: Earlier, I said it was because you were blinded by your ambition.  Did you listen to the sequel?"

"No, I am sorry."

"That is what I thought."

She sighs and then closes the book before becoming serious:

"On the other hand, since you wandered too long before becoming a Yokai, consider this judgment as a kind of complement because the next one, your real judgment will be as a human and yokai and as far as you are concerned, I blame you for not  not take enough care of your pathology.  Otherwise , it will play tricks on you and seriously."

And shit!

"You can go now.  We will meet again one day or another."