
Touchdown on Talonlands

Felix is a gwenen sheltered from the surface world in a tower vast and tall. When viral monsters start to shift the tower's ecosystem, he struggles to understand them and even begins to question himself. If he isn't careful, the bodies and minds of his kind are at risk of shifting too...

Silverwingsdragon · Fantasía
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19 Chs


Through the grass Felix, Error, the artifex and Pipe got further and further from the artifex signals. Error stopped for a moment to pick Felix up and place him on his back. Pipe found the opportunity to hop onto Error's rump. Error continued walking through the grass like a lion, clueless to Pipe.

"I'm glad you found an artifex Felix. We're quite the lucky ones today," Error smiled. 

"How so?" Felix asked. 

"Well in ancient frogen mythos artifexes are a sign of good things to come, or at least interesting things. They are the great artists and observers of the universe. Everything they affect is touched by their beauty, playfulness and creativity. If an artifex likes you, then you truly are a lucky person." Error explained.

"Sounds like the exact opposite of monsters," Felix said. 

"Exactly. Unfortunately artifexes influence is limited, unlike the will of the monsters. Monsters transform everything, even nature itself," Error said. 

"I see that," Felix's brows went up, "Should I be afraid of the new growths?" 

"Definitely," Error said. Felix sighed. He didn't want to be afraid of his home, "The monsters are taking the entire planet and making it their own. If you don't want to grow like the plants, make sure to stay away." 

Something dashed through the grass making a huge racket. What looked like a wild boar jumped out at Error, but he swatted it with a claw making it collapse. On closer inspection it had red squinty eyes, a shell, dripping fangs, and a barbed scorpion tail. The boar got up and ran off through the grass, squealing.

"What was that?" Felix asked as he relaxed again.

"That was a monster. I don't know all their names, that might've been a new one. They come out with new ones all the time," Error said.

"Could I try to name it?" Felix asked.

"Sure if you can think of something," Error smiled. He put his swatting paw down and continued walking through the grass.

"Hmm.." Felix sat back, "Do you know what a monster like that would do?" 

"Well we're in the early transitional period of monsterfication, and the creature had large fangs and a barbed tail. I'd say it's the type to turn more creatures into monsters. Not sure what the tail and the fangs do independently, but one of them has to make a monster out of someone." Error said. 

"Turn stuff into stuff.. maybe hooved death? That doesn't have anything to do with a change does it? Just that it has hooves," Felix chuckled.

"It still works. A lot of monsters have that job. Even if you named it after that trait, there would still be a billion who do the same thing," Error said. 

They passed a devil wolf who was chewing her paw. She got up and took a step away from them before continuing.

"Those are called devil wolves right? What's with them?" Felix asked. He watched the wolf as they went by. 

"They're the most common monster, and they're really basic. Just claws, teeth, and big fat head," Error smiled briefly, "Despite all looking the same, they're pretty diverse.They have society and children, but they're still mostly jerks. I've been friends with a couple myself. They don't know it, but their loyalty to a good friend goes bounds. Devil wolf monsters rarely understand a good deed until they've felt one, and some of them really appreciate it."

"I thought you said you shouldn't have anything to do with monsters? Aren't they too risky to be around? Too unpredictable?" Felix asked.

"For you, definitely. I know when to take risks and when not to because I've been at this for so long. It doesn't mean I know everything. I'm still scared, and I'll never feel comfortable around them. Also, unlike you, the monsters can't seem to make me one of them. That's why they chase me. They don't like knowing there's someone out there who's untouchable. They want to make everyone cursed, like them. If they can't do that then there's a flaw in the system, and they won't stop until they are a flawless force."

"Sound's organized." Felix said. 

"It really isn't. They're more like a cluster of white blood cells rather than an army. They follow their disgusting instincts and it happens to lead them straight to me." Error said. They met a wall. Error followed it to try and find the hole. His claws slid on the walls in a gentle slide.

"Oh...Error where do monsters come from?" Felix asked. 

"That's a good one. Nobody's entirely sure," Error grumbled, "Some say they've always been. Some say it comes from the corruption of an ancient society. Some say it was created by a long gone ancient space empire. Some say it's all of those things. Monsters are almost as old as all time, but because of their destructive nature, their history is often erased. I've heard all the stories. Doesn't mean they're valuable. Monsters often tell them, and monsters often lie in order to trap me."

"Is that what Dog was doing?" Felix asked. Error stopped, his claw still on the wall.

"Mnn. Yes… He wants me more than any other…" Error sighed. He continued walking across the wall until he found the hole. He walked in and through to the Locker Chambers, or the hallway at the beginning of the story. 

Felix noticed he had quieted. 

"Error? How long have you been chased by Dog?" Felix asked. Error didn't say anything, "Error?" 

"... I…" He hesitated, stopped, and looked to Felix on his back, "I was twenty four years old… Now I'm five million six hundred and three," He faced down on the ground, "I'm not good at math so.. you can just imagine how long it's been." 

Felix gasped.

"That's awful!" He put his hand on Error's side to pet and comfort him. The artifex did the same, "We'll find you a way out of this ok?"

"I admire your positive outlook Felix, but you don't have to try and save me. I'm a waste of time. You should be focusing on saying goodbye to the people you love, not waste it on cowards like me." Error continued through to the locker room halls. 

"Why would you say that? You're not a coward," Felix said, "You saved me from that dragon."

"I killed the dragon because it was easy. It doesn't prove anything. So what? I squash a bug biting your ankle. I didn't let you die. I like my friends alive, but once you get to know me you'll realize that I like being alive more than I value anyone. Don't rely on me for helping you if I can't help myself. Hate to be true! but I've been stuck being a crappy person far beyond my original lifespan! I'm used to being stuck as myself…" Error ranted, his head straight and low. His voice echoing through the halls.

"...Everyone can change for the better," Felix said softly. He was quickly running out of things to stay positive with.

"Not me…" Error opened his mouth to say something, but just repeated himself, "Not me.."

Silence. The mushrooms here weren't as large as they were plentiful and bright. They had new spots on them too. Error avoided them in his sulk. Short grasses painted all the walls and ceilings. Error stepped on them without much care. He passed an open locker full of little white flowers. They reminded Felix of the shapes on Error's tablecloth.

Felix remembered the frogen book as Error walked up the stairs out of the Locker Chambers. Now they were in the crumbling maze closest to Error's capsule. This place was still the same, but it was darker than night.

"Error? Was the tower once.. your home?" Felix asked. Error sighed. 

"No, I wasn't around for it when it was active. I was already trying to outrun the monsters," Error said.

"But this used to be the planet you lived on? The tower's on a planet..?" Felix asked. Error chuckled.

"Yes the tower's on a planet, and I used to live on the planet. It's not recognizable to me much anymore but I like to keep my identity solid by visiting," Error said. 

"Woah.. Where do you go when you're not here?" Felix asked. 

"Space mostly. I travel to other habitable planets for supplies in an endless attempt to escape the monsters," Error said.

"Sounds exhausting." Felix said.

"It is what it is," Error sighed.

"I wish life was different for you. I don't know what I would do if I was in your footsteps." Felix said. His voice echoing over the dripping walls.

"Sad to say, but you'll face something similar soon. It's only a matter of time. I can't save you Felix," Error said bluntly.

"That's not always true. Everything doesn't always happen the same way," Felix said, "...Right?"

"I don't know. It's pretty likely to happen the same way. I've seen it around twelve times, not including my own personal experience," Error walked up stairs. Light grew until he walked down the last hall and turned right. Daylight in his sight. He raised his head to it and stopped, "A kid just beginning his life only to have it ripped from him. To live the rest of it alone, in a nightmare so horrible he often questions if this is really a reality," He lowered his head. 

The way Error looked into that void without turning away confused Felix. 

Felix looked out to the swirling winds around the tower. It surely didn't look the way it appeared. There was a ground even if it appeared to be blue space, a sun and clouds without reason. Maybe that wasn't so confusing, or maybe it didn't bother him anymore. Maybe it was ok to be confused about it. 

Error walked into his apartment, into the kitchen, through the library, and upstairs to his room. There, Felix slid off his back and took his backpack off. He brought the artifex to Error's bed and laid him there. 

Error looked back to his rump to see Pipe sitting there.

"Last stop parasite," He growled. Pipe got up and hopped off. She sat in a corner, tucking her legs back in, "Grrg. She's going to tell Dog we're here."

"Why'd you let her stay?" Felix asked.

"I didn't," Error said.

"...What do we do? If she leaves she'll tell Dog," Felix said. His eyes widened.

"She doesn't have to tell Dog for him to know," Error said. Felix quieted, "Don't worry so much about it. He's only on the planet to begin with because he's on my tail. He's going to find me if I don't keep moving. That's how it works. The only problem right now is the storm outside. I'd fly right on out there and escape to the rest of the planet, but for now the winds push me right back into the tower. Somehow not even spacecraft can escape it. It's… strange."

"Do you think someone is responsible?" Felix asked. 

"Probably. I'll have to deal with it either way. There's no point in trying to find the origin. I only need to get past it. Everybody's got a long backstory around here. I don't need to hear it," Error walked up to the artifex and checked his burns, "Hmm. I'm going to get a wet towel," Error grumbled. He turned around and walked downstairs.


Downstairs in the kitchen Felix sat in a large chair drawing Pipe. Pipe was on the table, almost like a condiment. Felix looked up at her.

"Pipe do you know where monsters come from?" He asked her. 

"They come from your big ears," Pipe hissed.

"No they don't!" Felix chuckled.

"Where do you come from? Your mommy? Does it look like anybody is able to answer that question?? No. So shut up," Pipe said. 

"Well where do you come from?" Felix asked.

"Why?? So you can tell everyone about me? What am I your peer? Please stop asking stupid questions. Is all you do ask stuff? 'Oh Error I don't know anything please tell me how not to be dead in three days' Learn on your own like everybody else," Pipe said. 

"It's good to ask questions.." Felix said. 

"It's also really annoying," Pipe said.

"And you're really mean," Felix said. 

"Yeah and? What are you going to do? Cry about it? Grow up, nobody's just going to be nice to you for no reason. That's not how the world works." Pipe said. 

"Plenty of people have been nice to me for no reason. You're really missing out Pipe," Felix said. He propped his head up on the table using his arms. 

"I guess you're a mind reader too now wow. Look at you thinking people are actually nice without alternative motives. That's going to get you killed and I won't be around to help you because nobody cares about your ignorant sorry little butt." Pipe said. 

"Yeah ok," Felix rolled his eyes. He propped up his drawings of Pipe so that she could see them.

".... Oh..!" She squeaked. 

Felix put the drawing back down.

"No! let me see!" She got up and wobbled over to the drawing.

Felix propped the drawing back up and Pipe stood in front of it. After a bit Felix noticed a little nose coming out of the top end of the upsides down 'J'. Then ears and eyes. The nose at the end was wide but the rest of the snout was very narrow. Her coat was light brown with white markings, almost like a weasel and a horse combined. Her ears were too big to fully escape the pipe so they were flat except for the ends perking up. 

She caught Felix looking at her with shock on his face. Her entire body retracted back into the pipe and fell over like a bowling pin. 

"Aw Pipe don't hide," Felix said, trying to get a look at her face again.

"Don't talk to me!" She barked. 

"You're really interesting to look at," Felix said. 

"You're a liar!" Pipe hissed.

"I just want to draw you. I'm curious!" Felix said.

"Not a good enough reason!" Pipe barked.

"Hmmm," Felix tapped his foot, "I want to know as much about monsters as I can. It's my duty to all the gwenens back home," Felix said, but these plans had only now made it into his head as he was saying them. 

For once he was actually thinking about when the monsters would come to the Gwenen Chambers, not if. For the first time he realized that this wasn't something that was easily going to go away. His hobby was going to have to be exposed, but it really was for the best. He needed to tell everyone, let the adults know.. His world wasn't his anymore. It was going to be cracked wide open.

"Don't pout because I'm not coming out. You baby!" Pipe said.

"Oh," Felix didn't even realize he was making a face, "It's not that. I just realized that I'm going to have to tell everyone about what's been going on out here. I didn't.. I guess I'm not going to be allowed to come back after everyone knows.." Felix looked at the floor.

"So what? Do I look like I listen to rules? The monsters will devastate everything in their way, including your naive society's rules. Depending on what happens, you might not even remember being sad about being locked up. You'll be like me. Free as a bird," Pipe said, hiding in a Pipe.

"Thanks Pipe, although you don't look very free to me," Felix said. 

"What am I the freedom judge??" Pipe snapped. 

"No, but I'm probably more free than you are," Felix said. He raised a brow. He was playing her game now.

"WHO ASKED," Pipe hissed.

"I don't need anybody to ask. I can just talk. I'm also not trapped in a pipe," Felix said. 

"I'm not trapped. I'm protecting myself," Pipe said.

"I also do that, but without the heavy armor. It's called a gun," Felix leaned back in his chair. 

"That just makes you equal to me because we both need to protect ourselves, idiot," Pipe said. 

Error walked in from the library, he had a book on his head.

"We're all doomed so don't even start about freedom," He said. He took the book off the top of his head. It was the frogen book, "He gave it to me.."

"Oh yeah! That book's from an old gwenen library," Felix got up and hopped over to Error without his crutches, "Inside is all this cool research gwenens did." 

Error raised his brows and opened the book. He snorted at it.

"I can't read it.." He grumbled and sat down.

"Really?" Felix hopped behind Error to look over his shoulder. The text seemed perfectly readable to him. 

Error flipped through the pages. He stopped at the picture of the diary entry.

"...Haha!" Error laughed at the text, "This guy complaining about his father is marked up in modern history! That's terrible! Ha!"

"You can read that part?" Felix asked, still over Error's shoulder.

"Of course. It's written in common thought," Error tapped it with a claw. 

"Huh.." Felix said, "Can I..?" He asked for the book. Error gave it to him. Felix hopped back to the table and opened the book for Pipe to see.

"Can you read this part?" Felix tapped the image.

"Of course I can!... Uh actually I can't read anything but the picture. It must be written by really stupid people!" Pipe scoffed. 

"Huh…" Felix held the book up to his face. Both parts were legible, "Error.. both these texts I can read…"

"Cool," Error said.

Felix grumbled. Error looked at him puzzled, but moved on. He turned back around and walked into the library to pick up something on the top of a bookshelf. He walked back into the kitchen with it in his claw. It was a flat wooden something. Felix couldn't see it very well. Error sighed.

"It's about time that I go pay my respects. Would you like to come with Felix?" Error asked him.

"Of course," Felix smiled. He got out of his chair, "Can I ride on your back again?"

Error nodded. He laid on the ground while Felix climbed on.

"Well I'm staying put!" Pipe shouted.

"Ok then, have fun," Error said like a clueless mother. He got up with Felix on his back, and gave him the wooden disk to hold.

It was heavy. A wooden plate with a carved out depression. The depression was lined with gold, and filled with a black feather that was sealed in a clear resin. Error walked out the door. 


At first they were silent. They passed the sunlit entrance and back into the dark of these new unfinished chambers. Error continued further forward to the parts Felix had never been. Unfortunately a lot of it was impossible to see in. Felix didn't like being without his bag and lantern, but he couldn't go back now.. or maybe he should've asked so Error didn't have to go back so far when they were REALLY far. Forget it. 

Up above Felix could hear movement of giant metal ropes clanging against the high ceilings, water dripping, and Error's claws steadily making echos on smooth walls.

"...Una wouldn't like me doing this," Felix said. 

"Why's that? And who's Una?" Error asked.

"She's my friend. We're tail friends for life," Felix put his hand on his chin. His voice echoed like Error's footsteps.

"What's a tail friend?" Error asked. 

"It's like, when you first get dropped into the ADC and you're in the elevator that takes you there, and there's so many kids in the elevator and such little room, that after being afraid of one another we end up holding tails with whomever we end up trusting the most. Your tail friend is the person you trusted then. Not all kids are tail friends forever though." Felix explained. 

"I didn't have a lot of friends outside my family," Error said.

"Huh.. most gwenens don't even know their families. We make our own in the ADC. When you first get introduced into the ADC, after the elevator opens up, older gwenens introduce the babies to the ADC until they're comfortable enough to do their own thing," Felix said.

"That sounds a little like parenting," Error said.

"What do you mean by that?" Felix squeaked. He leaned back on Error slow until he was lying on his back.

"My parents took care of me all my young life so that I'd be ready when I was on my own. They couldn't have prepared me for the monsters though. Nobody knew something like this could happen, to them.. to me," Error said. 

Footsteps of some creature scuttled quickly out of their way.

"Don't bother.." It mumbled, its eyes glowing as it did so.

"Oh! That's one of those long monsters," Felix pointed out. It was one of the furry alligators with the incredibly long snouts. 

"That would be a remcamen. They used to be two separate species but became one. Unfortunately for them, their ability to turn creatures into monsters was mostly lost, but in exchange they evolved magical powers. They mostly hang out with devil wolves so they can be protected. Magical powers suck if you don't know how to use them," Error said.

"Oh cool," Felix said. They passed the creature by.

"...Don't look at me like you know me. Nobody knows me.." It mumbled again.

"Error why did your parents keep you for so long?" Felix asked.

"That's what everyone did, and frogens cared a lot about family. Their families powered a lot of their businesses, and we have litters of children so we always had big families.

I worked on my family's farm before I decided I wanted to pursue the arts and break tradition. They didn't mind though. I got to go to university before the monsters came for me…" Error sighed, "..I always struggle with the idea of how it could've been if I hadn't been taken by them. If life just continued on like it was supposed to. This wasn't supposed to happen.." 

There was a pause.

"I wish I could help you," Felix mumbled.

"I appreciate your desire to help me Felix. Many people have tried, but I'm too broken," Error said.

Felix sighed. He couldn't just leave it at that. Maybe Error was just being too negative, but he'd been alive so long. Maybe trying to push him to break free from what he was, was a lost cause. It took Error to do that, but trying to get him to realize it was something to pursue wasn't it? For now it seemed he'd have to wait for another time to push it. 

Felix could tell they were going up higher. Every time Error climbed steps Felix dug his claws into his side so that he wouldn't slide off. Eventually he stopped climbing and turned to the left, deeper into the tower toward the ADC. A variety of glowing mushrooms, mosses, grasses, vines and bright bugs filled the area. Although often hard to see in mushroomless areas, Felix could tell these were the Zoic Chambers. Of course they would be the most lively. They always had been. 

What seemed to be bats flapped away as Error walked beneath them. They passed a giant nightlight of a mushroom as if they were the only child awake in the dead of night. 

"Error? What is it about my name that got you so worked up earlier? It's ok if you don't want to talk about it.. I just.." He sighed, "I just think it's important that I know."

Error tensed up but Felix could tell he was trying to fake it.

"Err.. um. Monsters… monsters don't like that name. It means lucky. It mocks them like you're saying that you're luckier than them. Don't tell monsters your name. They'll give you a sick sense of special treatment for being called that," Error said.

"Oh.." Felix mumbled. He sat up and curled his tail around his good leg, "I never asked where we were going."

"To the graves. I have to pay my respects every time I visit," Error said. 

"You mean the place with all the statues? Oh! Those are frogens aren't they!? Of course, they aren't dragons, obviously," Felix said, "Why do you have to pay your respects?"

"Because they're dead, and I want to. I'm the last of my kind Felix, nobody else is going to do this.. well at least I think so. The Frogen Spirit will be pleased at least, that is, if they're still around," Error said.

"Error I think you know that I don't know what the Frogen Spirit is. And I think you know what I'm going to ask next," Felix smiled. 

"Harhar," Error rolled his eyes, "The Frogen Spirit, like all spirits, is a vast amount of souls all unified together for a certain cause. Souls by themselves can't do much, but spirits combine the small energy created by souls over time, and wait to use their magic to make impacts on the living world.

The Frogen Spirit is all that's left of my people. If I make an effort to remember them then I show them that I still appreciate them looking over me. They might even bless me, but I'm not demanding that they do."

"Woah.. Do you think there's a Gwenen Spirit?" Felix asked.

"Probably. It really just depends on the dead. If they never unify to use their magic then there won't be a spirit." Error pushed through a wall of vines. 

"What about an Artifex Spirit?" Felix squeaked.

"I don't know about that one. Artifexes are kinda, not real?" Error's voice got higher by the end of his sentence. 

"But we just saw them," Felix said, blunt.

"I know but… artifexes aren't normal creatures. They're.. they exist in multiple ways. They simply don't die, don't age, don't.. aren't normal. Monsters aren't normal either but at least I can attempt to explain why artifexes are the way they are," Error said.

"You have to tell me about artifexes now with all that build up!" Felix smiled. 

"Alright, but it's a long story.

So a long long time ago there was the race of man on a planet called Earth. The monsters passed Earth by, but inadvertently started a plague on the people there. Weak, the race of man was defeated by other species on the planet until the race of man was no more, except for one. Shooting forward in time using technology, a man traveled far ahead of his species extinction to where giant birds ruled the Earth.

During this time the birds cloned a female, and using technology, they restarted the species of man.

Man was bird's pet in this time, but man was intelligent, and often was frustrated that birds found them hard to understand. The birds were so much more intelligent than man, and it drove man crazy when birds saw them as being so insignificant. 

During this time, a portal to another dimension was created, and advertised as a videogame. The dimension was easily edited using bird technology due to the dimension's nature. The dimension now filled with tiny planets and light coming from all sides. 

A man called Alexander, upset that he would never be his owner's bride, took refuge here in the new dimension. It was then that he discovered the Dinosaur Spirit. A lazy primitive and prideful spirit sunbathing in the dimension's infinite warmth. 

Alexander told the Dinosaur Spirit his sad story. About how the she bird didn't understand him when he said he loved her, and that he felt trapped being a pet for such intelligent creatures.

Feeling sorry for him, the Dinosaur Spirit made Alexander partly a bird, partly a man, and partly magical. He told the man to live as he was, without worry or time. To take a break, and travel the world and to see it till it's end, to make beautiful art, play soulful music, and to make it back on time. With this the Dinosaur Spirit felt it did good, and gave Alexander antenna-like long feathers on his head as a mark of his creation. 

Alexander was confused by the Dinosaur Spirit's message but soon discovered he could travel back in time to the golden age of humanity. 

When he did, he became distraught. 

Man was not always content even without being pets. Some men never seemed to take a break either.

Alexander thought about what the Dinosaur Spirit had told him, and invited other humans to play with him, becoming artifexes themselves.

They abandoned everything, but vowed to come back on time. To the rest of humanity nothing had changed because when an artifex came back the moment it left, it forgot its time as a magical being and returned back to their families and responsibilities as if they had never left.  

Artifexes that refuse to return become corrupt, and transform into arty raptors, the masked predatory birds of the artifexes. They can also become arty raptors by any other form of corruption, such as the abuse of time travel. Yeah. The end."

"Wow… that's really something out of this world. I wish I could become an artifex and travel the universe too. How did artifexes become such a symbol of good will to the frogens?" Felix asked.

Error entered the narrow cinder block halls of the Statue Chambers. He passed by a giant slime eating an overgrowth of moss before it became too dark to see again.

"That's another story where an ancient frogen prince visits the artifexes and asks them for advice because he was rich but very miserable.

They end up becoming really good friends and bless the kingdom with beautiful artwork and music, but one day, they all just left. I think that's where all the good symbol comes from.

When I was growing up people would often try to find artifexes or evidence of them in the modern world. Blurry pictures of some liked to pop up on the news with crazy conspiracy theorists trying to explain it. I always thought they were just trying to make their lives look interesting. Today maybe I still slightly believe that. Artifexes are real and I know that now, but it doesn't mean every conspiracy theorist actually met one," Error shrugged in the middle of his walk.

"I don't know what 'news' or 'conspiracy' is but I'm not going to ask, I think I get the jist," Felix said. 

They were in a large room now, but Felix could only tell because of the collection of red eyes to the left in the dark. It was a whole pack of devil wolves.

"Hi fellas," Error waved. 

"..Do you know when the restaurant is opening??" One growled.

Error stopped.

"No I do not," Error said.

"We're hungry man! Just tell us!! We know you know!"

"I don't work at the restaurant. Whatever it is, I don't know anything about it," Error said. He continued on his way. The wolf barked at him, and then bit into the wolf next to him. Barks and shrieks rang out behind them as they continued into the next room. 

"I saw a devil wolf put a sign up for a restaurant. It was a cannibal one," Felix told Error at a whisper. He looked behind them to make sure the wolves weren't following them.

"Stuff like that's always a scam. If you see monsters setting up something that seems fun or interesting it's probably a trap. Unfortunately for the wolves, they might not have a choice. There's too many of them, and they're starving," Error said, blunt.

"That's so disgusting. Image having to eat your own kind to survive! I think I'd throw up, I think I'd die before doing that," Felix said.

"Don't think you'll have a choice when the monsters get a hold of you," Error said. Felix stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"...Error please don't say that. They wouldn't do that would they? They wouldn't make me eat gwenens? I don't wanna eat gwenens," Felix held together his arms, with the wooden plate still in his hands.

Error sighed.

"...I'm sorry…" He inhaled, almost as if he might have cried. Felix could tell from his shoulders that his head was low. 


After a silent while longer Error shuffled to a stop and sat down.

"I know you can't see it, but in front of us is a grave. It's my last remaining relative. I never knew her personally but since this is the only name I recognize I decided to put my respects in her coffin. Hand me the respect?"

Felix slid off of Error's back and handed him the wooden plate. 

"What's the feather inside?" He asked as he handed it over. 

"It's one of my feathers. I grow it using machines but it's my own genetic makeup. They take a lot of time to get right but I do it out of respect," Error said. 

Felix heard Error slide open the coffin and toss the wooden plate inside. He then closed it up.

"Now we have to say something to the Frogen Spirit and sit in silence for a while to show respect. I'll go first.

Hello again, Mom, Dad, Susan, Megan, Bryce, Milo, Kevin, Jane, Martha, Teagan, Uni, Bart, Courtney… I'm sorry I don't remember all of you. I'm ashamed of what I've become, but I'm here now remembering you because none else can since Silver's gone. I don't know what'll come of her if something happened, but I ask that you look out for her as you do for me. I'm sorry that my actions displease you. I'm sorry I can't see the signs, use our gift to end this. I only ask that you forgive me… I'm not whole, and I'm no hero… You've been watching me enough to know that, and I'm sorry…" Error paused, "... You may speak now Felix.."

Felix swayed from side to side in the dark.

"Ohhkay. Uh. Hello Frogen Spirit. Error was just telling me about you, and I'm really glad that I'm getting to know you. Thank you for looking after him, and I hope you can forgive him for whatever he did. He's my friend, and he's really cool, so thank you, his family, for getting him to me to let me know all of this cool stuff he's telling me.

I don't have a lot of friends, but I really appreciate him. Thank you," Felix paused for a moment. He took a deep breath and calmed himself. A draft of cold air entered the chamber. Felix shivered.

"That's enough," Error broke the silence. 

"I hope they liked it.." Felix said. He held himself to warm up. 

"We may never really know," Error said. He laid on the ground 

"Man it got really cold in here all of a sudden," Felix said. 

"It's cold in the whole tower," Error rolled his eyes.

"... Maybe," Felix thought about how he never ever felt a temperature outside the tower.

"Climb on my back. I'm lying down," Error said.

"Oh, got it," Felix hopped once and lost his balance, collapsing invisibly in the dark, "Oww…" He groaned.

"You good?" Error asked, a smile in his voice. 

"Yeah, that was just really pathetic. Pftt!" Felix crawled the rest of the way to Error's back.

"Let's get you back home," Error said. He stood up and walked out the way they came.