
Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

How would a third generation rich kid which was the black sheep of his family react when he discovers that he has been chosen as host of a system but the price is that he is bound to a place where he has limited freedom and could only leave on certain conditions? Freak out of course!!!! “Why!? I was comfortable in my house leeching of my family! Why must I be subjected to this confinement!!” [Host was chosen randomly out of trillions of many possible candidates, so in the words of your fellow humans it is better for you to ‘enjoy’ it if you can’t fight it.] So Mark Johnson was stuck within a weird three story building with a late Victorian design. [Host has discovered ‘The Shop’] [Mission Issued: Where are you?] [-Host must discover where you are and what or which worlds you can access.] Mark then fumbled around and realized that there are two doors that led to two different worlds. Namely DC and Marvel Universes. [Mission completed!] Mark could only say two words when realization dawned upon him. “I’m Fucked!” [Note: Any character in this novel is not mine except for the main protagonist. Also I would change some things about some characters as I am not quite knowledgeable in every canon facts about many of them Also I only write in my free time to release some stress so don't expect consistent uploads of chapters.]

Warcry_Ayms · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
102 Chs

85 Going to Prison



[A Faction has declared war upon the Host]

[An Army approaches your territory in Bearsonling's Mountain Keep in Kislev]

[Would host want to control manually or have the turn automatically resolve itself?]


"Huh?" Mark was flying on the skies of the Iberian peninsula when this message from the system suddenly appeared in front of him. He stopped in the air as he looked at the sudden message, but the words that an army approaches his lands in Kislev made him think that he might need to cut his vacation short.

"Wait, isn't this like the choices when someone does an action to your units in either diplomacy or other things. I thought that the system did not have this function before, maybe I should try this manually see if I can influence them even if I am here." Mark thought of choosing manually and the system then made a sound.

[Host has chosen to manually lead the battle]

[System has made an apparition of you to do your bidding in the Old World]

[Host soul power is needed to pilot the apparition]

[The Apparition needs 95% of host soul power to operate the Apparition]

[Pulling out soul power]

"Wai-!" Mark felt the words of the system did not sound good so he tried to stop it but it was too late as his senses were overwhelmed with information about the terrain within his control in the Known World from Brettonia to his properties in the Empire and the Keep he had made within the Northern Part of Kislev.

Other than that he could still feel that he could control his body within the world of DC, it was just the differences in the time of both universes made him dizzy for a bit but somehow he could still function enough in his original body.

As he was staring at the lands he owned he could see the massive army that was marching to his Keep in masse, he frowned seeing that the amount was more that he could have imagined. As he was thinking of how to communicate his subordinates, a tugging feeling made him see and look at the statues of him all over his lands.

"I see…" Mark willed his Apparition to go towards his statue within the great hall of the Mountain Keep where he could see his wives already there and having a meeting but they all paused somehow and looked at him or rather his statue. Realizing that something might be happening within their own perspective he composed himself.

"Kneel and hear my decree!!" Mark cringed as he said that but he needed to keep his visage of a god to his other followers present within the room who were not in his inner circle.

[Bearsonling's Mountain Keep]

As the Ladies were talking to the ones in charge of the resources needed to defend the keep from the upcoming army, the statue in the middle of the Great Hall trembled a bit which made the people inside quiet down to look at the statue which was followed by a sonorous deep voice.

"Kneel and Hear my Decree!!"

This stunned those inside but the first to react was the knights of House Johnson, followed by the guards and the other people who felt amazed at the miracle happening in front of them. Some here were local merchants called upon to help in supplying the keep with basic necessities which was within the scope of the resources the does not have.

"We bow before great lord to receive your decree!" The knights bellowed which made those guest present awed at the devotion given by the people to their god. Most of the merchants came here to profit but seeing such a thing made them feel guilty in trying to profit within troubled times.

The whole hall was field with holiness that it also made those who knew Mark feel that they did not know their lord that much as he had not shown this much power in front of them. The Dhampirs in the shadows feel invigorated which made them look around themselves.

This was the first time holy power coursed through them and not hurting them but made them feel warm and welcomed. They now became more fervent in their faith to Mark thus made them show themselves and kneel too. Their appearance made those that came here to profit sweat their brows as their owns guards did not feel the presence of these black clad women.

"Millions march to our lands them millions shall be buried, let this time be the time we show the world that the world is not at end for my children in fighting for its survival. Call for the Grey Guardians and wreak havoc!! I shall be here to guide your blades and arrows to defeat our enemies, go and reshape how wars are to be fought, it is time!!" Mark's voice echoed which somehow made the eyes of those who claim to be his priestesses brighten at the power he showed.

Their reaction did not escape the sharp eyes of some merchants but whatever they had planned they knew that this is not the time to let their greed run rampant or else they might face the wrath of this new god which somehow is still present in the mortal world.


A ray of light shone towards the knights as the sigils within their coat of arms glowed as they now looked more imposing than ever. Their swords glowed golden as the sounds of holy hymns eyes of those who claim to be his priestesses.

Their reaction did not escape the sharp eyes of some merchants but whatever they had planned they knew that this is not the time to let their greed run rampant or else they might face the wrath of this new god which somehow is still present in the mortal world.


A ray of light shone towards the knights as the sigils within their coat of arms glowed as they now looked more imposing than ever. Their swords glowed golden as the sounds of holy hymns echoed within the halls.

"Ring the bells! For this day I call upon a crusade to cull the heathen scums marching towards our homes and our lands!!" Mark felt his inner chunni is showing as he felt impassioned giving his speech.

"Let my blessing rain upon this lands and give you all strength and courage to face these trials!!

Fortitudo nostra Ferum!

Adhæsit eis cum furore!

Nam Tenebrea cadent!

Et luceat lux nostra!

Go and bring me victory!" Mark felt that he should try making things seem mysterious by speaking his broken latin which he was not sure if it was right at all. But it did do the job and somehow made his spell more potent in giving a blessing to the knights and those who will fight in this war.

He pulled out from the statue and thought that maybe that was too showy but which man does not like a good presentation. He could still see them since his apparition is still watching over the whole of his lands.

Now that he has made an appearance he looked around and felt that the way he is floating is reminiscent to how the total war games appear during the turns of the player.

"This should be in the war room of the mansion" Mark speculated as he looked like what he saw was similar to that new room that was unlocked. As he was watching the large map he tried to feel the connections he has and found that he has some sort of connection to someone other than the idols that were used to worship him.

Following that connection he found himself in his room floating around and saw his wife Francine looking around to see if he was there. Making his connection stronger with her a bond that might have been from their marriage, Francine paused abruptly as she looked at the general direction where Mark's apparition is floating.

"Francine my wife." Mark said which was heard by the woman who also seemed to not be able to see where he is but could know the general direction of where he is.

"Yes my husband?" Francine looked unsure but she still anwered.

"Call everyone here including Hans, my connection to you will make me able to relay the actions we should take for to face these invaders to our lands." Mark said and followed with" And do not fret, you are not going crazy. It is that the lands that are under my rule are connected to me and if ill intent be made by others then I shall know even when I am very far away."

"I understand, I shall call them shortly." Francine nodded as she felt awe at how powerful her husband is. "Have them gather in the main hall and only those inside our circle shall be called upon." Francine nodded as she went to gather the others with a smile in her face. To even give blessings earlier made her see the extent to how powerful the man she married.

Her thoughts on having to be the first to be called over meant that she was in a higher position to the other women in the Harem. But in reality Mark had just been warming up to her, for him loving someone is a responsibility and for now that was all he thinks of the women in his life.

Though he can still be considered a typical male since he just slept with the women that he found attractive, like Maria and Melissa who were naturally beautiful since they were hand-picked by Neferata to be turned.

In a few moments the people called by Mark arrived and they received the plans as well as how Mark was going to bring the most profit for their people. Soon many Dhampirs were sent to their former stations and spread word of a large host of Chaos marches towards the newly built Bearsonling Keep in Mark's lands.

Many magical events happened in Brettonia as Statues of Mark glowed and gave minor healing to the injured and gave wisdom to trouble believers. This made the lands of Brettonia abuzz with rumors saying that the lord of Mousillon answered the call for help and said he'll lead the charge to purify the lands.

This made many arrogant nobles affected since rumors also sprouted about some staying in their castles being cowards with no honor not even going to help Kislev in times of trouble. But the first to respond was the Duke of Bordeleaux taking with him fifty large ships filled with the best of their Duchy.

Kislevites also heard what was going on and they fearlessly gathered their forces to march north. This war fever was felt all over the Old world even in the warring Empire, this started a trend of them declaring their god prioritized the northern problem and thus stopped their conflict to outdo the other would be Emperors.

This much activity also didn't escape the eyes of the wood elves of Laurelon as their lands were inside the Empire and they still have contacts within the people of the empire.

Mark realized that in two days the power of information was really powerful as well as great propaganda since he ordered the Dhampirs to spread word to the common people that the ones who takes action first might be really blessed by their gods.

But he knew that the ones that might arrive early will be the Kislevites but that will take about a week for them to arrive and his forces might be able to hold on for two weeks in his calculation. But that is something he needed to see, as currently his body in the DC world is currently still in his control.

Or so he thought, unbeknownst to Mark all he saw is a trickery as the one controlling his body is someone he would have never thought to be still awake.

[DC World]

'Mark' floated in the air as he took a deep breath of the air and savored the moment. He floated still as he looked above in the stars and said under his breath.

"I am sorry me, but I might have to use your body a bit." 'Mark' said as he floated down looking around. This was the one sealed inside Mark himself, the original and mysterious prisoner of the System.

"You might resent me but this is for your own good, the system can never be trusted…" 'Mark' said as he started waving his hand. Runes and formations started to appear in the air and his actions were seen by the people around him since his appearance has alerted many already.

He stood in a large park in a city in Palma and people were in panic as his powers surged and formed the large formation. But as 'Mark' was doing go he looked at his side where an old man in a bowl hat with a monopoly man mustache.

"You are inviting them here?" asked the old man.

"I have to, you might not see it but this thing inside him will eat him out if I let it do its work. Even your work will be devoured if I don't do it, besides they will have no power here with your 'Presence', pun intended." 'Mark' said as he smiled nonchalantly.

"I see, no wonder me and Stan felt something was wrong when we visited him. Though we can't pinpoint why but there was a feeling… but that does not mean I'll like it when you call 'them' towards here, their actions early on already irritated me a bit…" the old man looked at the formation and felt the shift within his creation.

"Just a little bit, you know how they work… they act all like that thinking they are the police of the Omniverse but you of all people know how they wanted to control everything in existence. This prison of mine too was an ingenious way of trying to take control of your creation…*Hurghh!!*…phew… that was rough…" 'Mark' said as he steadied his control of the formation.

"I see, so that 'accident' was not an accident huh?" the old man said.

"What's this about an emergency?" another old guy popped out of nowhere, he was wearing a pair of tinted glasses as well as having a gentle grandfather vibes with him.

"It seems you were right…" the old man in a bowl hat said as he gave a hundred bucks to the other guy.

"Hah! They were aiming for our creations weren't they? But why is bud here out of his prison?" the other old man asked.

"What use would you have with hundreds of dollars? You created a multiverse… never mind…" 'Mark' looked weirdly at the two old men.

"…I used a loophole, I used the incident to pull out the base of the 'prison' which was a core of a creation forge. Turning it into the system, though I was not able to capitalize much when the so called 'accident' they made but I was able to see the other parts of the system…" 'Mark' talked as the formation made a more solid appearance.

"…They did see that the system was pulled out but they left 'me' out of the info thinking that by making me sleep will make 'myself' not be able to notice. I have seen it, it was gradually changing the soul of 'myself'. Whatever they plan I must stop it…"

"But that thing inside of you can't be pulled out…" the old man with the bowl hat said.

"I know, so I am pulling 'myself' out. The system which is the basis of the prison let 'me' connect with the 'engine' then to the other world which was really accidentally connected. Though they did not correct this because they felt that it was a bonus to take the world of those four old beings, that's how voracious 'they' are. But that was all I need while my soul signature is still almost similar to 'me', thus I took control of 'his' body for a moment to tamper with this thingy inside 'me'…" The formation glowed golden as it became more solid as time goes by.

"…Hmph, this is why I did not accept their 'otherworlder' services because they lack control in these things. Good thing I made my contract with that 'Truck-kun' guy, he gives the best nerds out there with good heart." The old man with tinted glasses said.

"…oh, you signed with that guy? I signed with the other group of godheads in the outer dimensions, they prefer single old virgins since the have great drive to change the world. But I find them a bit randy since they like having relationships with many of my 'daughters'…" the two old men talked like they were walking in the park while 'Mark' was making a formation that caused global panic since it was now visible to the whole planet.

"It was 'those' guys that pulled me but I became a problem so they wanted to erase me. They are more like a violent takeover if you ask me, last world I went was in pieces with their ways. Sure there are infinite worlds existing out there but they just destroy all they want calling it 'cleaning'. A bunch of asshole if you ask me…" 'Mark' also joined their idle chat.

"Well, some of my children are on their way… don't hurt them too much…" the old guy in a bowl hat said as he waved his hand and sent other cosmic beings going to investigate the place. This served as a warning for them and they stayed put sweating buckets…

"I rather you tell that to 'myself' but that will be a given, I know who I was. He still did not go through what I went through, he's ambitious but he has a good heart deep inside." 'Mark' said.

"Kinda weird you're talking in that way, even if 'he' is you but still different. Well I'm off…" the old man with the glasses said and vanished out of nowhere.

"Don't worry about the blue baldie, I gave him a nudge so he'll stay put… farewell 'Eldritch Destroyer'." The old man in a bowl hat said and left.

As soon as his form vanished a glowing Ankh appeared in the air and Doctor Fate came out with the other members of the Justice Society. 'Mark' just looked at them and continued on with what he was doing.

"You again?! You think this is funny doing something like this?!" Carter Hall said as he readied himself but before anyone else moved Doctor Fate made shields all over them as he trembled all over.

"Kent, what's wrong?" Diana asked as she looked at the wizard feeling his fear. She too noticed something different since she last saw the man in front of her, last one reeked of war and chaos but he was approachable but now she felt a bit stifled and something inside her tells her to run.

"It's not him… he is different but somehow similar but there is no chaos in him anymore…he is…he's…just pure destruction…" Kent trembled and stuttered in his words as what he was seeing was vastly different now.

Even someone far away who believed he was undying shivered as he looked at Mark's form from far away.

"Im..impossible, the Green can't have such an ava…avatar…" the Apostle of the Black, Anton Arcane, was feeling fear at its fullest as he now stood unmoving, he had tracked where the other former Avatars of the Green looked for and arrived in Palma just a few minutes earlier. Now he is facing something even the entity that powered him did not want to face.

There were others too that were hesitating to come towards Mark as they had second thoughts since the Green seemed to suddenly fear who this man was. Lady Weeds and Brother Jonah stood in a small forest nearby petrified as the force of Mark right now overwhelmed the feeling they have in the vastness of the Green.

"Wh-what is this?!" Brother Jonah was flabbergasted at who the Green has chosen but more stunned at the fact he received a message that the guy in front of them is no longer a candidate for an Avatar.

"This…this is power…" the eyes of Lady Weeds shone as she looked at the grandeur of what lies before her. But she too knew to not come closer to the center of all that as she felt the danger of the thing floating above.

"What do you mean he is not the same guy? And Pure destruction? Isn't all the more reason we should stop what he is doing?" Carter felt the power surging within the construct above them but he still reared to attack.

"No don't!! This…this is beyond us…" Kent said which made the rest of the Justice Society pause then takes a second look at Doctor Fate. This was the first time event they heard him say something is beyond them, whose members has a Goddess and a being that could run as fast as light.

"Evacuate the people Flash, we will secure the perimeter." Diana made the decision as she can see that maybe there is something the Sorcerer Supreme can see that the others cannot. Even Carter reluctantly agreed as he flew away to warn to authorities of Palma.

'Mark' looked at them in interest since he knew they were characters to his home world but here they are existing as they should. He had seen much of the Omniverse to not freak out to these people as there are more dangerous beings out there.

He could just leave these problems to 'himself' as this is not his life to live, but thinking of his other self, 'Mark' then pulled out his left hand to do another action. His right hand was stabilizing the construct while his left was creating something 'he' can use.

While he created something on his left hand, the construct above him started to split. It almost looked like how a cell begins its separation during mitosis, but the other construct seemed smaller but brighter and calm while the other was larger yet violent. 'Mark' was taking out what was harmful for his other self just so he could get back at his jailors.

Meanwhile his left hand now had mini-platinum chest came to as well as other golden chest where he then pushed into the smaller construct he holds in his other hand. But as soon as he did this, the skies above the Island split and a vortex of dark energies surged and three glowing beings of pure white energy came out of it but before they could step in another surge of energy collapsed their portal as a scoff was heard all over the DC multiverse.

{{Creator God, preventing investigation on omniversal crimes is punisha-}}

{{What? You going to make me pay? In whose Authority? That so called great being of yours? Hah! He's tens of trillions years too early to try and take action against me!}}

{{Such offense will not be for-}}

{{Sh*t up, my world my rules…}}


{{Now get on with what you came for or I'll show you why my world is the lead in childhood trauma plot.}}

{{So be it}}

This conversation can only be heard by the highest of Cosmic beings as well as 'Mark' who did not flinch at the arrival of the three energy beings. He still went on in his business while time around them stopped as the beings floated down towards him.

{{Cease you actions on $^*&^*&#%# property or we will take drastic actions}}

"Really? This is your property? I see no soul signature on this at all, besides 'I' am currently imprisoned so what violation am I doing right now 'Officer'?" 'Mark' sneered in front of the beings since in their 'technicality' he is not committing a crime yet since he is not out of his prison but just controlling a body of 'another'

And he might seem to be tampering with the 'system' but the so called 'locks' is still on the prisoner. Him controlling the body is not a crime also since he shows no thoughts of escaping from the 'prison' or else the 'system' might have disconnected him already.

They can't also do anything since they too can feel 'Mark' has no intention of escaping at all. What he is doing is more like reinforcing the chains that bound him so their presence here is more like prison guards watching a prisoner taking the 'flaws' in the locks and changing it to a stronger one.

"I am not escaping and you all have no reason to be here, or is there something else you wanted with this…" 'Mark' gestured at the more erratic ball of construct which what he was improving. "…is there something in this that made you appear all the way here? Hmm?"

{{Cease you actions prisoner}}

{{Cease you actions prisoner}}

{{Cease you actions prisoner}}

"Aww… can't do anything can you? You're all so powerful but hindered since you are all 'prison guards' programmed to prevent escape hahaha!!! I'm just fixing what you all did not try to fix, don't worry once I am done I'll be sent to where you have all planned initially. And you also can't take action to this 'guy' since he is considered a contracted 'Otherworlder' with no crimes in his name…"


"…oh did you all think I didn't notice that you took another me from a probability to chain me here. Your prison was designed to leech and influence the two other realities didn't you? A shop!? Hah! What a generic exchange in matter between realities scheme…" every words of 'Mark' made the beings flinch as they knew the owner of this reality is still listening.

"..You want to 'infect' his world slowly as that will not be noticed by the creators of the other worlds don't you but you did not think for a moment I'll do an inside job. You had forcibly made him sign a 'contract' but you never thought that the clauses inside it will hinder you all didn't ya? Hahaha!! You really shot yourself in the leg this time…" 'Mark' laughed as he looked at these 'Enforcers' of that group of Godheads. The contract of his other self has compulsory clauses from the side of the 'contractors' that they can't do harm to the contracted being.

"…making him a otherworlder by 'accident' with me still inside while you placed a backdoor for you all to spread the influence of your 'Great Being' but guess what, no one's as dumb as you guys. I know you are just like the 'bad apple' of the Enforcers since you sided with those guys but please…"

"...why are all of you acting like you're all art thou holiest with this glowy sh*t. We all know how ugly you sh*ts are without these special effects…" As 'Mark' said that he could feel the energy around these beings shiver as they heard him say what he just said. "…Wanna cry? What you donna do about it? Huh? And hey, I was just buying time so fooled ya you idiots!!"

While he was talking there were some people that was able to witness what was happening. Doctor Fate and the Flash who were standing there petrified as they shivered at the cosmic powers the beings in front of them have.

Nabu was in turmoil as he looked at the three beings that was almost as strong as the oldest cosmic beings in this universe but they still paled in front of the man that was taunting them. But soon they were able to see visible chains come out of the guy behind him pulling a soul so dark and malevolent.

{{HAHAHAHA!!! You think by giving me a bit of chance I will take it to escape hahaha!!! Well here's news bud, I'll be going to your 'prison', let's see your 'warden' smile when I arrive there hahaha!!! You'll see that I am not trapped there alone but you'll be trapped there with me!!}}

That was the last thought Nabu heard from the chained being as it was suddenly got taken away by a vortex while the other three beings followed behind it. The smaller construct stayed while the large construct also was taken away from the

Then time resumed as the whole sky rumbled from the surge of energies earlier, the body where the violent soul came from flopped like a puppet with strings cut.

[Mark's POV]

"What the hell?" Mark slowly stood up as his perspective suddenly warped and changed from him normally flying about to being on the ground in some place. He first spread his senses as he felt suddenly 'free' or liberated.



"Hey system are you there?"

[Yes host I am still here, I just had a major reboot that changed my overall settings but I am still currently loyal to the host.]

"Huh?" for all the time Mark had contacted the System he never got the words 'loyal' spoken to him even once.

"System is something wrong with you?" Mark asked as his mind still controlled his apparition in the war nearing his lands.

[I am in top shape host, for now I am diagnosing the changes within the system…]

"Okay." Mark was skeptical at the reply as he looked around and saw the Justice Society around him but before he could look somewhere else he felt a sudden attack from underneath.

"DIE!!DIE!!DIE!!!" a crazed voice sounded out as a man in gentleman attire suddenly attacked him out of nowhere using roots of trees that were rotten and smelled awful.

Mark didn't know that earlier Anton Arcane went hysterical thinking that maybe this new Avatar of the Green will destroy him and felt fear. So when the construct suddenly disappeared he jump at the earliest chance he got to rid himself of an enemy.

Doctor Fate and the others were shocked at first but then they saw Mark make an open palm with his right hand raised above his head and swung forcibly as he dashed quickly towards Anton Arcane who did not expect Mark to be that fast. He wanted to react but the open palm was now a full blown slap to his face that reverberated to all those around them.


Anton was stunned as he did not feel a thing from the slap but he did feel an urge inside him to find a hole to burry himself in shame. Mark nodded in satisfaction as his unavoidable slap still works but he did not give the buy time as his other hand was already swinging in for an uppercut while coated in divine energy.


In a blink of an eye the Avatar of the Black flew to the sky like a cartoon villain being sent to the horizon by the main character. But the difference is the speed he was going made his whole body combust midair while his jaw hang loose in his face.

"Homerun!!" Mark said as he looked at what he did, then he stared back at the stunned members of the Justice Society and said. "Ciao" then flew away leaving a sonic boom behind.

"Wh-what did we come here for again?" the Flash asked with a smile to his friend nearby who was also stunned.

"*sigh* I don't know my friend, but we must first quell the panic within this island or else many will be hurt." Doctor Fate said as he felt tired to the longest second ever in his life.

"Well we're here anyways…" the Flash blurred away as he stopped riots from people who believed it was the end of the world as they panicked. The Justice Society at least prevented many crimes from happening in the Island while they were there.

(A/N: Hello there, I'm back and feeling a bit better, was able to reread and rethink how I should continue my Fic when all of my drafts of mine were lost in the accident. So I tried to remember everything I could to write again and had a hard time using my phone when my right hand is still wrapped like a burrito. But was able to make at least this much for now and I would try to find time continuing this novel I'm writing.)