
Chapter 9: Important Decisions

Gemma sighed impatiently and checked her phone for the time before looking at the entrance to the teahouse. She definitely felt out of place here - the teahouse was too hoity-toity for her taste.

The high-end teahouse had a waiting list that was a year-long for reservations - unless you were well connected. She'd already spotted quite a few notable people come in as she'd been sitting there. Suffice to say, this wasn't really her scene, but she was there on a mission.

Alicia had asked her to meet for tea so they could discuss the wedding, but now she was running late - half an hour late. For a second, Gemma wondered if she was being stood up.

That wouldn't surprise her - what had surprised her was receiving the invite in the first place. Max had promised her that he hadn't influenced his mother at all and he seemed just as surprised as she was. Truthfully, Gemma had only agreed to come because of how happy Max had been.