
Chapter 50: Off Into The Sunset

"Oh wow!" Kit exclaimed in awe as she spun around Gemma's new living room. "Moving on up!"

"I know right!" Gemma giggled as she watched her friend look around.

Kit had just come back from a business trip and she was the first person to see the new place. She and Gemma had a lot to catch up on from both ends, so they'd decided to have a girl's night.

For once, Kit was as dressed down as Gemma was - a sight that not many people besides Gemma ever got to see. She was in plain black leggings, sneakers, an oversized sweatshirt, and had a cap pulled down low over her brows. Gemma was dressed similarly except she was wearing her pajama pants and a silk camisole.

"Sit down," Gemma commanded as she skipped away to the kitchen to fetch the bottles of wine she'd bought. When she came back, Kit was already sitting comfortably on the couch and connecting her phone to the speaker.

"Thanks for taking your shoes off," Gemma laughed as she spotted them sitting neatly at the end of the rug.