
Top Tier Summoned

[Chapter uploaded 1-4 every Saturday and Sunday] Yuichi and his classmates find themselves in an unfamiliar world where magic and peril abound, giving their seemingly routine lives a surprising twist. They are made to play the reluctant Heroes, charged with defeating the evil Demon Lord and his powerful army. But Yuichi's adventure takes an unanticipated and dangerous turn when he makes a seemingly innocuous choice that puts him alone in a dungeon's dangerous confines. Now that he is alone from his classmates, he must confront the hard reality of his condition, which is grave and could crush his hopes. As Yuichi progresses deeper into the labyrinthine dungeon, he comes into a terrifying monster that drives him to the point of despair. Just in time, help comes in the shape of a mysterious woman, whose involvement not only spares his life but also gives him a power that is the beginning of his rise to prominence. Equipped with renewed strength and a fierce determination to finally make his way out of the labyrinth, Yuichi sets out to defeat the last boss of the dungeon. He has no idea that his modest upbringing is only setting the stage for a remarkable journey that will challenge him, reveal secrets, and eventually determine his fate. CopyrightTopTierSummoned2024 Carl Lawrence "FletchB" Lara

FletchB · Fantasía
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43 Chs

Preparation Before Into The Depth

As Yuichi and his friends and classmates went to get their gear and equipment after they had met the king of Nivaria Kingdom, they went into some sort of plain training ground where the soldiers of this kingdom trained themselves.

The students were in awe and looked around at their surroundings, admiring the details.

'I suppose we're getting some training first before we go into action.' Yuichi briefly thought while looking around with his witted eyes.

He walked alongside a girl with long black hair and bright blue eyes. She wasn't in her usual high school uniform; instead, she wore a white cloth outfit adorned with a captivating pattern of blue and brown leather.

Yuichi becomes intrigued by her appearances as he glances at him, but not lustfully. The girl has noticed Yuichi's gazes and blushes.

"D-Do I look okay to you, Yuichi-kun?" Mitsuki spoke in concern and flustered.

After hearing Mitsuki's cute voice, Yuichi immediately snapped into reality and wryly smiled at her.

"Yes, you do look fine to me, Mitsuki-san." He sounded awkward but assuring.

Yuichi then took his gaze into his front, pinching his both eyes with his left hand as he was a bit half-witted from the interaction.

'I should not do that again. It's just like I'm a pervert looking over a lustful female body.' He thought to his head.

Aside from that, Yuichi's appearances were also changed. Instead of wearing his typical school uniform, he was wearing a grey sleeveless shirt and brown pants. He was also wearing a leather garment around his body to get mere protection from gashes.

Nevertheless, Yuichi and his friends and his classmates stopped at a certain location and stood there like ants that were formed in a circle with broad daylight.

Before them stood a tall man wearing iron armor, with a longsword at his waist. He had brown hair, green eyes, and a beard on his chin.

"Greetings, heroes from another world. My name is Alistair Thornwood, and I'll be your supervisor in charge for your beginner journey of wielding swords and magic." He said with a formal tone.

The students were intrigued by his words and listened to him with their wonder.

"As you know, the world is in danger and the demon lord's army are advancing in haste. However, with your curiosity wrapped over your face, I'm sure you all don't recognize the power that became the everyday life tool in the whole world of Eldoria." He continues.

"In a brief explanation, you all have possessed an otherworldly power called 'The System' and I'm sure you're quite familiar with it."

The students were bewildered and looked at each other with their witted expressions.

"I hate explaining such things that we don't even know how they work so I'll just give you the start and the rest is yours. Just simply say 'Status' on your mind and you're good to go." He simply explained to them.

The students then try to do it with interest, and abruptly a screen pops out in front of their faces, bewildered by the interaction.

"You all are quick to learn, huh? Well then, I wouldn't explain this further, even though I said I won't."

Yuichi looked around to his classmates and was also interested in this. He looked at his front with his witted eyes and followed what Alistair had said to them.


[Status: Yuichi Hanateru♂]

Human [17]

Level 1 [Class Unspecified]

EXP: [0/100]

Titles: [Aric's Descendants]

Attributes: Wind [Beginner]

MANA: 50

HP: 100

STR: 10

AGI: 6

DEF: 8

INT: 4

DEX: 1

Skill Points: [0]

Skill: [Wind Gale Level 1] [Sword Mastery Level 1]

Passive: [N/A]

"Whoa, so this is my status? It's very... weak and average." Yuichi slips a word on his mouth.

A man with iron armor leaned to Yuichi's stat and felt empathy already to him.

"Oh, that's really bad as a beginner. With low stat and wind attributes, that will consider you as weak. That means you gotta stay out of any danger and let your friends take care of it." Alistair patted Yuichi's shoulder once before he walked away.

"This is... awesome." Yuichi stared in disappointment.

Suddenly, a laugh of men could be heard to Yuichi's back and he knew exactly what was going to happen.

"Look at this dumbass' stat guys! He's too weak to even fight a mere monster!" Kazuhira laughs with his arrogant look.

"For real!" One of the students who appears to be Akihiko added.

"I could imagine him getting beaten up by some slime." One of them who appears to be Haruki also added.

Kazuhira then pushed Yuichi to the side as he walked straight into the front of the crowd with his arrogant demeanor. His two friends then followed on his back.

Reliable, Mitsuki was there to catch Yuichi from falling to the ground as he landed on a soft spot. He could feel a soft sensation on his left shoulder.

"Are you alright, Yuichi-kun?" Mitsuki looked at him with her azure eyes.

Yuichi immediately reacted and got away from her chest as he felt a bit embarrassed.

"I-I'm alright." Yuichi reply.

Mitsuki looked at Kazuhira and his friends and she made a cold stare at them, seeking to avenge Yuichi from their bullies.

"I swear I'll tear them apart if I have to." She had dark thoughts.

'Please don't, you'll get yourself in jail.' Yuichi thought half-witted while looking at her.

But his interest suddenly emerges as he remembers the concept of "The System" and was wondering about Mitsuki's status.

"Mitsuki-san, can you show me your status?" Yuichi asked her.

Mitsuki nodded nonchalantly and a big light blue screen popped up in front of them.


[Status: Mitsuki Hoshizaki♀]

Human [17]

Level 1 [Range Mage]

EXP: [0/100]

Titles: [Aric's Descendants]

Attributes: Ice [Novice] Light [Beginner]

MANA: 100

HP: 150

STR: 20

AGI: 15

DEF: 11

INT: 14

DEX: 5

Skill Points: [0]

Skill: [Frostbolt Level 2] [Luminous Bolt Level 1] [Magic Mastery Level 3]

Passive: [Instant Cognition, Temporal Arcana Attunement]

"You have a really good stat, Mitsuki-san! How did you get those levels and experience higher than mine!?" Yuichi was disbelief.

"I-I'm not entirely sure how I got this but when I first checked my stat, it was just like that." Mitsuki explains with slight shyness.

"You're really strong, Mitsuki-san! I didn't expect your stats to be so high when I first saw them. I kinda envy you honestly, haha." Yuichi jokes on the last part.

But to Mitsuki, it wasn't some mere joke to her, it was an admiration and splendid words. Mitsuki blushes from his careless words and smiles wryly. She awkwardly chuckled and looked down as she was blushing from Yuichi.

"I really want to brag about my status, but I guess I'm not that strong than Hoshizaki-san." A familiar voice of a young man wearing glasses chimed in.

Nonchalantly, Yuichi turned around and greeted the young man with glasses.

"Hey there, Kenji, you got something to share with us?" Yuichi asked casually.

"Sure, I've got something cool to share! My character has a fire attribute, which is awesome, BUT I'm in the Healer class. Healing with fire seems a bit unusual, right? I mean, who does that!? The System is joking about my entirety!" Kenji seems to be exaggerating his word, but it's normal for him to actually complain about it.

Fire attribute is a type of magic that is known for its aggressiveness and offensive skills akin to it. To think that fire attributes can be used as healing magic is an odd element component and Kenji complaining about it totally makes sense because it doesn't exactly work just like that.

Yuichi and Mitsuki looked at Kenji half-witted and blinking like those in the comical scene.

"Well, at least you have a class and an awesome fire attribute, so you don't need to get depressed about it." Yuichi tries to get him in a better mood.

Although Yuichi was able to convince him, Kenji's thought still lingers on that specific misconception.

In the midst of their conversation, Alistair stood in front of them after he supervised one by one of the students and looked at them with his formality.

"I have seen all of your status and I gotta say you all are quite unique. I am truly amazed by some of you who are strong at their beginning venture, and I am sorry for those of you who have weak status." Alistair honestly said to them.

"You all are almost complete, with healers, swordmasters, mages, and assassins, perhaps we can put a test on this. On your first trial, we have to enter a dungeon to get some experience and level up. The only problem is that you don't have a captain to lead."

"But we thought you were our captain..." One of the students questioned her confusion.

"As much as I want to be, unfortunately, I'm just a supervisor to you. You need a proper captain to lead your honor of becoming the heroes of all Eldoria." Alistair replied to the students, suggesting that they need a captain in their stead.

Abruptly, a hand was raised on the crowd and slowly emerges, showing himself as Kazuhira with his two friends in his back.

"I'll take the role as captain." Kazuhira arrogantly said.

Alistair's eyes were locked into the young lad and crossed his both arms, judging his certitude attitude.

"And what makes you think you're worthy of this role? You have to remember, leading a pack is a huge responsibility." Alistair trialed him to retort something convincing.

Kazuhira scoffs, "You don't need to worry about it, because I'm strong and determined and I'm pretty sure I can handle it."

"Hold it right there, Kazuhira!" A voice of a girl who appears to be Mitsuki abruptly interrupted his arrogant declaration.

"What's up, girl? You got anything to say before I become the captain?" Kazuhira confronted her.

"Yeah, you got something to say?" Akihiko chimed in.

"I don't think we will accept that you will lead us in a good manner, Kazuhira." Mitsuki confronted them with her fierce attitude.

"And what are you suggesting, girl? You also wanna step up and become the captain?" Kazuhira replied back.

"I... I can do it. I'll take the role as a captain than let you take it, Kazuhira." Mitsuki tries to justify her statement.

"You must be joking. A girl like you can't lead a team. This isn't some idol group or school club – we're talking about someone strong that can lead a pack, like me, not some lousy and pathetic girl like you!" Kazuhira arrogantly confronted her.

"How dare you to call me lousy and pathetic. You're exaggerating yourself as strong and determined when in reality you're just some arrogant loser who can't even pull a girlfriend."

The two exchanged glances at each other and the tension was rising rapidly. Coherently, Alistair cleared his throat and looked at them, getting their attention towards him.

"I find the qualities suffice in this role. Very well, young lad, you have been selected as the captain to lead your people." Alistair illogically declared.

The students including Mitsuki were baffled and disbelieve of Alistair's decision, causing them to gasp lightly and worried about their future.

It's very weird for Alistair to decide that Kazuhira will be the captain over Mitsuki. He has already seen both Kazuhira and Mitsuki's personality and still chooses the arrogant one. Perhaps he also thought the same way as Kazuhira? Or maybe he's just being optimistic and let him do it.

Kazuhira arrogantly giggles and turns around to his classmates with his overbearing manner.

"Guess the lion has won against the cat. Try harder next time, you don't stand a chance against my vocabulary, Mitsuki Hoshizaki." Kazuhira arrogantly said to her, declaring his triumph against Mitsuki.

Mitsuki couldn't oppose back and was still in disbelief, but she really dislikes him so much that she wants to slap Kazuhira in his face if she has a chance. But due to Alistair's sudden decision, she backs off and silences herself, but she still hesitates on Kazuhira's leadership.

Kazuhira and his two friends then step up and face his classmates with his overbearing manner.

"As your captain, I'll make sure that you will be safe under my control. You don't need to worry about the danger as I, Kazuhira Nagasawa, will be the one who will take care of anything that will be a threat to us." He said with arrogance.

The students were looking at each other, questioning themselves whether they could rely on Kazuhira or not, especially Mitsuki who was gazing at them with her cold stare.

In all of that, Yuichi was also disbelief and uncertain of Kazuhira being the captain, but he knew there was nothing they could do about it.

"This is gonna be a big problem." Kenji whined at sighs.

Yuichi gazed at Kazuhira's arrogant face and he knew to himself that this is indeed a problem.

'This is definitely a problem.' Yuichi thought to himself.