
Chapter 212. Duel (2)

Chapter 212. Duel (2)


The old man swung his sword horizontally and Ren jumped to the side to dodge.

Far from blocking the attacks, he was now dodging them by jumping to the sides. There are many times when the old man's sword will brush his shoulder.

And he has to say it really hurts!

But even after that, Ren was still going on with the duel. He didn't know how to win it but there was only one thought in his mind.

'I have to win!!'

"You are really weak. Why do you keep dodging? You should face me head on like a man."

"This duel will not even last a second if I did that."

Ren said while dodging another attack. 

He couldn't help but think that he will lose. It was because the difference between him and the old man was tremendous.

He was like an extra while the old man was a protagonist or he should say that he was currently the villain, at least for Ren.