
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasía
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55 Chs

CH 42

This kind of suffering continued for three months, and eventually, Karen had her fill, It was time for her to find a new toy

As such, Alpha was no longer needed, and he was sold again, thankfully this time, he was sold to a man, an old man at that

Seeing him, Alpha breathed a sigh of relief, knowing he won't have to deal with fat pigs raping him every night anymore

And he felt more at ease after noticing how kind looking his new owner looks, and became more reassured that the past months are now in the past

And he knew for a fact that he won't have to deal with anything bad, gross, horrible or disgusting anymore

But boy he was wrong, his new owner is called old Roshi, and although he looked like a kind person, he was a big pervert !......! and gay!

At the start when they reached old Roshi's mansion, Alpha was treated very kindly

He was given a bath, some new clothes to wear, a delicious meal, and a lovely room for him alone, It was all perfect, until.... Roshi came knocking at Alpha's door late at night

Alpha didn't think much of it and opened the door for him, after all, he was the first person in months that treated him kindly, he was ready to do anything for him, and he probably just came to check up on Alpha

But Roshi had different plans, when he laid eyes on him, he hugged him tightly, lifted him up, then jumped on bed with him

Alpha was confused, he failed to understand what was happening, Why would a man act like that

Without even realizing, Alpha was making the most honest and inesent look on his face, And that, that was what polled Roshi's trigger, he had his eyes wide open, and his tongue out, just like Karen, he lost all kinds of reason, and began tearing up Alpha's clothes

Having experienced a similar situation with Karen before, he immediately began resisting, and tried to fight back or even run

But unfortunately, there's not much a level 1 could do, not against the level 18 Karen, nor against Roshi, who had the supper high level of 36!!!

After he felt it with his body, and saw it with his appraisal, he finally understood the difference in strength, and gave up

All he could do now was to close he's eyes, and shed a tear

"no... please no... not again..."

He could not run, nor could he resist, All he could do, was to plea with a shivering voice

And unexpectedly, his plea managed to reach Roshi's heart, and hit it at it deepest part

"oh, no, please don't be afraid, I won't let anything happen to you I promise, sorry for scaring you, I'll make sure to love you really good from now on, ok? So please don't cry"

" what? no! Wait that's not what I MEAAAAAANT !"

With one powerful thrust from Roshi, Alpha realized his mistake, although his plea managed to hit Roshi's heart, it hit the wrong spot, and deepened Roshi's love even more

His life of suffering didn't end, instead, it became worse, and there's nothing he could do about it.... At least not yet

A few months passed, and the nightly routine between Alpha and Roshi never stopped, but Alpha, didn't give up

Although he couldn't resist, he could endure, after all, it wasn't his first time going through so much suffering, nor was it his second

His first time was in the dungeon, and the suffering that came with the endless cycle of healing and getting eaten alive from the outside and the inside simultaneously for days and days non stop! far surpassed what he's experiencing right now

And thus, he waited

Finally, after nine months of waiting, he got it!

Passive skill [curse resistance] : low level curses are ineffective against you, you can resist mid and high level curses to some extent

That's what he've been waiting for, the slavery collar he was wearing, broke off, and all of his stats went back to normal

As soon as he felt it, he closed his fist, clenched his teeth, and opened his eyes as widely and ferociously as he could, then gave Roshi a punch filled with all of his pent up emotions !

Adding to it the effect of his

[one punch] , the entire mansion was destroyed, taking with it a great portion of the kingdom !

Roshi was dead, Karen was dead, All of their servants were dead, hundreds of unrelated citizens were dead, yet Alpha's Fury, anger, resentment and hatred were no where near dead

Then Guided with pure emotions, Alpha flew up to the sky, and began shouting his spells one after the other

Merging the previous spells together to form stronger ones


But he stopped, he stood there panting, with the [wind catastrophe] above him

He clenched his teeth yet again, and closed his eyes in annoyance, then slowly brought his hands down, dispersing the [wind catastrophe]

"Tch, not even worth it" he simply uttered those words and left, leaving the entire Kingdom in utter fear, chaos and worry

After seeing the great destruction from his punch, and the huge size of his spell, every one thought there death was eminent

But, they couldn't have been more wrong, cause non of them knew, they got to live yet another day, because of a single man's mercy, Or was it?

Alpha was no saint nor a God, he wouldn't have enough mercy to spare on such evil people

The reason he let them live, was simply... Fear!

He was scared, He've already destroyed an entire Kingdom before, and became a demon Lord, there was no way to know what would become of him if he destroyed another one

He didn't even want to imagine it, as such, he flew far away before landing in a forest, then continued his journey on foot while saying to him self

"Trick me once it's on you, trick me twice it's on me, humans are not to be trusted, ever!"

With that, Alpha developed trust issues for the first time, not only towards humans, but towards every thing

As such, he no longer had anywhere to go, he saw him self as a human, it was only natural to live with humans

But after what happened, he could no longer trust them, he could no longer trust anyone, he could only wander the forest aimlessly, for days, weeks, and months

Slowly loosing him self, passing through the same experience as when the mask died

And before noticing, a long long time passed, and he finally regained some of his consciousness

What brought him back was a huge, strong, powerful Mana, emitting from deep within the mountain

For many many months, alpha was no different than a moving corpse, uneffected buy anything, And that Mana was the first thing he ever noticed

Without even thinking, he unconsciously changed direction, with his new goal being the mountain

And what was waiting for him, was the staple of every fantasy story, the strongest creature he ever met since coming to this world

A dragon! An ancient dragon!