
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
55 Chs

CH 33

the first thing he looked at was his level, he was at level 40 before, but now, his level have skyrocketed

After all, the fifth floor where he was being devoured by the slimes, got completely filled with them, to the point where they could almost touch the ceiling

killing all of these monsters at once, should have given Alpha an extra 30 levels, although he wiped clean the 6th, 7th and 8th floors, they would only give him one level each, which totals to 33 levels

But alpha's level didn't only increase by that much, it reached all the way to 8,269 !!!

That was all because of the titles he gained

Title [monster devourer] : he who eat monsters for breakfast , every time you devour the entire body of a monster you gain one level , STR+20%

Title [Glutton] : he who never stops eating , can eat anything and everything with no limits , eating can refill your health and Mana , VIT+20%

Title [mad man] : the one who can't control himself , STR+10%

Title [Magus] : have a perfectly pure mana , INT +60%

Title [one who sees the peak] : he who climbed on top of everyone else to reach a very high level of power , [HP regeneration] , [MP regeneration] , all stats +20%

Title [one who reached the peak] : he who became the strongest creature on the planet , [HP regeneration] , [MP regeneration] , all stats +30%

Passive skill [acid resistance] : resist every acid that deals less than 50 points of damage per second

Passive skill [poison resistance] : resist every poison that deals less than 50 points of damage per second

Active skill [dark Zone] : 1000 MP , create a sphere of dark mist with the radius of 10 m , every living organism that gets covered with the dark mist will be devoured by the caster

At this point, Alpha can no longer consider himself as a human

Nor did his status screen show his race as human, this time it became HIGH HUMAN !! the highest rank a human can evolve to on this planet

Alpha couldn't believe his eyes, he thought that his status screen had some kind of problem

But, the mask? She cracked! The pressure emitted from Alpha was so strong that even she can't hold on to his face any longer

She realized she made a mistake, she shouldn't have pushed Alpha too far, she should have insisted on him taking the safest routes in everything, she shouldn't have submitted to her desires and curiosity

Now, she's about to fall off from Alpha's face, and once that happen, she will die !

"Alpha, listen to me and don't move too much"

"Mask what's going on? Is there some kind of problem in my status screen?"

"Just listen ! I don't have much time to explain ! .... Alpha, I'm about to die"

"What ?!"

"Listen, I know this is surprising, but I can't do anything about it. these are my last words, I hope you can at least listen to me. I just wanted to say..... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have watched from the side most of the time, I should have taught you how to do things properly, how to do things safely, I should have been with you when you were scared, I should have comforted you.... But I didn't, I got addicted to the excitement that I get whenever you make a great achievement, you are an amazing individual, and I wanted to see you do more, but now, because of my selfishness, you've become too strong, although it is a good thing, and have a lot of merits and benefits, it also brings a lot of misfortune with it, from now on, your life will be full off sadness and grieving, I'm sorry, I've just ruined your whole life, I just hope for you to be able to go back to your previous world and be happy with your real family, Alpha, I'm really sorry, please forgive me, please don't resent me....."

With her last words, The mask had fallen off, revealing a stunned, handsome, young man

A beautiful silver hair, a pair of bright golden eyes, a fair white skin, yet covered in tattered clothes, that was Alpha

He slowly leaned forward, with his hands shivering, trying to grab what he thought was his only companion in this world

"m.. mask? Come on girl don't scare me like that? You're not dead right? This is just a prank right? I'll put you back on my face and you will start laughing at me again right?"

Alpha slowly and gently lifted the mask from the ground, then placed it back on his face

"Come on girl, you're back on my face now, there, I'll let you go and you'll stick to my face okay"

As soon as Alpha let go off the mask, it fell back down on the ground

He looked at it in shock for a few seconds, then slowly lifted it back up and tried to put it on his face once again, But, it still fell

Alpha lifted it back again, and tried to reput it on his face

The mask kept falling off again and again and again

And no matter how many times it fell, alpha slowly lifted it back up and gently placed it on his face

He could no longer think straight, he could only think of putting the mask on his face

This cycle continued for dozens of times, seemingly never ending

And every time the mask fell, it revealed Alpha's face, with a shaky smile on it, and teary eyes

The mask was not coming back, and alpha was not giving up either, but he was so sad and depressed , he couldn't talk anymore

All he could do was to sit down next to the wall with the mask in his hand facing his status screen

Name: alpha the nameless

Race : high human

Age : 15

LV : 8,269

HP : 27,782 / 27,782

MP. : 40,462 / 40,462

mp. : 1 !

SP. : 24,687

STR: 25,680 (8284+210%)

VIT : 27,782 (8419+230%)

DEX: 18,257 (8299+120%)

INT : 40,462 (8609+370%)



[Frenzy]. [Body strengthening VII].

[wind bomb]. [Heal].

[Mental resistance]. [Storm bomb].

[Wind bullet].[DDB].[fire bomb].

[Dragon breath]. [Heat tolerance] .

[leg boost]. [regenerate] .

[pain resistance].[water ball].

[Water stream].[Earth block].

[Light ball].[light beem].[dark hole].[aim].[Mana coat].[inner peace].[focus].[short distance teleportation].[Mana Zone].[multicasting].

[MP regeneration IV].

[hyper regeneration].

[HP regeneration III].[acid resistance].[poison resistance].[dark Zone].



[The nameless]. [fool eater]. [Healer]. [Berserker]. [apprentice magician].

[Magician]. [Great magician].[Magistrate]. [great magistrate].[Magus].[Masochist].[Marksman].[Monk].[Monster].[rare genius].

[the millennial].[glutton].[mad man].[monster devourer].

[One who seeks the peak].

[One who sees the peak].

[One who reached the peak].