
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasía
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55 Chs

CH 27

multi-casting is a super rare skill, it can allow the user to double, triple, or even quadruple his attack power

The infinite amount of potential it holds almost made the mask burst out in excitement

But she had to hold back herself, she mustn't let Alpha know how amazing it is, at this point he's earnestly trying to get stronger

If he knew that by this point he had gained four super rare skills, he might think that he had become strong enough, and will a slow down his progress

Whether Alpha gets stronger faster or slower, didn't really matter to the mask, her only concern, was that if Alpha's progress slowed down, the amount of amazing achievements he will make will be reduced, and there won't be much stuff to fill her curiosity

As such, she had to avoid mentioning how amazing that skill was, but she still had to convince Alpha to experiments with it and improve on it

"That's a nice skill you got there, I feel like it has a lot of potential, why don't you play with it a little bit, I'm pretty sure it will be interesting"

"Yeah! right? The amount of potential this skill holds is enormous, if I'm not wrong, it should be on pair with Mana coat and short distance teleportation"

The mask froze for a second " What..."

"The new skill I just got, I was saying how amazing it is, I mean, just think about it, if I were to cast two of the same spell at the same time, then the amount of damage I will deal will be doubled, without mentioning that I can try combinations of different spells of different elements, and if I were to pair it with Mana Zone, I would be able to launch Pinser attacks without needing the help of anyone, I can be a one-man army with utter ease"

Well, that didn't go according to plan, how in the world did the kid know the greatness of that skill, didn't he just casually brush it off

But if he did, despite understanding how great it is, then he probably also understood how great his other skills are

and to stay calm and keep his composure despite making such great achievements and gaining amazing skills one after another, without losing control of himself due to excitement

How can he be this composed? How can he be this mature? Isn't he just 15?

The mask was thrown in a roller coaster of questions, crushing all of her previous ideas about Alpha, she even questioned the purpose of her existence

Luckily Alpha spoke and brought her back to reality "anyway, this skill is amazing and all, but I need to get stronger in order to bring out it full potential, I'll try to increase my intelligence a bit more by exhausting my Mana pool, so I would appreciate it if you could keep quiet for the time being"

The moment she heard that, The mask immediately muted herself in anticipation for the next great achievement, that was purely the instinct she developed thanks to her curiosity, telling her something amazing is about to happen

Alpha closed his eyes and activated his Mana coat, this one skill can have greater effects the more Mana you put into it, in other words he can put all of his Mana in it, and immediately exhaust his entire pool

the only thing that still takes a while is the process of absorbing Mana from the air

This part of the process was what bothered Alpha the most, every time he sat down to increase his intelligence, he tried to come up with different ways to speed up the process, but to no avail

Alpha couldn't find a good method, and everything he tried didn't work, eventually he ended up doing this process eight times, and still failed to come up with anything new

But on the good side, alpha's intelligence have increased from 663 to 825, that was the equivalent of gaining 13 levels!!!!

That was yet another achievement, and the mask was very amazed about it, but for some reason her instinct didn't calm down, The best result is yet to appear

"What's wrong Alpha? Is that all you've got?"

"No, that's not enough, that's not even close! I need more!!"

Alpha frowned then stood up, he crossed his arms, and started walking left and right in circles

Being very mad and dissatisfied, scratching his head, looking in all sorts off directions for inspiration

He even ended up hitting his head on the wall multiple times, trying to force his brain to come up with more ideas, and better methods to speed up his MP recovery

But he had already tried a lot of methods, and none of them worked, so it became really hard to come up with new ones

But, getting harder doesn't mean becoming impossible

Soon enough, he finally came up with another method, instead of exhausting his Mana then recovering it, he should try to do them both at the same time

It would have been quite tricky to do in the past, but now with multicasting, it couldn't be any easier

He once again activated his Mana Coat. except this time, he set it at low consumption

With his Mana pool slowly depleting, he sat down, closed his eyes, and tried absorbing more Mana from the air

With that said, the speed of his Mana depleting, slowed down, but it didn't stop

He closed his eyes tighter, gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists, trying to speed up his Mana absorption

The speed of his Mana dropping slowed down more and more, eventually reaching an equilibrium

It kept at this state for a while, until eventually, the equilibrium broke! and his Mana Rose by one

At that exact moment, alpha gained a new skill

Passive skill [MP regeneration] : recover your lost Mana by 1 MP per second

The mask was hyped about it, but Alpha wasn't

Although regenerating his Mana through this skill is faster than him doing it manually, it still wasn't as fast as he was hoping

But he wasn't sad nor Mad, instead, a sinister look showed up on his face, as if he just found out a better way of doing things

He sat down, closed his eyes, then increased the Mana consumption of the Mana coat to the max

When his mana pool was completely drained, he opened his status screen and watched his MP slowly refilling

Next he took a deep breath then said "multicast! MP regeneration!"

Two magic circles appeared around him, and his Mana regeneration speed increased

then he proceeded to absorb Mana from the air, just like how he used to do before

Alpha had his eyes closed, in order to better focus, so he couldn't clearly see the result. But the mask was still watching, keeping an eye on the MP bar

The speed have increased to 5 MP per second !!!

In the end, instead of taking half an hour to refill his Mana pool, he only took 2 minutes !!!!