
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasía
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55 Chs

CH 20

The mask was so nice to give him advice, yet he dared to claim that he did everything on his own

"fine, let's wait and see, once you fail at casting dark magic you will only have one choice, to ask for my help! once that happen, I'll teach you a good lesson to not make fun of me in the future!"

The mask was mumbling to herself, so Alpha didn't hear her, thus he kept going with his experiment on learning dark magic

if the light magic is just Mana emitting photons, then dark magic can be Mana sucking photons

Based on this idea, Alpha created another Mana ball, then tried making it suck all the light surrounding it

it was easier said than done, he couldn't even feel the light coming at it, so how can he suck it

He could only sit down wondering to himself, what he should do next. meanwhile the mask was being all so smug, looking at him struggling

she was waiting for him to ask her for advice so she could make fun of him, but instead, he created a light ball, she thought he made a mistake and used light instead of dark magic

but He did not! if he can't feel the light surrounding the Mana ball, then he can direct at it some light that he can feel

He grabbed the light ball with his hand and squeezed it from one side, he wanted to direct all the light emitted from it to one direction, towards the Mana ball

The light was just passing through the Mana as if it was transparent, and hit the floor

But now, Alpha can feel the light passing through the Mana, thus, he can suck it in!

All he had to do, was close his eyes and imagine that light being devoured, then imagine the surrounding lights being devoured as well

In the end he got two new skills

Active skill [light beam] : 10MP/min , direct all the light you create into one direction and illuminate a further distance

Active skill [dark hole] : 20MP , transform anything put into it to Mana

"Yes! I did it! told you I don't need your help" Alpha stood up from his place and started dancing! he was really excited for his new achievement! not because it was a great one or difficult to achieve, but because he can use it to tease the mask

after all, Alpha was a lot smarter than anyone his age, he could easily tell that the mask was waiting for him to fail

But, what he didn't expect, was that the mask was secretly hoping he would make it work on his own

Her Curiosity was only getting stronger , she didn't want anything more than to see how alpha will solve his problems

She was supposed to be alpha's guide, his teacher, but every time she got a chance to teach him something new, he ends up doing it in a complete different way than hers!

Alpha had a unique mindset, and can come up with the most bizarre ideas

His ideas weren't only something to feed the mask's curiosity, they were a fuel to it!

a fuel that doesn't just feed her curiosity, but also strengthen it and make it bigger and deeper!

every time she witnessed Alpha doing something new, she felt the deep urge inside of her to desperately want to witness more, growing stronger by the second

In fact, the new achievements didn't annoy her nor bother her, instead they surprised her and excited her even more

"Oh my God! you really did it! you've actually mastered all six basic elements! wait, you should have got a new title, no? Hurry up! what are you waiting for?! check it out!"

Alpha was thrown off guard, that reaction wasn't what he was expecting, he was completely confused and couldn't think straight,

As a result, he blindly followed the masks instructions and hastily checked his status screen, the new title he got was

[Great magistrate] : learn how to use all six basic elements , INT+50%

That one title alone pushed his intelligenc from 235 all the way to 291! that was an increase of 56 stats! the same amount of stats he would've gotten from leveling up 14 times!!!

For Alpha, the only thing the new title did for him, was help him regain more of his lost memories

But for the mask, it was a groundbreaking event!! "you've become a great Magistrate!? you've actually become a great Magistrate at the age of 15!! No! you've become a great Magistrate in just 3 days!!!! How in the world are you still a human at this point?"

Alpha was still unsurprised. after all, he have [the nameless] title, which Grant him the ability to gain new titles extremely fast

Or so he thought, but [the nameless] doesn't affect the magician titles, The mask knew that, but Alpha didn't.