
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasía
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55 Chs

CH 03

seeing how the mask stopped talking, the boy got up and stretched his body "alright, if this is a new world, and I don't have any memory, then all I need to do is to go explore and learn everything from the start" said the boy to himself with a face full of confidence

after which he went through the barrier once again wanting to explore the so called dungeon

it didn't take long before he found another slime

but, at that moment, the boy froze, remembering the burning paine caused by the first slime , he lost all the courage to advance

and before knowing it, he started running back to the safe zone

upon reaching it, he started breathing heavily ,and his head felt as heavy as a mountain

he couldn't help but to sit down , bend his knees and hug his legs, while shivering and sweating like crazy

that was such a traumatising experience, he was so scared , he couldn't close his eyes any more, he couldn't help but to keep them wide open while staring at the ground with fear and terror enveloping him

time passed by, and the boy haven't moved a muscle, if you see him you would think he's dead, and your suspicion will get confirmed after you see his eyes

a pair of empty dead eyes staring blankly at the ground, it was as if his consciousness has faded away, he didn't know what to do, how to do or why to do

he sat there motionless and emotionless , until he eventually muttered a single word "hungry"

seeing what become of him, the mask couldn't keep his silence, he spoke with a gentle tone " boy , get up"

surprisingly the kid stood up! he stood up obediently, with no resistance or complain

"leave this room" added the mask with the same tone

and unexpectedly the kid complied, even after leaving the room he kept on walking, and eventually he found himself once again facing a slime

seeing that ferocious beast that left a deep scar on the kid's heart , his fear surfaced, his look started changing and fear could be seen in his eyes

but it didn't last long, because at the same moment, his head got heavier , his stomach started rumbling, the lack of energie and the hunger were greater than the fear

he couldn't help but to press tightly on his stomach with one hand while holding his falling head with the other

when the mask whispered to him " boy , do you see that? that slime, do you see his core? there's food in it!"

hearing that , the boy slightly opened his mouth " f.. food?.... food?....... FOOD!!!"

the boy jumped in a frenzy, running towards the slime , disrigarding all the pain he felt previously , he stuck his hands into his body , grabbed his core, pulled it to his face and started biting it as hard as he could

the monster being still alive, his acidic slimy body can melt down hard stones, let alone the tender skin of a young boy

but the kid didn't care , as his hunger was greater than the little pain on his face

he kept on biting and biting , and eventually, the core cracked open, and a fleshy substance could be seen inside

the slimy body of that monster fell on the ground , leaving an open shell housing a piece of meet

seeing it , the boy shoved it in his mouth and proceeded to lick the shell

it didn't taste like anything , and it wasn't enough either

he threw it and ran like crazy, looking for more prey , he grabbed every single slime he could find and devoured it in the same way

he kept on hunting them , eating them , slime by slime, without a single care in the world

eventually ? he had his fill . but , at what cost?