
Arriving at The World

"Where am I" - those words were my first thoughts. Or not. Maybe not. It was such long time ago.

"I am falling" - Demeter thought to himself.

"I have been falling for such a long time, but there has been no stopping."

"Maybe the problem is that I weigh"- he surmised.

Well in this particular case, he was certainly right.

He was falling, because he weighed. Because people are made of matter. Or so it seems.

'Is falling a journey?' - he was asking himself.

'Cause it certainly feels like it.'

'I wonder if this is how Gandalf felt.' 'Lol.'

One could see a snickering boy, falling in the darkness.

"Will I ever arrive?"- he could have asked aloud. Would have been a rhetorical question anyways.

"Maybe you will, human, maybe you won't." - answered a deep voice, lullingly.

"Am I hallucinating? Yaay. At least I got a friend. Haha. Lol"'

"What a tard you are, my child."- said the voice sounding defeated. "But that is why..."

"Why what?" - asked Demeter.

"You are necessary."