
Tomorrow is Still Today

"April the 10th – 2:36 am My phone starts ringing and it wakes me up. I open my eyes with difficulty to take a look at my phone screen but I can’t help squinting at the light." After experiencing the same day over and over Luo Zhengchang feels both confused and desperate about his situation. He then starts to look for some ways to break this unending cycle. Since he doesn’t think there is an issue with he himself and turns to his surrounding, trying to find some useful clues. As he dives more and more in his investigations he discovers some unfathomable facts, not only about others but some even involves him. Be it his girlfriend’s strange behavior or his other friends. At some point, he even receives the unexpected help of that aloof and low-key youth who he happened to bump into countless times, slowly coming to know him more and ultimately fall for him. I invite to accompany in this unpredictable and surprising journey in time and try to resolve the mystery of these situations he would have to face, according to the clues at hand. On Hold

Polinsesi · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
1 Chs

Day 0

April the 10th – 2:36 am

My phone starts ringing and it wakes me up.

I open my eyes with difficulty to take a look at my phone screen but I can't help squinting at the light.

Being awakened so early in the morning, I feel my mood worsen a bit. And thus, I reply grudgingly to the phone call.

Before I can hear the voice of the person from the other end, I can already perceive the ambiguous atmosphere she was in, from the clicking of cups, the noise of many people talking and the dim of the background music. From all that, I already have guessed most of the situation as I hear my friend start uttering some words:

"What's up man? We're all having fun here. It's such a pity you couldn't come today."

Then I heard a loud scream followed by a short silence before the people started cheering up again in the background.

"You here that? How about coming tomorrow. I'll be having a special surprise for everyone-"

I directly hung up the phone cutting him off. Seriously, waking me up at this time only to spout out nonsense. Does he think the world revolves around himself or what?

I directly go back to sleep without a second thought.

6:50 am

The alarm starts ringing nonstop and I finally come out of bed with some difficulty.

I directly go to the bathroom to wash up to fully wake up.

Feeling more energetic after getting rid of the lethargy of last night's sleep, I rush over to the kitchen to quickly grab something to eat before getting dressed and heading off to the college.

On my way there, when I nearly have arrived at the front gates, I see a women dressed in fine elegant clothes calmly standing up, getting ready to go and leaving behind a small purse.

So I call out to her, kindly reminding her to better look after her stuff. She appears to be slightly surprised but recovers very fast and expresses her thanks before swiftly taking her leave.

I, on the other hand, have felt as though I've accomplished a great heroic act and went back on my way, in high spirits.

10:07 am

While chatting off with my group of friends on the way to our next class, I see someone very familiar coming our way. Chen Baichi, it is that guy who've just called me today so early in the morning.

As of right now, he seems to be wearing a very displeased expression while answering to our fellow classmates who were asking him about the reason of his absence at today's first morning class.

He answers showing a rather wronged expression: "I really didn't plan on ditching class. Aren't some unexpected things happened and couldn't get a hold of the surprise I promised you today." Then he adds with a slightly relieved tone: "Luckily it's still good. They will send someone to bring us the merchandise and to get the money. Which reminds me I'm counting on you. There's no free meal in this word."

Everyone expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact of being forced to pay off this surprise. But, I could already feel they were excited about tonight.

Too bad I don't appreciate at all those type of parties, thus I will readily find an excuse to keep myself out of it as per usual.

As we resume on our way to the next class, I hear a loud bang and someone falling to the ground accompanied with the sound of furniture scattering to the ground. It is certainly someone who have accidentally bumped into someone of our group. And so I instantly go to lend him a hand ignoring the incessant gearing of the group.

I don't have a strong impression of the man who've fallen sprawled to the ground. He has very low presence, wears big glasses and long bangs that covers most of his expression especially when he keeps his head lowered. He is wearing a turtleneck shirt with long sleeves even if the weather has already started heating up. I think he might be the very serious and calm type, totally the opposite of us who like to fool around.

I help him slip, not letting the guys indulge too much in bullying him before returning to their side to soothe them. The youth sweeps me a light glance before turning around and heading off, not bothering mush with us.

1:20 pm

At lunch, we head to the cafeteria to grab something to eat.

There, upon our arrival, Chen Baichi hooks an arm around my shoulders and pulls me aside while saying: "Guess who's glaring at you as though you've eaten his mother."

I calmly push him away. In fact I already know who the person he's talking about is, but won't bother with it much. I believe ignoring that person is the best way to handle this matter. Anyway, we don't have anything to do with each other anymore.

5:47 pm

I head off from university a bit earlier than everyone to not get caught by those friends of mine and be forced to accompany them to their "special" night party.

I suddenly remember that I didn't met with Xiu'er at all today at college. Even if we don't have the same classes, we usually meet at noon and she joins our group of friends to have lunch together. I can't help feeling a bit worried but I quickly dispel that thought, trying to convince myself that it should be nothing much. I decide to contact her as soon as I get home to make clear of the situation.

10:42 pm

Before heading to bed, I suddenly remember that I have to call Huan Meixiu and try it out a few times without getting any response.

I ultimately decide on finding her tomorrow to make sure that everything is okay.

I lay in bed, fixing the ceiling while having a very apprehensive feeling about that matter but I try to get it off of my head so that I can finally have some rest.

Not long after, I slowly feel my consciousness dimming and I can finally fall asleep

2:36 am

My phone starts ringing and it wakes me up yet again.