
Tomorrow's Legacy

Edian's story begins in a small town where he lives a normal life, until one day he hears rumors of disappearances in a nearby cave. Together with his friends, he decides to investigate and they discover something that leaves them speechless.

Elianh · Fantasía
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6 Chs


Edian was tired and so she sat on the ground and watched the city from afar. As time went on, the city looked more and more desolate. There was no sign of life, and although it looked beautiful, it was as if something had happened and the city had been abandoned and after a while Edian decided to look for food and recalls the strangers she had met on his way. She had no idea what could happen, but hunger and thirst were overpowering her. She picked up one of the fruits and sniffed it, trying to detect any strange or suspicious smells. However, it seemed harmless. So she bit into it cautiously and waited. Fortunately, nothing bad happened. Edian decided to go ahead and try the other fruits, and although each had a different taste and color, they all seemed harmless. Satisfied she decided to lie down and sleep right there but the fear of being alone in an unfamiliar place was imminent and he could not consolidate sleep.

Edian finally fell asleep. But her sleep was interrupted by a strange noise. She jumped up, but there was nothing there. The noise had stopped, and she thought it had just been her imagination. But after a while, the noise was repeated, this time louder and more persistent. Edian was trembling with fear. Was anyone else in the forest with her?