
Tokyo Revengers: Intrinsically Insidious

In the Kanto Region of Japan, the gripping tale unfolds as 22-year-old Yamishin Kyoki ruthlessly seizes control of South Yokohama, driven by a toxic blend of ambition and hunger for power. Alongside his equally venomous partner in crime, Remi, Kyoki sets his sights on an audacious plan to conquer the entirety of Yokohama. However, Kyoki's turbulent history with the notorious Black Dragon gang looms as a formidable obstacle to his expansionist ambitions. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for power and a sense of urgency, Kyoki embarks on a brutal conquest, navigating a perilous path where alliances are fragile, and the pursuit of dominance takes precedence over all else. —------------------------------- This fan-fic is set in an expanded alternate universe of Tokyo Revengers with characters that are unlike canon as well as non-canon events. This takes place in the same fan-fic universe as “Tokyo Revengers: Threnody of Extant” By MrGoldStar. This is also cross posted on ArchiveOfOurOwn, under the name "Nitrous6." If you wish to support me, I have a Patreon: patreon.com/TheWorkOfNitrous Discord: https://discord.gg/eKZsaqTuM8

Nitrous · Cómic
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17 Chs

The Spider Caught In Its Own Web

The Morning After The Himura Family's loss.

"You've got to be fuckin' kidding me." Kaito slammed his fist on the desk, clenching down on his teeth.

"We can still take 'em, don't ya' think?" Takashi asked whilst smoking on a cigarette. 

After hearing the news, Kaito had been throwing a fit - a tantrum - as if he were a kid. He opened a drawer and took out a handgun. "If I had known the fucker destroyed an entire police station with a chopper, I'd have never gone after him."

"What? Come on, you don't mean that, right? We already knew he was dangerous." Takashi tossed the cigarette to the ground, stomping on it.

Kaito loaded the pistol, "did you not hear what I just said," Kaito hissed, shoving the gun in his behind and grabbed Takashi's collar, "he shot up a damn police station! You know, with cops! We need to leave now. We'll get other bikers and come back. Hell, I might even ask my family for help."

"We made a deal with the Himura Family, though. We can't turn our back on 'em."

"What are you?" Kaito scoffed, "you a boy scout now?"

"We're criminals, yes," Takashi began, Kaito still holding him, "but we still have honor."

"Pffft, honor?!" Kaito blatantly laughed out loud, shoving Takashi multiple feet away, "we're criminals because we have no honor. We're hounds, dumbass, not protectors of the innocent or any other bullshit like that."

Kaito began walking out the office into the garage, but a sudden click went off, and the silence pierced through the air, the wind a dark, chilly, breeze. "The fuck are you doing? Pointing a gun at me won't solve a damn thing."

"We became bosuzoku over ten years ago." Takashi held his gun high, his eyelids lower than usual as he continued, "and about five years ago we created The Steel Hounds. I didn't mind letting you be leader but look what you've done." He pointed at the emptiness of the garage, tire marks all that remained. "They left us!! The whole damn gang! You'd have known that if you weren't sulking in the corner all damn day!"

"As if I give a damn! So, what, they left us!? I can start again!" Kaito slithered his hand down his back, waiting for steel to touch his fingers. But they didn't. His gun was gone. "You damn dog." His nostrils flared at Takashi, who responded, "you don't get it, do you, Kaito? The rest of the boys decided on a new leader. That's why they left already. Because they were ordered to leave."

"Oh boo hoo. A new leader?! They'll just get themselves killed! Without the two of us leading, those kids are practically newborn babies!"

"Kaito," Takashi's voice dropped, tuneless as he continued, "I'm who they chose."


"Listen, don't feel too disheartened. I'll make sure the Yamishin Syndicate pays for this. Especially since they'll be the ones who kill you."

"For a man who claims this was all for the sake of the boys, you clearly had quite the plan. As if you were waiting to snag this throne from me."

"Throne? Please, your position is no more than a hole dug in the backyard. I will create it into a throne. In honor of The Steel Hound's precious leader who was killed. Now, be a good boy and die."




The last three floors were all designated to Kyoki. The library claimed the last few floors, so the floor with his office, is also the same floor with his bedroom. It looked like another office on the floor, but it took up well over one thousand square feet by itself.

"So, what're we gonna do about The Steel Hounds?" Remi asked, naked under the covers as water ran from the bathroom across. With a squeak, the water stopped, and Kyoki emerged from the door whilst patting his clean-shaven face, "I made a deal with one of the hounds. They're not a problem anymore." He assured her as she got out from the covers, sliding her clothes on.

"A deal?"

"Mm, yes. The people will believe we killed Nakamura Kaito."

"Nakamura? You mean, he shares the same family name as Ryo?"

"They do."

"So, they're related?" She continued laying on, as she had to jump up and down to get her pants on.

"Not sure. I'm sure if they were, then Ryo would've let us know. Either way, it doesn't really matter, though, does it? He had to go."

"Help me put this on." She was putting her bra on, and Kyoki obliged. He walked behind her, grabbing the two clasps. She twisted her neck and looked into his eyes, "I feel like you're lying."

"Now why would I need to do that?" He completed his task, then looked below him. He was nearly stepping on her shirt. He picked it up and handed it to her, then looked to the closest drawer, which had a mirror sitting atop it. He opened one up and took a tie out from it, wrapping it around his neck, but before he could get started, Remi invaded him, lightly pushing his chest. 

She grabbed the tie and got to work, "I've known you for some time now," she purposely tightened the tie, yet no reaction showed from Kyoki. She continued holding onto the tie and magnetized her lips to his, and as they separated, she said, "are you sure you want to lie to me?"

Kyoki took a step back, then walked around her to the coat rack. He swifty took his jet-black suit jacket and draped it around his shoulders.

"You're right. I did lie." He walked back towards her. His face loomed over hers, but he reached out and past her, to the second highest drawer. A wooden antique box. He took it out and unlocked it with a key from his pocket, "Ryo and Kaito are distant cousins. 'Were', I guess would be the correct terminology."

He looked at the assortment of watches, thinking of which one to choose from.

The first, a delicate pocket watch with an ornate gold exterior, bore intricate engravings that whispered tales of bygone elegance. Its face, adorned with slender hands and Roman numerals, hinted at an era when time was a treasure to be cherished. The second, a wristwatch with a leather strap, bore the scars of a well-lived life. Its tarnished silver casing held the patina of countless moments, a visual timeline etched in the subtle scratches and faded luster. Together, these watches seemed to transcend their physical forms, carrying the weight of stories untold and journeys forgotten.

And as he continued looking through them, a finger touched one of them. "Silver fits you." She smiled, picking the watch up, and placing it onto Kyoki's left wrist. "There." She said, confirming the watch had been put on.

Kyoki glanced down at the watch; a silent tick clicking through the air.

"We have to go." He said, turning around and opening the door.

Remi smirked and walked out the door, continuing down towards the elevator as she chuckled, "tell that old head Haruki that he's been caught!"

As Kyoki locked the door, he placed his hands in his pockets as a slight grin spread across his face.

"Yeah, I'll make sure to tell him."