
Tokyo Revengers: Intrinsically Insidious

In the Kanto Region of Japan, the gripping tale unfolds as 22-year-old Yamishin Kyoki ruthlessly seizes control of South Yokohama, driven by a toxic blend of ambition and hunger for power. Alongside his equally venomous partner in crime, Remi, Kyoki sets his sights on an audacious plan to conquer the entirety of Yokohama. However, Kyoki's turbulent history with the notorious Black Dragon gang looms as a formidable obstacle to his expansionist ambitions. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for power and a sense of urgency, Kyoki embarks on a brutal conquest, navigating a perilous path where alliances are fragile, and the pursuit of dominance takes precedence over all else. —------------------------------- This fan-fic is set in an expanded alternate universe of Tokyo Revengers with characters that are unlike canon as well as non-canon events. This takes place in the same fan-fic universe as “Tokyo Revengers: Threnody of Extant” By MrGoldStar. This is also cross posted on ArchiveOfOurOwn, under the name "Nitrous6." If you wish to support me, I have a Patreon: patreon.com/TheWorkOfNitrous Discord: https://discord.gg/eKZsaqTuM8

Nitrous · Cómic
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17 Chs

Blossoming v Blossomed

In a dimly lit room, Kyoki lounged in a chair, legs crossed, a cigarette adding to the haze. Men in suits loomed around him, creating an imposing backdrop for the four teenagers kneeling before him. The sound of cracked knuckles resonated as Kyoki, visibly irritated, spoke, "You really shouldn't heed that old man, you know? Tsk tsk tsk. He's too... emotional."

"Mister Yamishin, we're terribly…terribly sorry! Please forgive us!" A red-haired girl begged.

"Are you crazy Kozue!? We can't bow to this fucker! He killed Akari, we can't let this fucker live!" Another kid blurted, except his hair was as dark as the tint on Kyoki's car. "That name, how are the four of you related to Akari?" He asked whilst puffing out smoke.

"His sister!" The two remained silent but answered the unspoken question. Twins, mirror images with matching blonde hair; one's tresses flowed, the other's sheared into a buzz cut. Kyoki's gaze briefly fell on the black-haired boy. Advancing, he walked up to the kid, exhaling smoke into his face. With a solemn revelation, he said, "I remember now. Your sister, I killed her when I first came here to Yokohama."

The boy clenched his teeth, his eyes ablaze with rage. "Yeah, that's why you should've stayed in Tokyo! I'll kill you for coming here!"

"Watch it," Kyoki cautioned the boy. Crouching down to eye level, he extended his cigarette just above the boy's eye. "How bad do you think it'd hurt? Take a guess."


"Boys, keep his eyes open." Two men walked over. One gripped the kid, immobilizing him, while the other forced his eyes to remain open. Kyoki secured the cigarette in place, ready for another hit. The boy squirmed, unable to suppress his whimpers, inadvertently revealing his fear to the onlookers.

"Stop!" Kozue continued begging. The twins hesitated to join but voiced their worries too. "Christ, just what do you kids think I'm gonna do to him huh?" Kyoki palmed his face just below his eyes and pompously said, "it's not like imma blind the kid." He momentarily paused. "Well…"

Kozue and the twins started shaking.

"What's your name kid?"


"Takeo, huh? A strong name. Don't let it intimidate you. Embrace it. I mean, One-Eyed Takeo sounds pretty cool, don't you agree?"

"One eyed?"

No matter the situation, Kyoki's facial expression was always unchanged, as if his face was frozen. 

"When you return, make it clear to that old man to stop pestering me. You'll suffer the consequences for both your foolishness and his. Now, take your punishment like a responsible son." He shoved the cigarette into Takeo's eye, a scream filling the air. "AGHHHHH!!!!"

"Let the fuck go." The two men listened, and Kyoki flung Takeo into the glass window. A crack manifested. Coughing up blood, Takeo began crawling toward the elevator. "Nuh-uh," Kyoki delivered a kick straight into his stomach, causing a momentary suspension in the air. Descending, Takeo met a fist to the face, hurling him back into the glass. Another crack.

Remaining seated, Kyoki once again palmed his face and hoisted him high. He forcefully slammed his head into the glass, sending shards flying as a cold wind invaded the room. "We may not be on the top floor or in the office, but this is still thirty floors high."

"Please stop! You think his dad would allow for this! You'd be dead within a day!" The long-haired twin spoke. Kyoki looked at him then back to Takeo and said, "He couldn't lay a finger on me even if a genie made it happen. It's impossible. But I'm intrigued. Just how far will that name of yours, Takeo, carry you? "He tightened his grip. "I'll let you live. But there's a condition."

Takeo tried speaking, but his injuries didn't allow him. "Oh well, I gu-"

"I'll do it!" The same twin from earlier yelled, "I can do it for him, right? Right?"

"Sure," Kyoki threw Takeo back into the office, all three of his friends running to him. "Get up." He told the twin. He obeyed and went to where he stood. "Come, look." He signaled for him to get closer, which he did. "The concrete is flawless, right?"

"I guess? But what's this have to do with the punishment."

"Truth is, I would like some more color." Kyoki went into his thoughts as he stroked his chin, then came back to reality. "I a-agree." He nervously chuckled, gulping as he looked down.

"Then how would you like to help me decorate it as your punishment?"

"I'd love to."

Kyoki turned around, directing his attention to the other three kids. His hands casually rested in his pockets as he sighed. "Hey, you three. Pay close attention." Abruptly, he pivoted and forcefully planted his foot in the twin's stomach, propelling him out the window.

"Hiroto!!" They all yelled.

The other twin sprung to his feet and hurled a fist towards Kyoki who sidestepped and slapped him the face. "Ackk!" The twin held his nose, crimson flowing down past his lip. "Takeo's right! You cant liv-!"

A deafening crack silenced the twin, echoing throughout the air. He stumbled and fell to his knees.

"Was that really necessary?" Kyoki asked, "Remi?"

"Of course it was! Now, a thank you wouldn't hurt!"

Struggling to rise, the twin clutched his stomach. A bullet had pierced his abdomen, and he couldn't stifle his groans. "Cheater..."

"Not the first time I've heard that. Anyway, with a part of you dead, are you like a zombie? That's what a lot of people say. I suppose I should end the little zombie's misery."

Kozue stood up, also getting ready to unleash an attack. But suddenly one of Kyoki's men subdued her to the floor, "Get the hell off me!" She roared, the man not letting up.

Kyoki grabbed the twin by the hair and held him over the street. Takeo, moving like a crippled, extended his hand out trying to reach his friend. However, fortune was not on his side. He let his grip go, and as the twin fell, he hit his head on the edge and flipped backwards down to his death. Silent and painful tears seeded from Takeo's eyes as Kozue threw every slur she could.

"Take them back up north." Kyoki commanded the man who was subduing Kozue. The man nodded his head in response.

"Quite a mess you've created here," Remi remarked. She approached Kyoki, placing a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it. After exhaling, he retorted, "You're the one who shot a kid."

"Have you seen the window?!"

"Whatever. I got word that a bunch of troublemakers are in my office, so let's go take care of it."

The two of them stepped into the elevator, no men inside it as most were either in that room or adhering to other tasks. They pressed the fourth highest button. As the doors closed, Takeo and Kozue conveyed their hatred through the eyes.

"His own son, really?" she asked, the number above the elevator door rapidly increasing. Kyoki exhaled smoke, then handed her the cigarette, answering, "I doubt it. He's always going on about that family nonsense. No, that kid Takeo probably defied his father's orders to remain up north. If his son is here..."

"Then they're planning an attack."


Floor sixty.

They walked past abandoned desks that were collecting dust, flickering lights, and tarps hanging from the roof. Coming to two wooden doors, Kyoki opened the left and Remi the right. 

Two of Kyoki's men stood there, attired in black suits. Three unknown individuals, with two clearly serving as foot soldiers, also donned suits, but in white. The seated man rose, glasses veiling his eyes but not his wrinkled skin. Extending his hand, Kyoki reciprocated, shaking it.

"A pleasure to meet you Yamishin."

'They said it was some kids, didn't they?' Kyoki wondered. But he didn't get lost in his thoughts and responded like a professional, "Likewise Mori Haruki."

"Feel free to call me Haruki. Age hasn't stopped me from making new friends."

"Then call me Kyoki," he moved to the opposite side of the desk, completely bare, not even a pen in sight. "What brings you here today, Haruki?"

Haruki held his hand out and one of his men placed a folder into it. He then placed it onto the desk. "What's this?" Kyoki asked, opening the folder and handing what looked like photos to Remi. 

"Consider it a welcoming gift. You've been in control here for a year, so it was high time I presented you with something."

Kyoki and Remi browsed through the papers and photos. A smirk crept onto Remi's face, but she remained silent. "Am I supposed to magically decipher what this means?"

"Those photos," the old man's voice cracked, a few light coughs falling before he continued. "They're of the Himura family. In the first photo is a man you know all too well. Himura Tadashi. The head of the family. You can see he's in a visible argument with his son, Himura Takeo."


"In the next few photos, that Takeo kid is gathering his friends. Cough cough! He-cough! He's planning on attacking you."

"And enlighten me, how does this qualify as generosity?"

"You want that turf, don't you? Capture the boy, and it'll be a breeze." Kyoki sighed, handing the folder to Remi. Placing the side of his head under his extended fingers, he stated, "Regrettably, my new friend, this information is of no use to us."

"What? H-how can that be? My intelligence crew is the best in all of Kanto!"

"Haruki, it's not really a question of intelligence. It's more about the use of power."

The old man cackled, interrupted by a violent cough. One of his men rushed over to check on him, "I'm fine!" He told him, standing up from the chair. "The Devil is closing in on me. I will return home."

"But my dear friend Haruki, I just remembered something." Kyoki walked up to the old man. The other four men in the room started cradling their handguns, waiting for a bad moment. "You still hold a small piece of territory here in southern Yokohama, don't you?"

"I have no intentions of defying you. You're my new friend, and friends don't betray each other."

"It appears you don't truly know who I am, given that you're saying something so idealistic like that."

"Idealistic? I'm an old man, and I've witnessed what many might label as idealism."

Kyoki raised his hand high.

"Lighter?" he asked, cigarette in his mouth. Haruki smiled and responded, "Anything for a newfound friend." He complied and took out a lighter.

The three men then made their way for the exit. Accompanied by one of Kyoki's men to the lobby, the other lingered. He leaned on the desk, "Go and find, um... Daichi, I believe his name is. He's in charge of taking two kids back to the shithole they came from," he peered out the window, smoke veiling the outside, his reflection alone visible. "Tell him there's been a change of plans."

"Your wish is my command sir."

"Good. Have him leave the girl here."

Please check out the sequel! Tokyo Revengers: Threnody of Extant by MrGoldStar! Thank you very much!

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