
Tokyo Revenger: Domination

Reincarnated to the "Tokyo Revenger" World and obtained a powerful system,see how our mc climb step by step to the Top of the World.

Novannovan · Cómic
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9 Chs

Flashback (1)


"Tadaima", I muttered to myself after opening the door entering my house, and turning on the light at the right side of the door, after i take off my shoes and put them in the shoe rack, i go straight to the kitchen to put the grocery in my refrigerator.

After all of it was done, i prepare to cook dinner for myself, because my stomach gurgled unsatisfactorily obviously hungry, even though my cooking skill suck because i never cook in my previous and current life, i still try to learn, because it will be cheaper than buying ready-made food from outside and it will also save a little spending, after a simple meal, i wash the dishes and quickly go straight to the bathroom to take a bath because my body feels stink and sticky.

After finishing taking a shower and drying myself clean, i go to my bedroom and lie down on the tatami mattress feeling tired after a busy day, while not forgetting to send a text message to Emma because i already promise her a text after i arrive at my house.

After telling Emma that i already arrive home, i put the phone beside me and look towards the ceiling to recall all the bizarre events that i had been through.

From dying in a truck accident to getting reincarnated to this strange world that is almost identical to my old World, with a similar Country, similar Society, and similar Planet, but the only difference is the people who live in it, like the President of a country in this world is different from my old world, and the song of a popular singer in my old world can't be found in this new world, but overall other than that this world is very identical to my old world.

At first, i was in a state of confusion about why i got reincarnated into this strange world, is there any conspiracy in this? what is the reason for this unknown entity to reincarnate me? but after i ask myself again and again, i don't get an answer, so i give up my useless thought and go with the flow.

But thankfully for me, i have complete parents in this world who love and care about me deeply, in my last life, I was unfortunate to become one of the many unlucky children who have a broken home family, when i was still a 5 years old child my mother and father split because of an unknown argument, after they separated, i follow my mother because I'm more attached to her than my father.

Living with a fatherless figure and workaholic mother, i have not so happy childhood period, feeling lonely and detached, i start playing with the bad kids near the street where i live, whom my primary school friend introduced to me, as time passed, i do slowly forgot about the sorrow and loneliness that i feel, but it brings me a bad influence too, like i start knowing how to drink and smoke from them, it's crazy right ? a Primary school student knows how to drink and smoke, maybe because the bad environment they live in so i understand that, but it doesn't matter to me, as long i have a true brother who accompany my lonely life it all be worth it.

My friendship with them was pretty long-lasting, we go to the same Junior middle school, where there we start to know about gangs and other stuff like that, but it all falls apart after one of my friends starts to move to another country and my other friend is pretty busy with their own stuff, so we get few and few chances to meet up with each other.

After i start going to High school, i totally lost contact with them, feeling depressed about what to do, one day my desk friend in high school introduced to me about this anime stuff, at first, i just want to try to see if it can make me not feel bored.

But after watching it day by day from then on i started to become addicted and become a total shut-in, there are not so many things that can make me excited than watching my favorite anime, and this bad habit still goes on even after i finish my high school year, the consequences is? i still can't get a job, even after i already finish my school year months away, maybe you will be asking why not go to university? well, the answer is, i hate studying, that's right i hate it, so i decided not to continue my college study and pursue becoming a qualified shut-in.

Maybe a voice in my head keeps telling me that I'm still young and there is still plenty of time for me to find a job of my liking, but God doesn't think so, one day when I'm in my house watching my favorite Overlord anime, a call coming from my phone.

When i see who it was, what i see was a strange number that i never see, but i still answer the phone out of habit, when the call was connected, what i hear was a women's sad voice coming towards my ear, the caller says that she is my mother college and she says that my mother passed away in the office because of overwork death.

When i hear what the caller said my mind froze, and my phone slipped from my hand fell to the ground, the first thought in my head is this a prank? how come? my mind is in a state of turmoil, i was in disbelief at the heavy news that i hear in my ears, so i ask the caller for confirmation while trying to calm myself down.

After the caller confirm the news was true my eyes turn red and my heart fall to the bottom reaching the freezing point, my body lean against the wall and i start crying so hard that i never thought i can, my mind is in a state of doubt, confusion, sorrow, and disbelief, all the mixed emotion making me in a daze there and just start crying because that's the only thing i can think of, after a little bit of time, i start asking the caller where my mother is with my shaky voice, after i got the address, i start running there without even bothering to cleaning my face and nose after crying for so long.

The address that the caller give me is in a nearby hospital where my mother works, after i arrive at the hospital, i start walking to the room where my mother is being put after asking the front desk receptionist, when i arrive seeing her tired face in her now cold body, my mood starts to become unstable and i start crying again because too much shock i been through, even though my mother never has the time to spend the day with me, but she is a hardworking, kind and a good mother, every request i made, my mother never say "NO" to me, maybe she feels guilty because she never has the time to accompany me because of her busy work, so she exchanged that with a materialistic thing that can make me happy.

Thinking of this i start crying loudly while holding her cold hand until i pass out because of excessive shock, after an unknown of time, i wake up from the hospital bed that the nurse put me in, when i walk out of the ward and come to my mother room, there are already many family members of my mother waiting, when they see me they give me a sympathetic look and keep comforting me, i just nodded there absentmindedly not in the mood to think about anything else, after my mother family finishes the procedure for the burial of my mother, they drop me off to my house while not forgetting comforting me one last time, after i arrive at my bedroom i looked at the ceiling and start sobbing.


Fast forward weeks later, i just finish the funeral of my mother, there is not many people coming, only my mother's family, neighbor, and my mother's colleague. while still feeling sad and depressed, i still tried to move on so as not to make my mother worry in her afterlife.

After i got home from the funeral, from that day on, i start to change and start to find a job seriously, because from now on, i will be living by myself and need to feed myself, after months of rejection from various companies that i apply to, i got a reply from one of the companies that i apply, feeling happy that this is my chance, i make myself look good and handsome.

After finishing my preparation, i started walking to the agreed place where the interview will be held on, while I'm on my way, my mind was absentminded feeling nervous about the first interview in my life.

While thinking about messy thoughts in my mind, i was not paying special attention to the red crossing light that glows on my left, while other pedestrians stopped, i still move forward like without care about the world, even though the people behind me start to shout and tell me to stop, but i didn't hear anything because i was in my own world, as i walk forward.

Suddenly, i hear a loud horn on my left side, when i slowly look, i was stunned, a truck going in my direction at a fast speed, because i was too shocked about the situation i got in to, i just froze there without moving, as the truck only a few meters from me, my mind woke up and i can only utter a single sentence *Fuck*.

*BAM!!*, I got hit by the truck and fly for 15 meters away, blood trickling from my head and my consciousness slowly fading, when i was only a tread away from my dead, the word i uttered in my mouth is "Is this the end?" after that, my breath stops, and i was completely washed away from this world.

He thought his life end here, but life sometimes have an unexpected thing.