
Tokyo Ghoul: Reborn

When a Guy gets The choice to reincarnate into any world as anything, Why does he choose Tokyo ghoul, especially as one of the most hated things in it?

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15 Chs

Battle of the Station

After about Fifteen minutes of obviously going to fast on the high way, as the cops doing just as they did in Fast and Furious we arrived at the scene, with Akira breathing heavily and hanging on for dear life. I guess she can't contain her excitement for letting me drive, and my amazing skills, huh?

"I will never ride in a car with you again unless it is a matter of an emergency." She says, crushing my dreams of being a Pro-Nascar driver, damn. "hey, we're here by the way." I say, as I point to what is obviously her father Kureo Mado and his 'Dark Apprentice of the sith'; Koutarou Amon! the two stared, as Kureo looked with a crazy eye at the car, while Amon was... Gawking at the expensive car.

Actually, Im surprised, Amon was bitching around with Kureo this early? I didn't expect them to be fucking around right now. At the max I expected him to be in the Academy, or freelancing without him. I admit, I kinda forgot about him existing. I never really like amon as a character. he was Kinda an ass in my opinion.

Turning my attention back to Akira, she opened the door to the car as the two stared on at us."Akira, I don't remember you getting a Drivers License, Nor the money to get such a vehicle. If I may ask where did you get it?" Her father asked, not noticing me. " It's not mine father. A friend who was with when I received your call drove me over," she said, as I finally came into view of the two.

"How did you get a car like that?" Amon asked, bewildered and shocked. "Through means, only an American would... I bought it from Toyota for an obviously raised price, but it is worth it!" I said as I revved the Engine, Startling Akira. "Sorry." I apologize, as she nods. "Well, Imma get outta here, Im not suicidal enough to stay with ghouls around, and Im sure you'll be fine with all this backup..." I said as I looked at all the CCG who dotted the area. Quickly a drove off and parked in an Alleyway Three blocks down.

Quickly, I started to change into my 'Vasto Lord' outfit, pulled out my 2011 and loaded it full of Q-Bullets and grabbed Four Spare Mags. If there is a strong Koukaku down there, I can fix my greatest weakness right now, which is that the Rinkaku is easy to break. If I can get that as my Melee weapon, I will Indefinitely be at SS-Low SSS rank power. And then I can focus on other matters. Right now, I can Assume I am on par with a Medium S rank ghoul, or a Rank 1 Investigator.

Sighing, I open up the manhole and hop down. the Smell of shit flooding my nose. aww, sometimes an increased sense of smell sucks. sighing, I continue down, until I can hear the voices of the ghouls conversing. mostly about if they will storm them, or take them up on the offer of 12 million USD and a ticket out of the country. Ok, so there's supposed to be around 112 of them,... about 109 thousand each? pretty good cash... too bad im putting a permanent dent in their plans.

Opening up the vent that I was at, I notice I am on the tracks. However, I was still in the Main station, Cause I could hear them. Carefully I get out and put the vent down and lookup. above me a was a Ghoul, who was off to the side he had a gun in hand and was Yawning as he looked over the Hostages.

Some were Old some were Young. but the one thing that they all held was that they were all Human. They all reeked of Fear, and one of them im fairly certain pissed himself/herself. maybe multiple ones. Quickly, I use my Rinkaku to mind fuck him, Literally. His body slumps to the floor, and the crowd of Hostages gasps loudly, obviously scared. quickly I jump up and Turn my Rinkaku into a Ukaku and start to blast the Ghoul terrorist who has foolishly crowded together to socialize.

Seriously, who does that when that atmosphere was so thin? around half of my enemies remained standing, while the others keeled over. leaving me with about 54 left. Quickly I pull out my Pistol and get to work, Using my Rinkaku I Dodge left and right, making sure to kill any that get in my way, didge Ukaku blast and shoot. in about a full minute I had already Killed the Majority of them. only 4 remained. Three of which were Rinkaku such as me and decided to try to overwhelm me. but I dodged, and with a swift flick of my Kagune, all of them were Impaled.

The final man, A bikaku, tried to escape, thinking the CCG would be a better end than this. Just as he reached the top of the stairs my Rinkaku blasted after him, and impaled him in his stomach, and flailed him around until he motionlessly slumped to the ground, off my Rinkaku. Hmm, well I guess I may have scared the CCG. Looking back at the Hostages, I nod, as I talk. " Hurry, the CCG is up there. I will make sure you are covered as you escape." Frightened, they all begin to Hurry up the steps, hearing something rush me from behind, I just barely dodge a heavy slam of a blade on the ground.

Looking to where I was formerly, I see a Man, who kinda looks like Garou from One Punch Man with a Red Koukaku on his left arm. "Who the hell are you?" I ask, Gritting my teeth. Well, At least I found a Koukaku! "I am the Sword Baron, and for killing my men, you're going to pay! he says as I roll my eyes. " I am an SS ranked ghoul you fool! do not roll your eyes at me!" He barked as I looked at him. "Alright Mr. 'Sword Baron' If that is even your real name! Come and get me little dick!" I taunted, as he charged at me. If his Kagune is worth that much, it should be a good sword.

I Dodge his attacks Swiftfully, as he continues swinging, and I dodging. the thing about a Koukaku is that it is heavy, even if the blade is thin. It can only be made lightweight if it is a Quinque, or at least I think It can. So all I need to do is tire him out and I should be dead set fine.

After about thirty seconds, he is tired. Jesus, this guy must really be all about ending it quickly. Lucky for me, Im as fast as sonic the mother fucking hedgehog! Within about Six seconds more, I decapitated him, and cut him open. quickly I found his Kagune Sack, and grabbed it, as I Heard sound from the door. Turning, I see Three Investigators. One was an older woman who even though seemed to be in her 30's, was indefinitely still good looking. Next to her, Stood Shinohara, and next to him stood Akira.

"Freeze, If you come quietly we will arrest you and send you to Cochlea, If you do not, you will be subjected to death!" the older woman said, as I glared at the three of them. Standing up with bloody Organ in hand, I look at the group, As I Bowed, before speaking. " It is an honor to meet you, Special Class Shinohara, There aren't many Investigators who I can truly look at and Admire such as yourself. the other two, I don't really know who they are, but they must be good at they're job If they aren't Washuu whores." I say, playing the role of Vasto Lord. I've kinda come up with something for him.

He's a Knight of Justice, and if you kill someone, or do something unwarranted while he is around, he'll kill ya, and he absolutely hates the Washuu's. so yeah, there's that. " Vasto Lord, We will give you the option to go to Cochlea, don't waste that opportunity. You get the chance to live, get meals, its everything you need, You just need to come with us..." he says, as I decide to play a little with them. It's not like I care too much about the Original story anyways. It is my world now, and I will mess with it as I please. " You mean so that My bones can join the thousands, if not Millions underneath it? Yeah, fat chance. I am not stupid. I will be killed there." I say as I Smile at them, which unsettles the three.

"I promise as long as you co-operate that will not happen to you. anyone who goes there does not get killed, and there is no mountain of bones as you put it. it is peaceful and safe." he says, trying to get me to co-operate. idiot, I've already said no. " You know, if you actually knew what happened in the CCG, I would trust you, Special Class Shinohara, but you don't. You don't know the truth of it all. the truth that will set you free... and damn all you care for." I say as I string my words meticulously, buying time as I grab a smoke bomb.

"and what is that, Vasto Lord? what are you so deadset on saying that you had to drag it out this long...?" He said as he was catching on to my buying of time. well, I shouldn't leave them on a cliffhanger. its the ass thing to do. " Did you know that the Washuu clan, who have ruled over the CCG ever since the 1890s was a clan of cannibalistic ghouls? Of course, you don't. Did you know that they force women to be raped over and over for 'Breeding', in fact, one such child of a Human and Wasuu resulted in Kishou Arima, did you know that?" I stated, shocking the group of Investigators long enough to drop a smoke bomb and open and close the grate shut. Well, I hope this doesn't come back to bite me? oh, it definitely will.

So far this is the longest chapter, And Originally I had envisioned so much more, for this chapter, but I am really tired. So, I hope this can take place instead of what I intended. and I apologize for not reaching the best for it.

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