
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Cómic
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26 Chs

unwanted visitors

I would be the first to admit if asked in the future that the scream I gave wasn't the most manly.

And I would also admit that it wouldn't be my fault.

After all, the ghoul I had just seen was the one who took a piece of me.

A ghoul I admitted to chasing.

And the likely leader of some organization also formed by ghouls.

After she recovers from the giggles that started after my scream, she pushes me away and starts to enter my house.

She walks in and looks around analyzing the entire apartment and then speaks.

-Tch... and everything is very normal....

-What did you expect?

-....and organized....

She mutters.

-Well, not everyone is a chronic slacker....

I whisper, and if it's any indication the light punch she gave me (which still hurt like hell) says she heard it.

-Good !

She claps her palm.

-Let's talk business.

She says seriously and I sigh.

- let's go then....

I say and walk into my kitchen, I pull up a chair for her to sit on.

She sits down.

-Do you want coffee or a snack?

I ask and she looks confused.

-I'm a ghoul.

Now I get confused.

-Yes, the bite on my shoulder tells me that....

I mumble and she snorts.

-So you're offering another sample~?

She asks licking her lips and with the only kakugan activated.

I shiver slightly and go over to my fridge, open it, and take out the jar of human meat hamburger steaks I'd made for kaneki.

"Well he won't need it anymore..."

I place the pot on the table in front of Eto who looks at the meat and smells it getting really confused.

-Why do you have human flesh in your house?

She takes one of the steaks in her hand and even looks indignant.

-And why hamburgers?!

She exclaims and I laugh.

"This has happened before hahaha"

-Secret !

I reply smiling.

She pops one of the steaks into her mouth and starts chewing it while staring at me analytically.

-Does this secret involve the reason why you went to seek shelter in the anteiku?


"So this is how she knows where I live, she must have followed me since we met"

I sit in the chair directly across from her.

- You followed me then.

-Did you really expect me to leave you alone after your little show?

She asks with raised eyebrow and still chewing slowly.

I let out a sigh and relax into my chair.

-In retrospect I was really naive.....but I needed help as no one left bandages to help me....I could have died of hemorrhage.....someone could have lent me you know....

I give eto a dirty look.

-Is it really just that part that bothers you?

she asks incredulously.

-But coming back, yes I looked for help at anteiku and I very much doubt you don't know about them so...Why are you here anyway?

She swallows the meat.

-To start our agreement and get to know our new ally better...

She pauses and threatens me.

- or just know the one that will be my snack if it doesn't prove its worth.

She laughs and I keep my smile and my gaze on her.

-Okay, leaving the threats aside, who are you anyway?


She screams.

-and seriously you don't know?

-No, I'm just asked to pass the time.

I reply sarcastically and she looks offended.

-We are the aogiri tree!

she exclaims proudly.

- A tree, congratulations! But you still don't know who you are.

I say clapping my hands slowly.

She looks even more offended.

-and what is your goal anyway?

-Destroy the CCG.


-For the ghouls to do what they want.

- Okay, and now what's your real goal?

She stares at me looking genuinely surprised.


- The CCG is the government body to deal with ghouls, not the national army, even if it is destroyed it will have a proper response ie the military hitting tokyo to deal with ghuls, after all I doubt the military does not have a plan to a case like this, if it actually gets destroyed after all if a crisis like that occurs, the CCG would probably get international help and if current investors are already causing a problem like that, imagine the ones around the world?

I pause under eto's surprised gaze and continue.

-And after all that, a city controlled by ghouls? Do you really think any ruler would allow this? Can Ghoul Survive Missiles? So just destroying the CCG to have that freedom would be in vain anyway.

-I could survive....

Whisper etho.

-and the strongest ones too, you know, you're pretty smart!

She speaks in surprise.

I raise an eyebrow curiously and then feel offended.

-I'm not stupid!

Shout to etho.

Now she's the one who raises her eyebrows and answers dryly.

- You committed several crimes to prove that I was a ghoul, then followed me to an unknown place and even joined a terrorist organization...

- Ok, it may not have been a brilliant idea....

I raise my hands in defeat.

-But was funny.

I start to laugh and eto chuckle lightly too.

- But what is your goal anyway?

She stops laughing and stares at me thinking.

- What happened at the anteiku?

he asks ignoring my question.


"She still doesn't trust me, and I don't trust her if we stay like this I'll end up getting killed for not being useful, I need to know your, no, our goals to ensure my safety and also to be able to manipulate the plans if required"

I take a step of faith.

I tell eto all my relationship with anteiku, omitting the name of kaneki but giving her the knowledge of an artificial half ghoul.

She looks surprised and interested by this.

I keep talking about the game I made with the antieiku people and finally I say all the conversations I had previously with touka and yoshimura.

Which makes her laugh too hard as I quote our carnal agreement.

After saying all this we were staring at each other in silence for a while.

Which is broken by her.

-Because you told me everything? Do you already trust me?

-No, but if none of us took any steps we would only lose, you would not consider me useful and would sacrifice me as a pawn and you would lose a good ally so the only thing I ask is that you keep this information for you.

I say and wait for your answer.

She thinks for a while.

-Give me your phone.

She orders.

-Shouldn't we get to know each other better first?

I mock.

She activates her kakugan again.

I quickly hand the cell to her.

She takes it and starts doing something, finishes it and hands it to me.

She added herself to my contacts.

-Cute writer, really?

I ask him, who smiles provocatively.

-Do you think you're wrong~?

-No....but I would put something like Dangerous Beauty, after all you are the most beautiful and most dangerous woman I have ever met.

He freezes and seems to blush slightly.

"Victory haha"

-Well *ahãn* your only contact with aogiri will be with me, I'll give you the missions and you'll give me the information ok?

- yes, I prefer it to be you than that masked one, it scares me...

I confess.

-....but I thought that my contact would be the white hair, after all he seems to be the most responsible among you.

-ohhhh you're talking about noro and tatara....

"Ok, gray hair and tatara is masked and nondescript"

-....wait! What do you mean by it and more responsible! I am also one of the leaders!

She exclaims and I give her a full look as I reply dryly.

-You left the door of your house unlocked and were followed by a normal human to a meeting of your little group.

She looks really embarrassed now.

-Well haha ​​now it's time to go...

She gets up, takes the pot of meat and starts towards the door.

-And let's ignore the fact that you stalker me following my scent back to find out where I live?

-And let's ignore the fact that you made steak from human flesh and leave it in your apartment?

He says Stopping is pointing to the pot.


I answer and she opens the door.


She stops at the door and speaks to me seriously.

-The Aogiri tree exists to create a good world for ghouls, a world in which ghouls can live openly and freely, our enemy is the CCG, however, eradicating the deformed root that hides behind it all is mine true goal....

She responds and closes my door leaving.

"Well that and something I can work on, she doesn't just want death and destruction she really wants freedom for the ghouls."

"Ignoring the fact that some ghouls are real monstrous freaks (but humans can be worse sometimes) they're generally like normal humans, I've seen enough examples of this..."

"Killing ghouls just for being ghouls seems to be overkill, they have no choice but to eat...."

"...but am I really going to get into this? It will definitely be a mess...."

"....it will be fun in one way or another.....I just hope everyone comes out alive in the end...."

Since eto left my house I go into a little monologue and finally think.

"Let's get started then!"

I think about ways to join the CCG.

I get my cell phone.

[How to work for the CCG?]

-Oh the results...wait this has also happened before...

I talk to myself.


"Well let's try..."

I think as I'm standing in front of the CCG headquarters building.

"This time researching worked, now and I apply to the academy, as a student I will automatically be considered a rank 3...."

I enter the building and stop at the office.

"....it's just being a good student and doing the missions as I move up the hierarchy"

It wasn't that hard to find the place itself, and a tall white building with CCG written on top.

I arrive at the counter and am greeted by a secretary with tied black hair and looking tired.

-Welcome to the Commission of counter ghoul measures in which we can help?

-I want to register as an investigator.

I say excitedly and she sighs and speaks even more tiredly.

-Young man you will have to be interviewed by an investigator and then after that you will be directed to more information about the academy, but first, before I ask for any specific investigator that is available I need your name, your age and form of contact.

-I'm Ryo Konton 18 years old, my cell phone is xxxx-xxxx, and let me know why this system, it's different from the information on the Internet.

-It's just a formality, to many who try to join for status, fame and other reasons, so the interview with an investigator serves to take a look at the psychological state and see if the potential newcomer will be useful or not.

She says as she types things into the computer in front of her.

"Wow, this is an interesting system, after all, only people who have a deep hatred for ghouls will enter, who suffered for one of them and don't want the suffering for anyone anymore are those who absolutely don't care"

The secretary looks at the computer in shock and sends me a sad look.

"That way they will never let any sympathizers in, every investigation will be partial, so peaceful ghouls have suffered just as violent ones...and I was right there was something odd behind it all."

-...Given Konton-san?

-huh? Sorry I got lost in thought.

She smiles sadly.

-just one investigator to interview him available for now....

-it's all right.

-for real? You don't even know who you are.

-I'll join the CCG no matter what.

"Otherwise I'll die"

-Your determination and strong, good luck.

She gives me information about where I will have my interview.

- Tenth floor room thirteen, thank you.

I go to the elevator to go to the Tenth floor.

"The CCG also has music in the elevator"

I give a light laugh.

I stop on the tenth floor and look for the room indicated.

Room thirteen.

I knock on the door.

-In between.

She says in a calm voice.

I walk into the living room and see the man I bumped into as I left the bookstore the day I met Eto.

He looks surprised but doesn't react and introduces himself.

-Kishou Arima special class investigator.


I use all my effort not to scream in shock and adopt an expression of surprise and respect.

"this guy is the CCG reaper"

Now I have to go through an interview with the strongest CCG investigator to be an informant for a ghoul terrorist organization.

I can't help but give a laugh that raises an eyebrow a millimeter.

-I hope to be a future special class investigator Ryo Konton.

I give a slight bow, smiling, and get a nod from him that seems to be mildly amused.

"I'll have to be quick about this or he'll end up realizing my real intentions, after all he must have a lot of experience with different people and ghouls"

With that thought I place all my bets at once.

I take off my shirt to show my scars and notice the arima mess.

-Let's be straight Arima-san....I was once a Scrapper in a ghoul restaurant.

He looks surprised but I continue.

- I know how bad some can be and I want to kill them for that...

"At least some"

-....I want to protect those who are good and those who are peaceful....

"...mostly my friends, and helping the ghouls who deserve it too"

-And even without your approval I'll still hunt ghouls!

"Or I will be hunted by them"

I straighten my shirt and do another small bow.

-Thanks for listening.

I leave the office leaving a thoughtful Arima and go to the elevator and click the button for the first floor.

As the door closes I hear a scream.

-Open safe....

I hold the door just before it closes and two men enter.

A tall man with black hair and blue eyes in a basic CCG uniform and a suitcase.

And another an old hunchback with white hair and a very strange face in the same clothes and suitcase as the previous one.


The tall man speaks as the elevator closes and begins to descend.

- What's a young man like you doing here?

the old man asks slightly arrogantly but really worried.

"He's arrogant, but strong enough for that..."

I think and then I see your posture that you are ready to act if necessary.

I respond by pretending respect in my voice.

-I've just been interviewed to apply to be an investigator.

The old man snorts and replies.

-We'll see if you're worth the time so, we don't need useless newbies just to feed those freaks...

"Well he's not wrong, but there's a lot of hate bottled up in that old ein...."

My answer is to just smile.

The elevator opens and the old man gets out first.

-Let's go amon-kun, I want a new quinque....

He laughs in a way that makes me shiver.

-....let's know if anyone from the Fueguchi couple will be good for this kukukuku.

He walks ahead.

-He looks like some kind of pervert like that...

I mumble and get a light chuckle from the tall man before following the old man.

I make my way back home.

"I hope I'll just go with my monologue.....stopping to think he didn't even ask me anything..."

And it looks like I'm going to start organizing my funeral.

"Would I ask politely for Eto to leave my head intact to be buried?"


In the interview office Arima was looking at the document in her hand.


[18 years]


Arima thinks about the young man's short monologue.

"He has his own secrets, the way he spoke showed a lack of hatred for ghouls even after all"

Arima places the document on the table and opens the drawer.

"He can be an interesting player"

Arima takes a stamp.

"But whose side is he on?"

Arima stamps the document and gets up to take the document to the next person in charge.

[Academy approval status]


Arima has a slight smile.