
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Cómic
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26 Chs

No more rest

After leaving CCG I made my way back home.

It started to rain on the way.

"Wow just gotta start playing a funeral march"

I think as I go back home.

My situation is not very good.

First, I don't know if I'm going to join the CCG, if I don't I can consider myself dead, Eto might even keep me as a pet but even that won't last long.

-I hate waiting....it's not fun at all...

I mumble to myself.

I hate not knowing how to proceed, the current situation is not even knowing about the future.

"After all, the unknown is much more fun...."

I give a slight smile.

And more about that all my future options are extremely dangerous and unknown.

My smile widens.

Either the aogiri kills me for not being useful, or I become an informer.

I know both sides can easily cause my death.

By aogiri, most obviously, most of them are sadistic ghouls unreliable in any way.

"But that can be changed with small movements"

And at CCG I can really make it out alive if I just reveal my situation.

"But I will end up trapped or used for experiments"

After all, I'm sure the CCG is dirtier than it looks.

"Besides the fact that I'd rather have an epic death than get stuck..."

I arrive at my house and enter my room.

"It's no use thinking so much... let's just wait and see what happens"

I lie down on my bed and start to sleep.



A woman with long black hair


Then there were screams.

And then blood.

"I found you....."

A mocking voice.


I wake up abruptly to the noise of my phone ringing.

I turn over in bed grumbling and ignore the call.

I try to go back to sleep.

The phone rings again.

I ignore it again and he stops playing.

It only stops in two minutes to start again.


I scream sitting up in bed and picking up the phone.

[Sunshine boy]

I answer.

-If you don't have a good reason to call me I'll burn your house...

Murmur to sleepy hide.

-Good morning flower of the day!!! And I'm living in university dorms and you wouldn't do that hahaha!!!

He responds excitedly ignoring my threat.

-I just called to see if the kaneki is alright?

"Of course, he just turned into a half ghoul...."

-And why would I know....?

-You always know!

He yells and I hold the cell phone away from my ear.

-I don't know how but you always do, but what about the accident, is he okay?

"Accident? Does he know about kaneki and rize?"

-What accident?

-Wait !!!! You really don't know?

He starts to laugh.

-Finally I know something you don't know hahaha

I take a deep breath to calm myself, Hide is the only person who can really piss off.

And he knows it.

-But seriously, a couple of days ago, me, kaneki and nishiki, a colleague of mine, had an accident, I woke up in the hospital with impact injuries, I think a car hit me, kaneki wasn't there and nishiki was found half devoured... ..

"Wait a second..."

-....they said it was a ghoul attack...but I don't remember anything, so you know something about kaneki?

he asks slightly desperate.

Deep breath.

Two days ago was when I was injured by Eto, kaneki must have been passed out or injured somewhere in the anteiku.

"But why didn't you let me know?"

Yoshimura saw that I was tired, if kaneki wasn't at risk he wouldn't warn me not to worry and wouldn't say anything to kaneki for the same reason.

And, let's bet on it.

-Don't worry hide, kaneki has been working at anteiku recently, he must be just busy and you know how he is right? If he was hurt or something he wouldn't let us know....

I answer calmly and hide looks smug but still a little scared.


He looks like he wants to say something.

But I interrupt.

-Hide, you know what, I'll stop by the anteku right now and see him ok?

Before he answers I continue.

-Okay then, I'll call you later!

I hang up the phone in his face.

I get out of bed and stretch.

-I can't have a day off can I?

I get dressed and leave the house.

-It's been a while since I've seen kaneki....and the coffee from the anteku is really good

I walk slowly to the anteku.

"Well I'll get some of my toys back...."


Kaneki was getting better.

He felt it.

He was improving in every way.


More confident.

More aware of the situation itself.

Human flesh (as wrong as he felt to think about it) was really delicious.

And knowing that if he didn't eat he would end up going crazy and hurting someone, he was calmer in eating what he needed.

He doesn't want to hurt anyone.

He really tried not to eat too much of her though.

Not out of disgust, after all it's not his fault, nor the ghouls who were born that way, and weird? Yes, wrong? Yes, but that's how things are, not how to change.

(At least he can't)

But because you are afraid of becoming addicted to it.

He even feared Rize after all, he feared becoming like her.

Especially after the last incident.

He shivers just thinking about it.

"Coming to think about ghoul meat is really horrible, but he held me too....why is it?"

After that kaneki started training even more in melee with touka and renji.

"Although Touka likes to hit and mock me more than anything else...."

They still don't train him to use his kagune however, both because he can't activate it normally as it should be and also because he's afraid he won't have control if he activates it.

"Last time wasn't the best example..."

But on this particular day kaneki has felt a bad omen since he woke up.

Something that every instinct in him, humans and ghouls, told him would be a problem.

-What are you doing standing there looking at the stupid nothing?

shouts a voice at the side.

-Na, nothing touka-chan.

Kaneki answers trying not to stutter.

-It's just that I feel something bad approaching....

He whispers and touka looks curious.

-What kind?

-A great danger but one that won't cause my death, but more uncomfortable and possibly pain than anything else...

-And what could cause that?

-Exactly! I do not know....

Kaneki pauses.


Kaneki starts with an incredible seriousness that surprises Touka.

-...ryo knows about my accident?

Kaneki asks worriedly, Touka huffs and answers.

-He even came here on the same day as you, almost at the same time in fact...

"Why was ryo here?"

-....but he was already having his own problems, which according to the manager are bigger than his...

"What kind of trouble is he in now?"

Kaneki sighs and Touka continues.

-....and why should he know? Are you guys boyfriends or something?

Touka ends up asking and kaneki pales a little and starts to blush soon after.

-na, we are not boyfriends!

He yells, a little too loud if the laughter of the other employees indicates anything.

-and just that ryo likes to have a lot of fun....

-that's pretty clear...

She grumbles.

-...and also knowing things, he likes to have knowledge about everything, one thing interferes with the other, like sen takatsuki-san...

-Which he just chased to find out about, and had a lot of fun along the way.

Touka finishes and kaneki nods.

- So he always seeks knowledge, so if something happens near him....and he doesn't know, especially something big....he'll be upset.

Kaneki takes out his cell phone.

-And I don't want to piss you off...

Kaneki says shaking slightly and touka even seems to agree slightly pale too.

Kaneki starts calling Ryo.

He gets even paler when his cell phone starts ringing.

For the ryo touch comes from outside the anteiku.

The door opens.


Ryo enters humming my name.

My instincts tell me to run.


Now I'm in anteku's break room, after I arrived and kaneki was paralyzed with fear I just waited for anteku's lunch time, since it's closed and with yoshimura's permission I stayed in the shop.

-I don't think we've introduced ourselves yet, right?

I ask the two other antieiku employees.

A beautiful woman with long black hair and a man with a mat of light brown hair who has a friendly face.

-Enji koma.

The man introduces himself amicably.

-Kaya irimi.

The woman responds giving me a judging look.

-I suppose you were in favor of killing me right away?

I ask smiling calmly to their surprise.

-Yes, you are a threat to our lifestyle.

Says irimi as he leaves the room.

Enji gives me a placating smile.

-She's just suspicious, you're a stranger...

-It is not alright! I wouldn't trust myself either.

I say laughing.

The one that enji also laughs lightly as she leaves too.

I stay in the living room fiddling with my cell phone waiting for kaneki to enter.

And waiting.

And waiting.

Until he hears an angry voice saying.

-...enter soon you idiot he's only a human, you and a goddamn ghoul !!

And then kaneki is pushed into the room by an angry touka who huffs and sits cross-legged away from me.

-Are you afraid of something kaneki?

I ask playfully.

-na,na no hahaha....

He you nervously.

-...o, what are you doing here Ry, Ryo?

-uhn, I'm here for three reasons, yes you can put it that way.

I take a break.

-The first is to get my stuff back.

I say and touka nods and throws me a box that was nearby and kaneki looks confused.

I open the box and see my needles and fake claws.


I whisper to Touka who looks slightly confused.

-The second is to say something to yoshimura-san, where is he?

-He's packing some things and he's going to go inside.

Answers touka calmly.

-It's the last....

I turn to kaneki.

-Do you have something to tell me?

And kaneki starts talking.

He tells how he met nishiki the day in the Alley and then met him again with hide.

He tells how nishiki kicked hide and threw him straight into a wall.

"Impact injury...."

And then how he threatened to eat hide.

Kaneki tells me that he lost control and how he won, no, how he butchered and devoured nishiki.

"Actually it was a ghoul ein attack..."

I start to laugh softly.

- What's funny about that?! Two of his friends almost died, how funny is that?!

Shout touka.

-But they're both alive....

I answer and touka stops.

-...and for me that's all that matters, but this situation is bigger than you think touka is...

I speak and touka and kaneki look surprised.

-And how is this bigger konton-san?

Speaks a yoshimura who has just entered.


-I heard about this event from hide who woke up in the hospital....

Kaneki looks worried.

-....he had impact injuries, but with Nishiki's body partially devoured and because his body didn't have the kagune activated he was considered a normal human...


Murmurs touka.

-...the situation was considered a ghoul attack of two victims, in this area that is considered peaceful...

Resolution comes to everyone who seems concerned.

-The CCG has already sent investors to its probable suspects, who and a couple who were already investigating, do you know such a Fueguchi house?


Touka looks shocked, kaneki confused and yoshimura worried.


yells touka and runs out of the room.

Yoshimura looks at me thoughtfully.

-How do you know that konton-san?

-I did an interview to join the CCG and listened to the conversation of investors who were sent and after researching a little I connected things.

Silence again.

Kaneki looks shocked.

-RYO! why?

I take a deep breath, ignoring yoshimura's menacing gaze.

"Seriously he can't go a single time without this menacing vibe"

- the agreement I made with et...takatsuki-san, I'm going to enter the CCG to pass on information mainly.

Kaneki looks relieved and yoshimura nods.

-I don't know if I'm going in or not, I just know that inside I can be useful to you too...

I say heading towards yoshimura who seems to think for a while.

-....whether giving information like this or deflecting investigations when necessary.

"Knowing more about Ghoul biology and GCC quinques  may be helpful too"

Yoshimura speaks.

-You seem to get more and more complicated konton-san....

He sighs.

-but in fact it can help us.

-Now kaneki.

I turn to kaneki.

-You know you have to improve don't you?

He nods sadly.

- and also take care of your feelings, things like hate and fear can be useful in a fight if they are controlled.

I approach Kaneki and give his head a flick.

-and it can also be useful to get lost in these feelings but I'm sure you'll regret it if that happens, so be careful kaneki, this time you were lucky, don't always count on that....

Kaneki looks thoughtful.


I turn back to yoshimura.

-Yoshimura-san if something like that happens again call me for help, if we had changed just a little the scene could have just been a fatal car accident instead of a ghoul attack.

He nods and sighs.

-I was going to deal somehow but there wasn't time.

I get up and clap my hands.

-So I'm going now....oh! One more thing, kaneki.

I turn to him.

-If by chance I die, the flowers I want at my funeral are black roses and red spider lilies, ok?

Kaneki nods his head confused and yoshimura gives me a serious look.

I say goodbye and go home.

I need a rest day.



After another time working, Kaneki thinks of something.

"Wait I told him everything....and he didn't tell me anything that happened"


Kaneki gives a slight cry of frustration.

-What happened kaneki?

Question yoshimura.

-And only Ryo! He hasn't told me anything about anything and it bothers me.

Yoshimura gives a slight smile but still looks worried.

"Ryo hope you know what you're doing....you're in too much trouble already."


Before I go to bed and sleep my cell phone rings again and I catch it whimpering.

[Cute Writer]

And the etho.

I answer.

-I want to sleep.

I am greeted by a laugh.

-And then I'm lazy.

-You must have slept all day.

I hear a growl on the other end of the line.

-I want you here at my house tomorrow morning...

She orders and hangs up.

"There goes my rest day"

I think and lie down to sleep on what could be my last day of life.