
Toji Fushiguro/Reader

a compilation of toji x reader ffs that i like

the_orphan_account · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter 2

"I can be out in, like, ten minutes if you really want me gone." Gojo sighed, leaning on the bathroom door frame and watching as you hurried around. "I really don't care. But it's Friday, I figured you'd be gone partying hours ago." You rolled your eyes, searching around in your closet for heels. "Well I was actually planning on it. Do you want to come with me?" He asked hopefully. "I was gonna go with Shindo and Rory." You shrugged, touching up your hair in the mirror. "Lame. Where are you going?" He rested his head on the door frame when you disappeared into the closet again. "Uh, some bar, I dunno." You shrugged, searching for a small purse. "Wow, really helpful." He snorted. "I forgot the name, but it's by that one hotel and the seafood place, y'know?" You slung the purse over your shoulder and checked yourself out in the mirror to see if it went with your outfit. "That one hotel," He mocked. "Really helpful." He scoffed again.


"Whatever. Shindo's on their way over right now. Where are you going this weekend?" You strolled past him and gathered some things to shove in your purse. "Probably gonna bother Suguru. I'll try to convince him to come out with me." Gojo shrugged and turned to watch you. "Yeah, good luck with that. Are you gonna stay with him tonight or not?" You rolled your eyes. "You want me out that bad?" He feigned offense. "I just need to know if I can bring anyone home tonight. To my own house." You sighed, strolling out of the bedroom. "Oh, that makes more sense. Yeah, I'll find somewhere else to stay if you wanna be a whore." He teased. "I don't want to hear it from the bitch who fucked someone in my bed." You scoffed and grabbed your phone. "You're never gonna let go of that?" He sighed. "Absolutely not. You're lucky I didn't kick you out right then." You muttered, more focused on my phone now.


"How long do you want me gone?" He asked after a moment. "When has it ever mattered? You always come back anyway." You shrugged, a little more rude than you meant it to sound. "Well just in case you bring someone home all weekend." He rolled his eyes. "You have a phone, don't you? Text me if you want to come back and I'll tell you if you can." You offered and grabbed your keys. "Fine, fine." He waved it away and wandered back into your room, presumably to find clothes.


Shindo texted you that they were here just as Gojo came out of your room. "Alright, I'm leaving." You hummed and he followed. "Cool, have fun." He mused, though he trailed you to Shindo's car. "Hey, Shindo!" He greeted them brightly, leaning on your window. "Hey, Gojo. Are you coming with us?" Shindo looked between you lazily. "Not at all." You answered before he could. "No, Y/N's kicking me out." Gojo pouted. "About time." Shindo mused. "Rude!" Gojo whined. "And she's only kicking me out because she wants to be a whore this weekend." Gojo rolled his eyes. "That and because you are a whore." You sneered and waved him away. "It was one time!" He complained. "Don't care. Bye, Gojo, have fun with Geto this weekend." You snorted. "Fine. Have fun!" He waved slightly and went back to his own car.


You rolled up the window and Shindo drove off. "So what happened? He brought someone home?" Shindo mused after a moment. "Yes! I knew something was up because he hadn't been texting me all day, right? So I get home and there's another car in my driveway. And I'm thinking 'this man had to have called this girl over to my house for a hookup' y'know? Because why else would her car be there? So I go inside and she's, like, screaming , and I was like 'okay, calm down, there's no way he's that fucking good', but whatever. So I sit at the table and I wait for them to come out of my room and she looks terrified. Gojo doesn't give a shit, though, but he has the audacity to say I was home early. I hate this man." You explained with a lot of hand gestures. "Didn't you stay late, though?" Shindo glanced over at me. "Yes! I stayed at work for, like, ten extra minutes to finish fixing Luci's stupid mess and then there was traffic! I told him that and he was just like 'of course' or whatever. So I asked the girl if she was staying for dinner and she ran off." You huffed. "Sounds like an interesting night. And you didn't kick him out until today?" Shindo mused. "Well," You started slowly. "Of course." Shindo chuckled, they already knew and you didn't even have to say anything. "It was late and I didn't want him to show up at someone's house at like eight p.m." You sighed. "Sure, sure." Shindo mused and you rolled my eyes.


You pulled up to Rory's apartment and he hurried out. "Why do I always have to sit in the back?" He complained as soon as he climbed in. "Because you're straight." You mused. "I am not!" He snapped. "Well, you're a man." Shindo offered. "That's not fair!" He pouted. "Sure it is." You laughed. "This is homophobic." He snorted. "No, it's actually because you get picked up last." Shindo finally sighed. "Well, pick me up first!" He whined. "No thanks. Y/N was closest and I'm not circling back." Shindo snorted.


They argued for a moment until a song came on and you were all singing. When you pulled up to the bar, it looked about as busy as you would expect for a Friday night. You wandered in and ordered drinks, finding a couple of your other friends who were already there and sitting down. "Oh, Y/N! Nice of you to join us for once!" Mina said excitedly when she noticed you. "Yeah, it's been a while." You nodded, downing more of your drink; if you were going to hang out with all of them tonight, you would need a lot more alcohol. "Well now that everyone's here, let's go do shots!" Sykai cheered and you could already tell he was buzzed. Shindo glanced at you expectantly as everyone else stood and you shrugged, following the crowd back to the bar.


You ordered a few rounds of shots, actually, but by popular demand—or just Mina and Sykai's demand—they were different every time. It was tequila the first time, you almost vomited, vodka the next, and fireball the third, that one made you gag. But the warmth of the alcohol was already coursing through you and you were down for another shot, but everyone was already moving on to other drinks. You got an interesting cocktail with a little bit too much vodka but it was balanced out with the cherry flavor; essentially the drink was a Shirley Temple with vodka.


When the group made it back to the couch, Sykai was already stumbling and almost spilled his drink. Mina found it hilarious and you laughed a little, mostly because of her obnoxious drunk laugh. "You're not drinking tonight?" You asked Shindo, noticing the soda in their hands. "This has whiskey in it." They shook their head. "Of course it does. Who's driving home then?" You hummed. "I'll probably Uber us home or something." Shindo shrugged.


"Oh my fuck, Mina, is that your ex?" Sykai asked a little too loudly and all of you turned to look. A man was strolling past, shaggy blond hair in his face and a cigarette hanging from his lips, luckily he didn't notice you staring. "Ugh, yes. Jean." She sneered and took a long drink. "What happened with him? I thought you were, like, totally in love with him?" You mused, earning a glare from her. "There were a lot of little things with him that pissed me off. He never lifted the toilet seat so there was always piss on it, he smoked in the car and in the house, and he was a real jerk about sex. Then he fucking cheated on me and I was done with his bullshit." Mina scoffed and crossed her legs. "What an ass." Rory nodded.


You talked for a while about meaningless things, until somehow the conversation ended up about cheating again. "Hey, Y/N, wouldn't your whole thing be considered cheating?" Shindo bumped your shoulder. "No, I'm not dating him." You sneered. "Who? Spill!" Mina leaned on her knees. "Gojo. Do any of you remember him?" You glanced around briefly. "Satoru?" Rory scoffed and you nodded. "With the white hair?" Sykai slurred. "Yeah. White hair, blue eyes, kind of a whore?" You offered. "Ohh! Him! Yeah, I remember him. What about him?" Mina cocked her head. "He's cheating on Y/N." Shindo said before you could say anything. "He's not cheating on me because we're not dating!" You rolled your eyes. "But he stays at your house?" Shindo mused. "Hold on, back up. Gojo Satoru is staying at your house, and you're not dating him, but he's cheating on you?" Mina sounded impressed. "No, okay, hold on. The only reason Shindo's saying that is because he brought some girl home, to my house, and I walked in on them." You explained. "What?!" Sykai and Mina exclaimed.


So you had to explain the whole story again, and how you weren't dating Gojo but you were friends with benefits. You explained the living situation and told them he was basically a cat who came and went as he pleased.


"Well, why aren't you dating him?" Sykai scoffed. "He's, like, really hot and really good in bed, cuff him!" Sykai motioned to me with his drink, spilling a little bit of it. "Well he's a whore. He'd just cheat on me. I'm content with fucking him when I want without being tied to just him, y'know?" You shrugged. "As you should. Queen shit." Mina nodded and leaned back in her seat.


"I need another drink." Sykai muttered after a moment. "You just had a full glass." Rory snorted. "Well now I don't." Sykai stuck out his tongue and stood. "Maybe you should slow down." Shindo advised. "You're not my parent. Who else needs another?" Sykai glanced around. "I'll come with." You shrugged and stood. "I'll take another. You know what I'm drinking?" Shindo looked up at you and you nodded. Rory waved it off, he still had half a glass, and Mina's was full.


"Oh my fuck, Y/N, look!" Sykai whispered loudly after we ordered. "Wha?" You glanced in the direction he was pointing. "That guy's fucking hot!" He gasped excitedly. You looked at the man he was referring to and found a really attractive guy. He was really well built, he must work out every day, and he had tousled black hair and a scar over his lip, but you couldn't see much else from where you were, and you didn't want to stare too long. "Yeah, really hot." You nodded. "How old do you think he is?" Sykai turned to you. "I dunno. Probably older than us." You shrugged. "Dilf?!" Sykai gasped hopefully. "Probably." You laughed, accepting your drinks from the bartender. You spared another glance back at the man and, terrifyingly, made eye contact. You blushed and turned away, trying to convince yourself you hadn't seen a smirk on his face.


"You'll never guess who we saw at the bar!" Sykai sat heavily in his seat. "Who?" Shindo asked lazily. "A dilf!" Sykai exclaimed, not so quietly. "Really?" Rory sat up. "Well, it's a bar, there's gonna be old men drinking beer." Shindo rolled their eyes. "He wasn't old! But he was older than us." Syaki explained. "Yeah, he looked older than us but still, like, in his thirties." You shrugged. "Oh, that's not that old, okay." Shindo nodded and took a long drink. "Well, don't be shy, where is he?" Rory glanced around very obviously. "He was on the other side of the bar, I don't think you can see him from here." You shook your head. Sykai looked around for a moment as well, then shook his head. "Yeah, you can't see that side." He sighed. "Damn." Rory pouted.


"Wait, where'd Mina go?" You asked, realizing her seat was empty. "Oh, she went to go talk to some girl she saw talking with Jean. She's either warning her or being a homewrecker, but honestly, as she should." Rory explained, sipping his drink. "Mm, period." You nodded, taking a drink.


"Oh my fuck! No fucking way! No way!" Sykai shook your shoulder roughly, sitting up. "What? What?!" You snapped, steadying your hand so your drink didn't spill. "Your boyfriend's here!" Sykai gasped excitedly. "No, don't lie." You snorted and turned toward the entrance. "Fuck me." You muttered, spotting the white haired man and his companion for the night. "Oh, who's with him? He's kinda hot." Rory glanced over. "Geto Suguru." You sighed and turned away once you lost them in the crowd, not realizing how busy the bar had gotten since you got there. "Wait, really?" Rory gasped. "Yeah, why?" You hummed. "I've heard a little about him. And he's really fucking hot." Rory searched through the crowd for a moment. "Yeah, don't let Gojo hear you say that." You rolled your eyes. "Can I fuck your boyfriend?" Sykai asked after a moment, looking at you with hopeful brown eyes. "He's not my boyfriend, I don't care. Just don't let him take you to my house." You snorted. "Really?!" Sykai gasped. "Yeah, go for it. Don't get attached." You sighed.


"Well, guess who needs another drink?" Sykai stood quickly and almost toppled over. "Not you." Shindo sneered. "Hush. I'm fine." Sykai waved them away. "Rory, are you coming with?" Sykai offered slyly. "I'll go in a second. See how successful you are first." Rory mused. "Fine." Sykai shrugged and disappeared.


"How do you think it's gonna go?" Rory asked once he was gone. "Well, if he's going after Gojo in a state like that, he'll either ego-boost his way into Gojo's pants, or get Gojo flirting and blush enough for Gojo to make the first move. But there's always the possibility Gojo will turn him down because he's too drunk." You shrugged. "Aw, how respectful." Shindo rolled their eyes. "I never said he was a saint, just that he doesn't like to take advantage of drunk people." You huffed.


"What about Geto?" Rory hummed. "I don't know him that well, but I do know he's a little bit of a whore, too. A few drinks in and you could probably get in his pants easy." You nodded. "Hm, thanks." Rory hummed. "Yeah, sure." You shrugged.


You talked for a while more. "Do you think he was successful? He hasn't come back yet." Shindo hummed. "Probably. Or he found someone else, like that dilf from earlier." You shrugged. "I still want to see that guy." Rory piped up. "Well I need a drink anyway. Maybe he's still there." You hummed and stood, Rory followed. "Do you need another drink?" You asked Shindo before leaving. "No, I'm good for now." They shook their head. You shrugged and walked off.


"Alright, so where's this dilf?" Rory muttered once you were at the bar. "Right over there. With the scar on his face." You hummed and motioned briefly to the man, he was conversing with someone you didn't care to look at. "Damn, he's fucking hot." Rory gaped. "Exactly." You nodded. You were glancing around the bar when you noticed Geto. "Oh, there's your man. Go get 'em." You nudged Rory and he turned slowly. "Hey, what the fuck?!" He reached for you as you slipped away, but you were already gone. You didn't want to talk to Geto or Gojo right now, and you also had to pee.


You stepped into the bathroom and were instantly met with the sound of sex. You gasped curtly before wheeling around. In your hurry to get away from the bathroom, you bumped into someone. "Oh, fuck, I'm so sorry." You backpedaled as you apologized, tripping yourself. Whoever you had bumped into grabbed your arm and pulled you to their chest, steadying you. "Fuck, thank you." You chuckled, a little embarrassed, and glanced up at the person. Your heart practically froze when you realized it was the really hot dilf from the bar. "No worries." He hummed, still holding your arm.


"Were you the one that ordered a drink and ran off?" He asked after a moment. "Oh, yeah, I forgot about that." You nodded. "Hm. Doesn't look like you need anymore," He mused, finally dropping your arm. "I can handle my liquor." You rolled your eyes. He glanced you over, unimpressed. "Right. Well, if you insist on having another, let me buy you a new one." He offered. "Oh, no, you don't have to do that, I can get it myself." You waved it off. "What, you too good to have someone buy you a drink?" He chuckled as you walked back to the bar. "No, but I don't want you to buy me a drink when you can just buy yourself one." You huffed. "I don't drink, so it's fine." He shrugged. "Then why are you here?" You snorted, a little bit too rude but you were too drunk to care. "My friends dragged me here and disappeared." He rolled his eyes. "Sounds familiar." You mused.


You sat next to him at the bar and finally let him order your drink. You kept an eye out for Gojo and Geto but never really saw them again that night, nor did you find Mina or Sykai. You weren't sure what Shindo ended up doing, but you figured they went home.


"What's your name again?" You hummed, sipping your drink. "Toji." He huffed. "Just Toji?" You mused. "Just Toji." He shrugged. "Well then, I'll be just Y/N." You nodded. "Fair enough." He glanced you over again. "Did you come here with that really loud kid?" Toji asked after a moment. "Depends on which really loud kid you mean. Did he have purple hair?" You hummed, fishing a cherry out of your drink. "Yeah." He nodded. "Mm, yeah, that was Sykai. He gets loud when he's drunk. Louder than normal." You mused.


You found yourself staring at him a little too much, he had to have noticed by now. The way his mood shifted told it all, he was a little more flirtatious, a little too cocky, his eyes wandering more. You were calling the bartender over to order water when you felt a hand on your thigh. You kept a straight face while the bartender handed you your drink. You thanked him and turned to Toji, glancing down briefly at his hand when his thumb spun in small circles. "What's wrong?" He teased innocently. "Nothing." You shook your head slowly, sipping your water. You almost choked on it when his hand slipped higher up your thigh and he chuckled. "At least buy me a drink first." You mused, trying not to squirm too much. "I did. Did you forget already?" He hummed, sliding his rough fingers under your skirt. "A little bit." You muttered, sipping your water. "I told you, you didn't need any more." He scoffed. "Well, you're not my dad, so." You rolled my eyes, jolting slightly when his fingers pressed into your underwear. "What was that?" He teased and you chewed on the inside of your lip.


Somehow or another, you called an Uber and managed to bring Toji home; you were really glad you had kicked Gojo out. You barely unlocked the door when Toji scooped you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He kicked the front door closed and kissed you roughly, carrying you down the hall. "Left." You murmured at the split and he carried you to your room. He dropped you on the bed and pushed you to my back, trailing kisses down your neck. "Oh? You've already got hickeys." He hummed and you felt your face flush. "Hm, cute." He chuckled when you covered your eyes. He trailed down your neck, moving to the other side, then disappeared for a moment. You peeked out from your hands and found him down by your legs. He kissed up your legs while pulling off your heels, dropping them with a clatter to the floor as he grew higher up your thighs.


You gasped quietly when he flipped up your skirt, placing a small, teasing kiss over your underwear. He pulled your underwear down and took his sweet time pulling it over your legs and dropping it to the floor. He finally returned to your legs, swiping his tongue over you. He put his hands on your thighs and buried his face between them. You jolted when he moved to your clit first, sucking on it just right to draw breathy moans. He moved his thumbs over to spread you open, running his tongue over you before slipping it in. You arched your back, and if his hands hadn't been there, you would have squeezed his head; involuntarily of course. You moaned and sighed, relaxing a little.


You'd like to credit the alcohol, with whatever logic that made it make sense, to you cumming that fast. You don't even think Gojo had ever made you cum that fast, especially with his tongue alone. Toji sat up and wiped his chin, a small smirk on his lips that made your face flush again. He pulled his pants off quickly, hovering over you momentarily before kissing you roughly. You whimpered into his mouth and he smirked slightly, pulling away.


Just looking at his size made your stomach flutter. You didn't even know if you could take it all, but you would definitely try; not like you were backing out now. "Think you can take it?" He hummed, positioning the tip at your entrance. You nodded and bit your lip a little nervously. "Don't worry," He eased himself in and you gasped. "I go easy the first round." He inched the rest in and you whimpered. "Relax," He mused and pulled back slowly. You gasped and tried relaxing but ended up just fluttering around him. He groaned lowly, stopping when he was halfway out. "Well if you keep doing that, I might not be able to hold back." He teased and pushed back in, making you gasp and moan. "Finally." He smirked and started moving slowly, drawing out longer sighs.


He only kept up the slow pace for a moment, gradually picking up speed. You quickly got used to his size as he kept getting rougher and the pressure was building in your core, you could feel tears beading in the corner of your eyes. He slid his hand under your shirt, pushing it up above your chest and moving your bra out of the way. You whined as he teased your nipples, the added stimulation bringing you closer to the edge. The coil in your stomach tightened and snapped just as fast. You cried out curtly before biting your lip, feeling a tear slip down your cheek. You let out muffled moans as Toji kept thrusting into you roughly. "Oh, if you wanted to be quiet, you could've said so." He mused and wrapped his hand around your throat.


You were still sensitive from your previous orgasm as Toji kept the steady pace, now with his hand around your throat. You could feel more tears slipping from your eyes as he choked you, making your head start to buzz. "That's better." He grunted and his thrusts became erratic. The worry of him cumming inside you was an afterthought, you could hardly think straight anyway. Amazingly, just as you were climaxing for the third time that night, he pulled out and finished on your exposed stomach. He released your throat and you gasped, panting for a moment. You blinked up at him, pushing a few tears from your eyes in the process, and he smirked again. "Sorry 'bout your skirt." He sighed curtly. "Don't worry about it." You slurred, still breathing heavily.


You were starting to get up when he met your lips again. One moment he was kissing you, the next you were on your elbows and knees with Toji behind you. You had lost your shirt in the process, but your bra was still on, even if it was a little askew. He didn't waste much time this round, pressing himself into you. You moaned, arching your back more as he went. You whimpered and dropped your head when his thrusts got rougher. As you did, his fingers tangled in your hair and pulled your head up again. You moaned when he tugged on your hair, arching your back more. "There you go, good little slut." He growled and shoved into you roughly, making you cry out. You felt your makeup running as more tears slipped down your cheeks.


"Fuck," Toji groaned under his breath. "Look at you, pretty little slut." His grip on your waist tightened. "I've been waiting to bury my cock in you all night." He growled, leaning forward ever so slightly. You gasped when he rubbed against your g-spot with the new angle. "I couldn't help but picture you under me like this, with your ass pressed against me, all hot and clinging to my cock like the whore I knew you were." Toji let go of your hair to steady himself on your waist. You couldn't help but flush at the words, fluttering around him involuntarily.


Toji pushed down on your arch and you whimpered. You could feel yourself getting closer as well, moaning louder until the pressure released. Toji pulled out quickly as well and if you weren't so drunk you'd be amazed at his speed. He finished on your back this time and you didn't mind too much, you could still hardly think straight.


You stayed there panting for a moment, vaguely aware of Toji climbing off the bed. He returned shortly with a rag and you thought you were done for the night, but when he was done cleaning you up, he kissed you again and pushed you to your back. He put your legs on his shoulders and slid in quickly, making you cry out again. You were both more sensitive from your previous orgasms and the new position. Each thrust was a stronger wave of pleasure than the last and you could feel almost a constant stream of tears this time. "You're a pretty little cock slut, with your makeup running like that." Toji mused and you felt your face heat up, biting your lip again. He chuckled and slammed into you just to hear you cry out.


You weren't sure how many times you went that night but you knew you wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow, not with all the position changes and how big and rough he was. You did realize that night, though, that you didn't mind being choked or degraded, which was new; and a big change from Gojo's way of doing things. But eventually you fell asleep.