
Toilet Reincarnation

Rei, is the usual college graduate, with a crappy job, and an abusive boss, with nothing going as he planned after graduating from college, suddenly dies in an accident, Just when he thinks life will be better in another world, where he can finally find happiness, he gets reincarnated as a toilet, Not surprised by his luck, he aims to live the best laid-back life he can this time around, even if he stays as a toilet.

Draxmn · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Can't Be That Easy

[Eca Kingdom, Calum's Mansion]

Rei soaking himself in the large bathtub, he floats up and down, to clean himself.

'Ah, nothing beats getting all cleaned up.'

He hears a whisper from somewhere 'If you're feeling lonely, we can help you bathe.'

'Holy fuck… That scared me...Yuka when did you get here.'

'Just a moment ago…'

Rei starts dying inside 'Sigh, it's alright, maybe another time.'

"If only I was a human… Damn't I don't want to die a virgin again."

'If you're done bathing, we have to start getting you ready for school, they have sent a special uniform for you.'

'Huh? A uniform? For me…'

Rei gets out of the bath, and they both head to his room, Yuka picks up the uniform from the table. A black skirt, and a white shirt with the academy sigil on it.

'Uhm. What is this, I don't want to wear a skirt, Also why do I need to wear a uniform, it's not like I have anything to hide....'

'It's part of the rules, so come on now, let me get you dressed.'


while dressing him, Yuka is trying to hold in her laughter 'You look beautiful.'

'Why are you laughing, how bad is it?'

'Well you look like an old lady's toilet, all dressed up.'

'Great, now I'm not only a weird moving toilet, but I also look stupid.'

'Hehe, it's not that bad, you'll be fine, your carriage is outside waiting to take you to the academy. Lord Calum and lady Nora both wish you Good luck on your first day, they are out today, also, all of us wish you get the first place.'

'Hahaha, ya that would be funny, beating even the hero. Thanks for everything, I'll be leaving now.'

When Rei reaches the academy, he gets told to go stand in line for the new student's assembly, with all eyes on him, he awkwardly floats and stands in the middle line between the students in the big courtyard, with the stage in front.

"I can feel them, everyone is looking at me, fuck it's so uncomfortable, I want this to end quickly."

'Uhm, Ehm...Ehm, can everyone hear me, good morning students, my name is Nia, I'm going to be the MC for today's assembly…..'

Rei gets surprised "Damn, they have some sort of microphones in this world."

'First, a warm welcome for Professor Fahr, the headmaster of the academy, and I would like to also welcome the vice-headmaster, Professor Philip to the stage.

Students start Clapping, PP goes up on the stage...

After some silence, everyone starts looking around, wondering 'Where is the headmaster?'

An old man, with long white hair and beard, with a cane suddenly appears on stage.

'Welcome everyone and congratulations on getting into Eca's Academy of Magic, it's great pleasure meeting all of you, I don't want to take too much time, I'm sure you're all excited to know the first-year students' rankings.'

'I'll be announcing the top five now starting from the fifth, please come to the stage if your name is called… Allen Hansen, Sophia Bolt, William Blackwell.'

Everyone starts cheering for them and eagerly waiting for the first place, the hero to be called.

'Hohoho, even though this year we got a hero, joining us, surprisingly she got tied in first place with someone else.'

Rei starts laughing menacingly "hehehe, I'm sure that will be me, I nailed that exam."

'Rei Staurt and Annie Cohen, Congratulations you both got tied first place, come up here.'

With all the students whispering and confused, Rei proudly starts floating to the stage "feels damn good being first, I just hope I don't have to give a speech or something, I'm bad at speeches.'

As Rei gets on stage, Prof PP, starts smiling winking at him, Rei starts to panic "oh god, did he do something."

The headmaster starts knocking on the floor with his cane 'alright everyone settle down, even though he might be a toilet, he's a bright toi— student who got tied with Annie, and as suggested by Prof PP, I think everyone would like it if both Rei and Annie give a speech.'

"Fuck fuck, shit, I have nothing to say, wait I hope she gives a goo—" Rei sees Annie having a meltdown as well, panicking, looking at him.

"Damn I guess we both suck at this."

Annie builds up some courage, goes to the microphone 'Uhm… my name is Annie Cohen, nice to meet everyone, I hope we get along.'

All the students start cheering and clapping.

Rei starts to get in the Fuck it mode "damn't she can say nothing and they'll go crazy, screw it, I have nothing to lose anyway, let's try to be funny."

'Ehm Ehm, I'm Rei, as you can see I'm a toilet, but unlike your toilets, I wash myself daily….'


Complete silence from everyone, except PP, starts laughing loudly, and Annie smiling.


Rei's mind starts to blank "Fuck it's a difficult crowd, not even chuckling at my lame joke."

'Uhm I guess I'll...I'll flush you later.'

PP still laughing 'Hahahahah, that's so funny, way to go Rei!'

"At least someone found it funny, I hate school, I'm too old for this shit."

'Ahm, Alright, thank you both for your words, everyone can go to their classes now, Good luck.'

Allen walks to Rei 'Hey Rei, congrats on getting first place.'

'Heheh, thanks, you too, good job, on getting 5th place.'

'Well ya, didn't even think I'll make it.'

'Oh, yeah, Who is that, in 4th place, I didn't see her at the test yesterday.'

'I don't know, but damn, look at her beautiful blonde hair, and those huuuuge boo—'

Rei notices her coming at them and swiftly hits Allen.

'Hey! I'm Sophia, just call me Sophi, hope we get along.'

Rei responds while Allen dying on the floor from the gut-punch.

'I'm Rei, and he's Allen, Nice to meet you.'

'I hope we'll get to know each other more later, I'll be going to class now, See you.'

Rei starts yelling at Allen 'What was that man, at least look around before talking about people.'

'Hey man, Not my fault she has huge truc—' Gets hit again.

While they are talking, William furiously walks up to Rei 'Hmph, don't get too excited, you're still a toilet, you got lucky, I'll beat you next time.'

Rei starts laughing sarcastically 'Sure man, whatever. I'm rooting for you.'

William tries to think of something to say,' Ya, you better?... whatever, Annie lets go.'

'I don't know what was that, but whatever, Rei let's go to class, we don't want to be late on our first day.'

They both go to their class, a big auditorium room, filled with students with most students sitting in the back, and the only empty seats are in the front.

'Where do you want to sit Rei?'

'I usually prefer in the back, but seems it's all filled, so let's just sit in the front row.'

'Uhm...Are you sure?'

'Huh? Why, what's wrong wit—'

Mahor punches the door, and walks in class with a smug look 'Good morning.'

Allen looks at Rei with a smile 'Now you know.'

'Okay, let's start, I assume you all know, this class is regarding magic theory, the class's outcome is that each one of you will have a full understanding of magical theory and application.'

Rei starts giggling 'Yes finally the exposition I've been waiting for since I came to this world.'

Mahor explained that magic is divided into five attributes, Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth, with the fifth combining all other special attributes like lightning or black magic. To activate magic, you need to use or "convert" your mana into what you want, most people have an aptitude for one or two attributes, it's theoretically possible to be able to master the others, but it won't be as powerful.

'There are many theories explaining how we are able to manifest magic….. Hehehe, this reminds me, have you seen my pocket watch.'

He Takes out his pocket watch and starts waving it around, showing everyone.

'Hehehe, this watch was given to me by his majesty Edmund, the king of Eca... it's priceless. You can see the inner lining is filed with...'

Rei Whispers to Allen 'What the fuck is going on? Why is he talking about his watch?'

'Oh, you haven't heard? This is how he is, he explains a bit then talks about himself for the rest of the class.'

'Sigh…. and we have to sit through this.'

After some time passes, while Mahor is still talking, Rei expands his Perception skill, to see if anyone is even paying attention, he sees everyone is either sleeping or not paying attention, except Sophia, taking notes.

After two hours of talking, Mahor notices the time 'Oh, looks like class is over, you're all dismissed.'

'Damn that was dreadful, so boring, he couldn't shut up, he kept talking.'

'Haha, that's why I asked you if you're sure you want to be in front, even though this is class A, with all the top students, most of them sit in the back and don't pay attention, anyway let's go to our next class, which is swordsmanship.'

'Swordsmanship? I don't think I'll be able to join that.'

'Well, in our first year, we have only have mandatory classes, starting from the second year, we are able to choose from the advanced classes.'

While they are going to the arena, a voice echoes throughout the academy 'HELLO, HELLO....is this thing on?'

'Ehm... Rei can you come to my office.'

'That's weird, why is Prof. PP asking me to visit him, I guess I'll miss the swordsmanship class, see you later Allen.'

'Alright, see you later in the dorms.'

Rei thinks to himself "dorms? What dorms, ah whatever, let's see what the Prof. wants."

After reaching PP's office, Rei knocks himself on the door.

'Come in Rei. Quickly'

'Hello Prof., What is it?'

PP starts laughing ominously 'Hehehehe, I have amazing news.' he pulls out a bracelet from his pocket 'look at this bracelet, I made this with the help of a friend, this thing should be able to turn you back to a human.'


'Hmph, Alright let's try it out' PP places the bracelet on Rei's flush handle, a strong light emanates around Rei, as he starts transforming into a human.

Short luscious black hair, blue eyes, and ripped body wearing a skirt.

Rei starts tearing up touching his face 'I'm…..I'm human again…..' Looks at PP to see him staring in disgust 'Why are you looking at me like that.'

'That was horrifying, please never do it in front of people, besides, I don't know, I thought you would be a lot uglier, and it feels wrong seeing you in a skirt...'

Rei runs straight to the mirror in the corner of the room 'Huh, would you look at that, I'm not even offended at all, I thought I would be ugly too. But this is amazing, I'm finally back, I should probably get some pants though.'

'Hahaha not so fast Kiddo, Now I know, I am a genius making this, but actually you won't be able to stay like this for long, I think at most maybe half an hour before the bracelet depletes all your mana, and you probably won't be able to move after.'

'Fuck… sigh, of course, it can't be that easy.'

'It's alright, you'll just have to train more, increase your mana, and you'll be able to stay human, of course, it would be a lot better if you're able to break the curse, not rely on the bracelet to transform you.'

Rei removes the bracelets and transforms back to being a toilet 'Thank you so much professor, I can't express how happy I am.'

PP starts laughing, while walking over to a table on the side covered with a sheet 'Don't mention it, but it's not time for you to leave yet, you still need to fulfill your part of the deal.'

He removes the cover off the table, which is filled with different tools and chemicals in flasks.

'Hehehe, Don't worry, I won't do anything that will hurt, well...Probably...'

Rei starts laughing nervously, while slowly floating backward 'haha, you're very funny professor, of course, I'm happy to hel—'

Rei goes full speed floating away, PP starts running after him.