
Togabito’s Second Chance

After death a man finds himself, in a place he would have never thought. When a god doesn’t allow him to pick certain wishes and with holds more pressing information. Watch as he moves into a world from his past life, one he thought to be fantasy. Finding his way and where he fits in to all of this. A man who never knew anything but violence, love was never kind but that never stopped him. In this world even in this situation watch as he tries to change his life, find love, and fight to enjoy this new life. The Mc is strong as hell, doesn’t mean he will one shot everyone. This has drama in it, love and fighting. In the beginning there will be a lot of slice of life. You know world building if you want all cannon this is not for you. The Mc will have 2 girls but I’ll try and handle it as best I can, so if you have ideas for girls lmk. Tags: romance, action, sliceoflife, action, drama, tragedy, 2girlsmax Please enjoy, I own nothing everything belong to bleach and there respective creatures.

Sinner1 · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter 4

(Mc Pov)

When my vision came back to me. I looked around at the scarred and destroyed state of the platform I stood on. My mind a Confused mess as I looked at the orbs on the ground. Grabbing at my head for a moment as I tried to remember.

'That, that, that, which I love.' The saying ringing in my mind over and over. Only to look down at what I was leaning on.

"What the hell is going on?!" Seeing the black and purple hilt in my hand, then down to the long Nodashi, seeing its thin, worn blade like it had been through a lot of battles which wasn't a lie. It was a long blade reminding me of Kenpachi's blade length.

I looked at the blade, wondering what was happening as it shined purple. The energy like liquid floated off the blade, rubbing the hilt a little as I liked it's new form.

"So you were listening? I guess, you always were. Thank you." Letting the blade stay in place I smiled, Reaching down to grab the orbs.

"Don't tell me your having a change of heart, very well." Trying to place a orb into the blade it refused to take it. Trying a little more the sword never took it as I shook my head. Cracking them as I took the spiritual pressure in.

"I don't know what happened but I'm glad for it. Maybe I can live this next year out in peace." Once I placed my hand on the hilt again, I froze feeling a strange connection with it.

The world started to shake, black lines appeared all around me as my body let off the same purple energy. The world feeling like a immense weight was crushing down on it, it shook more and more as it covered the world until reaching a point that everything became silent. Only stopping after I calmed myself again, pulling the sword as the place the blade had been, split in half as a large, deep, clean cut stretched out.

"That's a new feeling, now I just need to wait. Where ever I meet my end, I know you will always be by my side. Let's try and enjoy it. Hell or not, I don't want to forget this feeling." Holding my sword I disappeared, ending up on top of my favorite place. Laying back on the ground as I let the voices in and fell asleep.

(Time skip)

For the next year, nothing happened. No more souls came to this world and I was free to actually get to know myself better. Training with my sword and hand to hand. Using the various sword styles, hand to hand styles and the energy manipulation those creatures used. Even if I could only use three types of energy attacks, I was more happy with using my hand or sword.

"Besides the memories, everything has become peaceful. What do you think." Looking at my sword that stuck in the ground, doing push-ups. Stopping and standing as I held out my hand. The sword answering as it disappeared and was in my hand. Sitting at the edge, I took a deep breath in and took in the silence of this world.

(Time skip)

While rushing away from the hell guards following me, disappearing as I landed on the massive beings shoulder, seeing it's hand try to smack me. Flicking my blade towards it and caused it to be pushed away. Smashing into the ground, flash stepping away as another guard smashed its hand down on the shoulder I was on.

Appearing a great distance away I turned, only to stop as the world froze. Cracking as the world was opened again in the sky. Seeing the being pull itself out of the crack as it floated down to me.

"Well, well, look at you. This is a surprise to me, i truly didn't think you would do it. Still I shouldn't be, From that woman, hmm, that's for another time. Congratulations, you made it through, a thousand years. Lucky you." The being spoke, seeing my confusion at the woman it brought up. It only laughed and went back to its smiling face.

"To think it's really been that long, I thought we'd be here forever honestly." Ignoring it's smiling face I spoke and walked passed it in the air.

"That could be arranged, but that's not what you want is it. Very well, i am a god who honors my word. A deal, is a deal. You will be free but look at you." The being floated around me, lifting one of my arms as it smiled more.

"It was right to send them here, you've become a lot stronger, It would seem you have learned to, how interesting. I would say your spiritual pressure, is that of the head captain, old Yamamoto. That's with out release hmm, oh I almost forgot your gifts." The being spoke to itself more then me, but I couldn't help but smile at his words. Only for it to laugh at this and clap it's hands together.

"Gifts?" I asked confused as it only said a gift.

"Yes, are you happy? Haha, for your hard work and for bringing me entertainment. Watching you fight and struggle. Why not reward you in kind, I'm a generous god am I not?" The being said, watching me look away as it stopped smiling. It's eyes actually had care in them while I looked away.

"First there is this." The being spun around as its face went back to normal. Touching my sword as it glowed before I pulled it away from the being as I looked at it.

"What did you do?" I asked rubbing my blade a little.

"Didn't you like that zanpakuto? So i added that on top, no I'll just let you figure it out." The being laughed then thought to itself.

'Isn't that right, Sairentokuīn Jigoku no? What a fitting name.' The being thought before looking up at my face.

'Shit, this is' thinking to myself as black smoke came from the tip of the blade, working its way up the back of the blade. Flames coming off it for a moment as a purplish hue could be seen in it a little. The flames made no sound along with the smoke as it disappeared.

"Moving on, If your done fan girling. The last one is a gift for you directly." The being laughed and stopped only to tap its long nail on my forehead. A little light emanated from it but soon disappeared.

"What did you do? Ah, to me." Grabbing my head as the voices grew louder, then to images of people I knew of in the bleach world. Looking up at the being who smiled while it squatted down.

"I forgot it would be, quite painful. You'll be fine though, that gift can only be used three times. It will allow you to move into a time line, at whatever point you wish. Saying that I wouldn't try to completely change this world, more like you can't go cut down aizen randomly or stop the soul society from being made. More like I won't let you, what would be the fun in that. But we both know that's not what you want, so do those things and be happy. Well maybe killing aizen, I could always give another stronger powers then him. No to much work." The being held up three fingers as it spoke, talking incoherently but the gift caught my attention.

"Your free kokuto, I will not interfere with you again. I mean you'll be in hell still. Just not this one, your a smart guy. I'm sure you'll find ways around that. Do enjoy, until we meet again." Rubbing my face as i leaned up to my knees, pushing on me as I fell back.

'Free, I never knew till now, how much I wished to here those words. It has been a life time of loneliness, I just want to see. What this world has to offer." Falling back I closed my eyes, feeling like I was fallen forever as I melted into nothing.