
Tobirama's Final Mission: The Untold Truth

After centuries of disunity and unrest, the fractured clan of the Senju was unified by the great Hashirama. His ongoing attempts to establish peace among the warring clans were passed onto his brother, Tobirama Senju, after his mysterious death. Having taken this burden upon his shoulders, he is faced with the First Shinobi World War. However, Tobirama senses a traitor among his squad. Who is it? He does not know. When will they strike? Only time will tell. With the deep, unnerving sense that his time may be coming to an end, he prepares himself for one last mission: To expose and kill the traitor hiding within his squad.

DaRealVinci · Cómic
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25 Chs

Kagami's Nature

"I am afraid I cannot let you do that, Kagami." Hikaku sternly said, only choosing to look at Kagami once he finished his sentence.

Kagami furiously responded, "Danzo knows what happened to Lord Second! And I am quite confident Hiruzen knows too. This only leads me to suspect that they both had something to do with the twenty or so Shinobi that ambushed us."

"Kagami... who taught you to raise your voice among elders?"

"Hikaku, I'm not here asking for permission... I'm here to let you know what I intend to do."

"Is that so? And what makes you think Danzo and Hiruzen deserve to die?"

"They not only know what happened to Lord Second, but they made it happen!"

"How do you know? What makes you so sure of this?"

"Danzo... he slipped up when speaking to me. Not only did he refer to Lord Second by his name, which was disrespectful, but he also broke into Lord Second's office. When he tried to explain himself, it didn't add up. Then, when he told me how much he respects me, he referred to Lord Second in the past tense."

"Past tense? What did he say?"

"He said he has the utmost respect for me, as did Lord Second. Did?! Why did? Unless he knows Lord Second is dead!"

Hikaku and Kagami stared at each other. Hikaku was processing what Kagami told him, and Kagami was hoping that Hikaku agreed with his hunch.

Hikaku stood up and walked over to Kagami. As he placed his hand on Kagami's shoulder, he said, "Lord Second is dead. I saw him myself before he passed. He made it very clear, that he did not want violence as a result of his death. However, he did ask me to make sure that you keep watch of Danzo and Hiruzen."

"How did you see him before he died?!"

"That is irrelevant. Out of respect, I decided to keep my promise to him, and I have, by telling you what he wants you to do."

"And of course, I will fulfil my duty to him. Although... now that I think about it... there was smoke coming from Lord Second's office when I found Danzo climbing out. He burned something. What could it have been?"

"Well, if he felt that he needed to climb inside to do so then I'd say it sounds like something important."

"He's hiding something. I need to find out what it was that he burned. I'm going to inform Toka right away."

"You can't."

"Why not? She has a right to know."

"She cannot find out because it's impossible for her to do so. She's dead."

"What?! How? When?"

"Whilst you were on mission, Toka went out with a Senju team of her own. None of them returned. Although, someone sent us this kunai."

"That's Toka's!" Interrupted Kagami.

"It came with a note expressing hatred for the Senju."

"This must be Danzo and Hiruzen's doing again. The Senju are under threat... we must help them."

"By doing what? As long as they are in the village, Hiruzen will have a direct impact as to their treatment and safety."

"So... I should warn them... and tell them to seek refuge elsewhere?"

"If you feel that is what's right."

"I need to speak to Torifu about this. If I get found out, that I'm spying on Danzo and Hiruzen, I'll need backup."

"Torifu is certainly a strong individual. But his allegiance is with the Hokage."

"He's my best friend. Once he listens to what I say, he will have no choice but to help me. Give me Toka's kunai."

"For what reason?"

"I'll show Torifu, as evidence that she is dead. She never let this kunai out of her sight. It was attached to her like an extra limb."

Hikaku handed the kunai to Kagami, who placed it on his waist. As he turned to leave, Hikaku asked, "Why go through all of this? For someone who is dead? It was his time, just as it will be yours one day."

"Because Lord Second showed me respect, he believed in me. The war is over, Hikaku. Let your hatred go."

Kagami continued to leave, closing the door behind him. Hikaku waited a few moments, before throwing his cup at the door in anger.

"Let my hatred go?! You have spent far too long with those jealous rats. You can't even see that it is you who should be the Hokage, not Hiruzen. Your love for them has blinded you. Itari! Come!"

Itari came hurriedly through the door, "Yes, Sensei?"

"You must deliver Hiruzen a message. Tell him that Kagami plans to have the Senju removed from the village and that Toka is dead. Tell him that he intends to spy on him and Danzo and that he will convince Torifu to join him."

"But... won't that put Kagami in danger?"

"I have still kept my promise to Tobirama, I told Kagami to watch Danzo and Hiruzen. They will both know that fighting Kagami and Torifu will not be smart, so it will prevent any murders from happening for the time being."

"Do you not think Kagami will still try and kill them both?"

"No, he won't defy Tobirama's command. Sadly for Tobirama, that command may be what ends up having Kagami killed."