
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Twin Swords - [ Chapter - 20 ]

So then after giving Rei and Pru some treasures they continued exploring the dungeon until they were attacked by dragon newts and when Nari appraised them they were pretty strong.

Their numbers were mixed variants which meant they had close combat fighters, ranged combat fighters and magic casters among them so Nari said to them, "We need to work together to kill these ones.".

After hearing that Kameko and Rei brought out their swords and then both of them charged against the dragon newts, Rei charged in slashing one of the dragon newts and he tried to slash another.

But then he was blocked by a magic spell, it was unknown to Nari so this intrested even more so she checked the corpse to what mana do they have and like their colour says they were a fire dragon newt.

They dropped a lot of fire mana and a bunch of another type of mana and it was definitely new to Nari and when she checked it more it looked as if the mana has scales and so she decided to call it Dragonic Mana.

Since they dropped from dragon newts while Nari was doing this Kameko and Rei were dealing with the dragon newts but then one casted a spell at Nari and while she was looking at the dragon newt corpses.

Then suddenly Nari's arm was raised and then the spell "Shield" was casted and then she looked at the dragon newts and then used one of the strongest advance spells she learned, "Tsunami" then suddenly the room started flooding.

After a while the room was filled with water then Nari used the advance spell of "Water Control", "Water Manipulation" which allowed her to control every single bit of water that the room had.

So then Nari removed the water for Kameko and the twins and then she put her hand forward and then closed it and as she did that the water started spinning into the middle with the dragon newts inside of it.

It killed so many dragon newts but like Nari said even she couldn't kill them alone so then Nari gave Pru a mana boost and then she said, "Show them what you got." as she raised her hand snd cheered.

Then Pru's eyes burned even bigger than before that it started covering his entire body then he was able to say the words, "Eternal Flame." and then he reached out both hands and then blue fire started coming out.

The fire started spinning like a tornado dragging in the drsgo newts and killing them, the magic casters tried to cast their fire magic at Pru but it was just absorbed by the blue flame and made it even stronger and bigger.

After he casted that spell Nari really wanted to have the mana of the nine tailed fox now and she also found out that there were ways to get the mana other ways than the person having the said mana dying.

So Nari wanted to find that out and so she started thinking but Kameko was in shock because both Nari and Pru were absolute monsters even Rei since he was learning swordsmanship at a fast rate and he was almost as strong as him.

Kameko was feeling like he was incredibly weak and was starting to get useless but then something caught his eyes so then he told the twins to go to Nari and the two of them ran over to Nari.

So then the twins hugged Nari and then she was out from her deep thinking so then she smiled at the two of them and said, "You two did such a great job." but Kameko wasn't there anymore.

He was in a sanctuary, he found a few cracks on the wall and there were some rays of light coming out of it and so he was curious and headed over but Nari and the twins didn't know where he went.

So then Nari started calling for Kameko, "Kameko! Where are you!?" even Rei tried talking for the first time and it seemed like he liked Kamekonand then he said, "Kameko..." it wasn't that loud but it was absolutely adorable.

But after a while for calling for him Kameko shouted back to them and said, "Over here!" and then they followed his voice and it led to a few cracks on the wall and so Nari and the twins went through them.

After squeezing through they found a huge room that looked like a forest and Kameko was there and then he was standing beside a rock with a sword with it and then he said, "Look it's like the holy sword, Excalibur!".

Then the twins came running up trying to pull out the sword but it didn't work and so Nari started looking around the rock and then she found some writings on it but she didn't know the language.

So she then used her appraisal spell to appraise the writings and after doing that it was writing from an ancient language from that world so then Nari used the spirit spell, "All Understanding".

Which allows the catser to speak, read and understand any language it has been used by the spirits to talk to humans before since they had so many different languages over the years and it would be too long if they had to learn each one.

Then Nari could now read the writings as long as she had mana to do so and it said, "The Magic Sword Gladicea, used by the Arch Mage in the first war of the empires." and so she thought of something she could try.

So then after reading that she went up to the sword and then as she tried pulling it she added mana into it slowly but surely it started rising and getting pulled out until it was fully out of the rock so Kameko and the twins were surprised.

After that Nari's suspicions were confirmed to be true so then Nari said to them, "The Sword's name is Gladicea it's a magic sword used by mages or those who use magic and people who don't have enough mana can't use this.".

Then after hearing that Kameko said, "Aww man, I find a sword and I can't even use it." but then suddenly the sword started glowing a blue aura and then it started pointing to another direction.

So Nari followed it as Kameko and the twins followed behind her and then it led them to another rock with a sword and so Nari read the writings again this time so she went closer to it and activated the spell.

As she read the writings it said, "The Holy Sword, Excalibur it's a holy sword used by the hero in the first war of the empires those who aren't pure cannot use this." and then Kameko tried pulling it.

Nari couldn't say what it requires but then Kameko pulled it out so then Nari used a spell to check out how pure Kameko was since she got some of the unique mana of the Magic Knight before using "True Rating.".