
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
38 Chs

No Limit In Magic - [ Chapter - 7 ]

So then Nari and Kameko went inside the village by destroying the back wall of the village and Kameko immediately chraged inside and they met rare variants right off the bat and they were pretty strong.

The variants they met were the goblin knights and magic casters, this was really strange once again since Kameko saw that there was only a Goblin Squire and Mage when he left but now there were loads of them.

And some with stronger variants and this made Nari curios about them but it made Kameko excited because he could try out his new skills with stronger enemies than just normal goblins so that was kind of cool.

Kameko charged in with his sword attacking the magic casters first to kill of most of the ones that might become more of a problem later and Nari helped in dealing with them by shooting the ones that Kameko couldn't get.

So then after killing all of the goblin magic casters they saw, they started killing the goblin knights and for some reason their armour was good and this made Kameko want some of their armour for themselves.

But then while killing them a Goblin Commander appeared in an armour that look beautiful and powerful and luckily the goblins and Kameko were the same body size so he wanted to take the armour for himself.

So then he shouted to Nari, "Nari! Can you kill that goblin commander without scratching the armour?!", he said that since he might ruin the armour if he trys and kills the goblin commander and so Nari did it instead.

Then Nari started casting another advance spell called, "Charm Eyes" and then looked at the eyes of the goblin commander and made it take off it's armour and then she shouted to Kameko, "Kill it now!!!".

So then Kameko speedily went to the goblin and sliced it's head of while it was still in a trance from Nari's Charm spell and then Kameko went to wear the armour while Nari was busy protecting him and herself.

Then Nari shouted because she got irritated by how long he was taking to wear the armour but it looks like he was doing something special to it and so Nari shouted, "Whatever your doing please hurry it up!!".

But then Kameko stood up without even wearing the armour but there was a bit of mana on the armour now and so this made Nari curious and then Kameko said, "Armour Deploy." then a beam of light shined on Kameko.

The armour disappeared and then after the light was gone he was now wearing the armour and then he charged in more recklessly than before and whenever the goblins hit him it wouldn't do any damage thanks to the armour.

Nari decided there was too many goblins so she was gonna you a large scale spell to kill them and and she shouted, "Kameko, Get Out! I'm gonna use a big spell!" then Kameko jumped back onto the walls.

Then Nari started casting one of the most advance spells she learned in the new book it was called "Rotting Death" which uses darkness attributed mana and then the weaker goblins started dying off.

But the stronger ones didn't die rather they were just injured greatly but there was a two goblins that didn't look like they were even hurt by it and it was the Goblin Shaman from before and a Goblin General.

So then Nari and Kameko killed of the ones that were injured first by slicing them and Nari shooting magic at the back so that was an extremely quick massacre they made to all the variants that were there.

And now there was only the Goblin shaman and general left and so Kameko wanted to have a 1v1 with the goblin general and Nari also wanted to have a 1v1 with the goblin shaman and it looked like they understood.

But then suddenly the goblin shaman started talking, "My race is known for it's stupidity so they can't talk only us shamans and other smarter variants can talk, we both agree to the duel you are asking for. So let us begin.".

Then suddenly the shaman teleports in front of Nari and then starts chanting magic at her but unfortunately for it Nari didn't need to chant and she instantly used an advanced version of the spell fire ball called, "Inferno".

Kameko charged at the goblin general at great speed and then he jumped behind him and then was about to take a slash at the goblin's armour but then suddenly it disappears and then appears behind him.

So then Kameko blocked the attacked but he was hit back greatly but luckily he landed on his feet and then he jumped back towards the general and got back at it with a great slash as well.

The goblin shaman had to stop chanting because it didn't realized that Nari didn't need to chant her spells and so it teleports behind her and uses quick chants which is also a rare ability.

It was a weaker version of no chant but it used more mana as well unlike no chant so it probably didn't use it because it thought it wouldn't need it but still it was only able to perfect a couple of spells.

Since it didn't have enough time to finish the spells because Nari just needed to think of the spell she wanted and the Goblin Shaman was getting hit by multiple spells and was now heavily damaged.

The Goblin General's armour had now many cracks to it while Kameko's only had some scratches on it and then Kameko wanted to use his ultimate move just like what Nari did to the moon wolf before.

He then said, "Final Aura Mastery 1st Form" he charged in at insane speed and then did a cross slash and it made the armour even more broken then Kameko said, "Final Aura Mastery 2nd Form".

Then he jumps up and the goblin general tried blocking the attack from above but then suddenly he disappears and then appears to it's right side and then did a right slash to him their and went to the left and did the same.

The armour was now completely broken and then Kameko said "Final Aura Mastery Final Form" he then used his sword like a saber and quickly with a lot of strength impaled the general in it's chest.

As it dies it started to talk, "Monkey... Is Strong, I die... With Honor..." and then it died as it laid on the ground and then Nari was just rapidly shooting spells at the Goblin Shaman and it ran out of mana to teleport.

It tried flying away but the suddenly a huge group of fire, water, rock and other elemental balls appeared behind her and then she said, "Die" then all of the magic balls started shooting the goblin shaman.

Like the goblin general, the goblin shaman talked before it died it said, "It seems you used human magic *cough* well if you can learn their magic you might be able to learn ours." as it proceeded to bring out a book.

The Goblin Shaman laid it's hands onto Nari's Frog head and said, "I will transfer our language to you so you may read the book, grow strong young one, it's my first time seeing a legendary variant and it's even a frog.".

Then suddenly a light shines on Nari's head and now she could read and understand the book that the goblin shaman gave her and it was called "Cobalorum" and now Nari was excited to read it.