
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Goblin's Magic - [ Chapter - 6 ]

Then after all the training Nari and Kameko was able to become like a fully operational duo and they were able to fight along side each other really well and they wanted to test this to it's full potential.

And because of their training they were able to become bigger and stronger than they were before so they could actually deal with bigger monsters more easily now or even a bigger number of monsters.

So Nari said to Kameko, "Why don't we see how well we can fight together in the nearby goblin village?", Kameko loved the idea and so they headed towards the village that Kameko mapped since Nari told him to.

Since Nari couldn't write normally like a person with her frog body but Kameko on the other hand had the body of a monkey which is theorized as the ancestors of humans so their body could be used like a humans if they had enough intelligence.

Then Kameko brought of the map he created from his little cave and he headed off while Nari was following him from behind and they walked through many different areas and all of them were pretty safe.

It was mostly thanks to Kameko since he mapped out the danger levels on the map as well so he knew the safest path to the goblin village but even so not everything can be safe.

So Nari and Kameko had to fight off a few monsters and the only notable threat that happened to them while they were going to the goblin village was running into a pack of moon wolves and it looked like they knew them.

One of the wolves said when they saw Nari and Kameko, "You have the smell of Juri, so are you the ones that killed him?", Nari was about to try and lie to them so they could quickly go to their location.

But then suddenly Kameko went up and shouted, "Yeah! We defeated the sad excuse of a wolf! What are you going to do about?", Nari was surprised and annoyed by this cause she didn't want a fight that was not even needed.

After that the wolves started growling at them in anger since they have been looking for his killer for a while and now they found them so then one of the wolves said, "So your going to die and fell what Juri felt.".

Then they all charged to Kameko which was the best option for them to choose to allow the fight to be more easy for Nari and Kameko and so Kameko started fending them off using the swordsmanship he learned.

The sword he made was hard enough to keep slicing through the wolves tought skin and so it was a really good thing that he did some smithing so that he could create a new sword for himself.

And now Nari jumped back to a good distance and then started supporting Kameko by shooting magic at the wolves while blocking their attacks and healing Kameko, their cooperation was definitely better than before.

Kameko was able to kill two of the wolves by slashing them hard enough and the rest were injured by him a lot and Nari was able to kill three because she was able to hit them in their most vital spots.

Nari was about to finish them off because she had plenty of mana to spare but Kameko told Nari, "I want to do this myself, I'll show you I have skills as well.", then suddenly Kameko's sword had a yellow aura.

It was different than before but it felt like thunder attributed mana and then Kameko shouted, "First Form Shrouded Lightning!" then Kameko slashed his sword downards as a lightining surrounding the sword appeared.

The moment his sword hit the ground it created an explosion blowing up and hitting the other wolves and the ones that didn't get hit were instantly killed by Kameko when he moved in front of them and killing them instantly.

Then Kameko got up and rubbed his nose and with confidence and asked Nari, "So how was that?", Nari was a bit annoyed he was trying to show off but then she remembered she had a similar spell to that.

So she then said, "Oh that wasn't anything special." as she took her hand up and took one of her frog fingers and did a gesture like she was putting it down and then suddenly a lightning bolt appeared from nowhere.

The size of the explosion was definitely bigger than the one that Kameko made and so he lost all of his arrogance once Kameko did that and then he whined while they were walking, "Why are you so powerful???".

Nari didn't even know the answer to the question herself but she decided not to answer him cause she thought it would be funny to let him think what it could be by himself and then they continued going to the goblin vilage.

Then after a while Nari and Kameko arrived at the village and the moment they got there, there was a wooden wall and it looked like they were pretty advance for their species so it was a surprise for both if them.

Since the last time Kameko visited there he saw that they only created small tents made of sticks so he wasn't sure how they could advance that quickly without any outside help so then Nari decided to check inside.

So then she used one of her new advanced spells she learned called, "Another's Perspective" which shows how something looks like in another direction so it was useful for spying and stuff.

Then what she saw in the village was a goblin shaman, she read it in her book about types of magic and the races of this world, the goblin shaman was a variant of the goblins and that variant was the smartest of them all.

The Goblin Shaman was known to have their own special magic called, "Cobalorum" which only the goblins know how to use and the goblin shaman is a goblin that has mastered Cobalorum.

And this type of magic could only be learned by the goblin race so it was pretty interesting and also this magic was also ranked and the magic from the goblin shamans can reach the third circle or more.

But the highest ever recorded was the sixth circle and it was a new variant that was only seen once, the "Goblin Overseer" it was known as a legendary variant or a champion of their species.

Since legendary variants and champions are known as the strongest in ones species as they have a unique trait, ability, skill or anything that makes them more powerful than the rest.