
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Fox Twins - [ Chapter - 16 ]

So then the receptionist left to get the Guild Master and after a little while she came back out with a huge man beside her and he looked pretty strong and he looked really serious and was not to be messed with.

Then the man asked receptionist, "Are these the recruits that you told me about?", then she said, "Yes, Guild Master" as she said that she bowed towards him and then he smiled and said, "Let's test how strong they are.".

So the Guild Master released his blood lust and aura to Nari and Kameko and then when they noticed this, Nari covered herself in her dense mana to block out the blood lust and aura while Kameko tried to challenge it.

Then now the Guild Master and Kameko were trying to see who could over power the other and while this was happening the by standers around were now suffocating and some even passed out while Nari was just watching.

After a while the Guild Master just laughed and said, "Wow, your already on my level at such a young age and the mage beside you are stronger than me already so why do you want to join the guild only now?".

Kameko was going to talk to the Guild Master for a rematch and Nari noticed this so then she answered the Guild Master's question and said, "We've been training in the forest for a while now and it's our first time out.".

Then the Guild Master looked at them closely and it didn't look like they were lying so then he let them take the Guild's test since it was a requirement to join even though they were already stronger than him.

So then the first test was the mana test and Kameko went first and the receptionist told Kameko to put his hand on the crystal ball and so he did and when he did the crystal ball cracked immediately.

They were surprised because even the Guild Master couldn't do that and so they took out another one for Nari and she placed her hand on it then it immediately shattered into a million pieces.

Everyone watching was just stunned by the two young people's amazing strength and the next test was the strength test and everyone watched Kameko closely and then the receptionist told him to hit that bag.

So then he punched it and then now there was a huge dent in it from him but they were still able to measure it then it was Nari's turn but no one expected a lot from a mage but then she used a bunch of enchantment spells.

Then she punched the bag and then there was a strong force hitting it, it was a bit weaker than Kameko's but it was strong nonetheless, so then the Guild Master asked "Are you really a mage?".

When he asked this she said, "Yeah, I just stacked some enhancement spell onto me.", it immediately shocked the Guild Master because he then realized she had the abulity of No Chant and now they really wanted the two to join the Guild.

The final test was accuracy first was Kameko, he was given a bow to shoot with and Nari didn't expect much like the others since they all thought that he was just a swordsman but in reality he has actually trained with a bow

So then Kameko immediately grabbed the threw arrows he had then put it all into the bow and shot it at the three targets and then all three hit the bullseye while almost breaking the three targets in the process.

All of them were once again in awe at Kameko's talent and this just boosted his ego and then Nari sighed planning to break it down since he would have to live with him after this and she just shot the inferno spell.

Then a little compact fire came out some of the people watching laughed because they thought she would be great at magic but then when the little fire reached the targets, Nari then smiled slightly and said, "Burn.".

Suddenly a huge fiery tornado appeared from the little flame as Nari held her arm out to control the fire she burnt all of the targets and everything around it to ashes and those who were laughing kept their mouths shut.

Then the receptionist who didn't even flinch said with confidence, "I'll get your Guild IDs ready." then she went back inside the guild to get it and then the Guild Master went up to the two and then said, "You have a bright future ahead of you.".

He then continued saying, "You will have to start at the bottom of the guild first since that's our policy but you'll definitely be able to quickly get to the too and don't worry about missions, I'll get you the best ones.".

Nari was still silent because she was thinking of something but then Kameko with a shimmer in his eyes said "Thanks!" since he was really excited to live a life like a main character of a novel or anime.

So then after a while of waiting the receptionist came back out with Nari's and Kameko's Guild IDs and then said, "Here you go, you two have officially been added to the Guild." both of them were a bit happy about getting into the guild.

But then the Guild Master told them, "Come on, follow me, I'll give you a good mission and it pays really well." he said as he was going into his office, so then Nari and Kameko followed him into his office.

He then sat down onto his chair and then looked for something on his desk and after a while of searching he then said, "Aha! here it is." he then laid out a mission papers onto the desk showing the two what it was.

Then he said, "This mission is going to task you to kill a boss monster in the forest, it's the star wolf, a legendary variant of the shadow wolves and it's extremely hard to kill and find, can I count on you to do it?".

Nari and Kameko immediately accepted it but then while they were walking into the forest to kill the wolf, Nari then said to Kameko, "Don't kill the star wolf, just weaken it and then I'll tame it.", Kameko immediately answered saying, "Sure.".

Then they started searching for the star wolf and after a while Nari then asked Kameko, "Hey, how did you ended up becoming human?", Kameko smiled and said, "Finally! You asked that question, I was waiting for you to ask that.".

So then Kameko explained saying, "Like you I met a panda named Jeri and she gave me a bush with three berries of evolution and I ate one and I woke up like this I still have the other two, here catch.".

He said as he threw the two berries out of his pocket but then suddenly two foxes appeared out of nowhere and caught the berries into their mouth and now Kameko was worried if they would eat it.

So then he tried to get closer to then saying, "Now, now don't do anything rash." he said in a calm voice while the two foxes was looking at him and when hw got too close they both ate the berries immediately.

Then they tried to run away but then they started evolving from the berries and then so they both tripped on a couple of roots from the big trees, Kameko sighed and said, "What a waste!" and then they went to the two foxes.

So then Nari and Kameko went up to the two foxes and then they finished evolving, they still couldn't walk correctly but now they looked like a Demi human of a fox and human and then they looked at Nari.

After looking at her for a while they went up to her and hugged her legs, their size was still that of a child so they assumed they were still children but then they looked at Kameko and made faces at him.