
Part 1

- Prince Zuko, come here, relax.

The aforementioned youth sighs, shakes his head and begins to take off his uniform. His uncle, in fact, is a good man who never wanted anything bad for his nephew, unlike at least his sister, but sometimes it is simply impossible to understand him.

Now, at least now: they have finally found the trail of the Avatar, and they need to go after him as soon as possible, before this intolerable little boy escapes from them again. You need to go immediately, and not sit in a mountain spring, carefully warmed up by Iroh to the desired temperature.

But Zuko is so tired of this futile chase. "What's wrong with them leaving a little later? Nothing. All the same, he will never catch the Avatar, the air magician, moving like an unbearable summer breeze, completely aimless in all lands, "- so thought the prince, taking off his clothes.

Remaining in a loincloth, he looked thoughtfully at his uncle, who had been soaked in hot water. "To shoot or not to shoot? If you don't take it off, it gets wet, then you need to dry it. And the technique of exhaling hot steam, like the Dragon of the West, he is not trained due to his impatience and temperament. It's a shame to ask my uncle: it's his own fault that he didn't master it. "

"Take off," the prince decided and, having untied the bandage, put it to the rest of the things on a nearby stone. And then he hurriedly approached the source, looking around nervously to see if anyone had noticed his nakedness.

Hastily thrusting one leg in, he flinched in surprise: the water was too hot. Balancing on one leg, he threw the other over the side and abruptly sank into the water.



The heat went through the whole body of the young man. He sank even lower, and the water came up to his chin.



It was a little cramped in a small pit filled with water and carefully warmed up by my uncle to the right temperature, but not so tight that it would sit right next to it, but I still had to shoulder to shoulder.

Since Zuko was taller than his uncle, he had nowhere to put his legs, and in order not to feel discomfort, he had to sit down with his legs folded in the lotus position. Now he was in contact with his uncle and his hips. But it seems that Iroh was not at all embarrassed. The old man threw his head back and breathed measuredly: one could see from him what pleasure the hot spring brings.

Zuko decided to follow his uncle and, throwing his hands on the edges of the impromptu bath, closed his eyes.

Iroh opened his eyes and looked at his nephew: he looked relaxed and peaceful. "Finally," the former general thought and warmed up the water a little more.

The hot water began to blur the thoughts of the young prince until they were completely dissolved in clouds of indistinct smoke. His head bent down on his chest, and he sank into the arms of a light afternoon nap.

Iroh noticed how the exiled prince fell asleep, and, bringing his hand to his face, removed several naughty black strands from his face. Looking at his nephew's relaxed eyelids, which were not tensely squeezed as usual, he smiled. His gaze fell unbidden on slightly parted lips, cheeks reddened from the temperature ...

... Iroh loved his wife. And he loved his son just the same. But this love did not last long: his wife could not bear the death of Lu Ten and followed her son. For a long time, Iroh mourned his family, and after that he could not look at women - too vulnerable, unprotected, weak - the girls were unable to cope with difficulties. And Iroh became close to men who were confident, reasonable, but did not bring the desired relief.

The only joy was not the pleasures of bed, but family love - love for a young boy, so naive, trusting and open, so similar to his son. Zuko was not like Ozai, he had more of Ursa, to whom Iroh was also attached.

Transferring love from the deceased son to the firstborn of the Lord of Fire, Iroh understood how much he needed the boy. Teaching him with advice, accompanying him on crazy travels and fruitless searches for the Avatar, he seemed to be getting younger himself.

Yes, Iroh was no longer in that physical shape that attracted the attention of all his fighters and soldiers whom he commanded before, as well as some generals who were able to appreciate both his combat skills and external data. But you can get in shape - a couple of strength training sessions - and he will again become the same Iroh, trying to forget himself in someone else's strong arms. But just who needs it now? And if it is more truthful, then why?

But young Zuko, who was nearby every day, woke up uninvited memories, making him want something obscure, but catching the soul and some other parts of the body ...

Today it was not in vain that he called Zuko to the sources: he wanted to talk to the prince. And what helps you get closer than a hot and relaxing bath on a sunny day? ...

- Get closer? - the voice of the Blue Dragon sounds mockingly, but Iroh does not attach any importance to it.

"... Get closer and talk about his girlfriend," continues Iroh's mental conversation. - That stayed in the Kingdom of Fire. After all, he had not seen her for so long, and some of the young soldiers accompanying them were not much older than the exiled prince himself. And did not hesitate to show interest. However, Zuko either didn't really notice their hints, or for some reason didn't want to respond to them. "

Thinking about these reasons, Iroh walked along the edge of the abyss, in his dreams, wanting what he was afraid to admit in his thoughts. And that was quite clear to the blue dragon Sozin living in his mind.

Unlike his nephew, Iroh did not have the peace-loving blood of the avatar Roku, only Sozin, who started the war. Perhaps that is why Iroh sometimes found it difficult to contain his fiery thoughts.

Zuko could not love him, could not be secretly in love with him - Iroh was an elderly man who had seen a lot in his life, and understood a lot, so he had to hide his desires behind soothing tea and not harbor vain hopes.

But the water, warmed up to the required temperature, for some reason washed away the boundaries of reason, taking them away. He sat close: so much so that Iroh felt the touch of the strong line of the young man's hips, so close, so far away.

Iroh could not take his nephew without disturbing his sleep, nor could he curb his desire to touch him like no one before him.

The blue dragon chuckled lazily and closed his eyes: for the first time, Iroh took his advice.


Zuko lay either in a lazy half-asleep, or falling asleep. He definitely liked this little impromptu halt by his uncle.

The water, with which the fire mage was accustomed to fight, was now leaning towards him, splashing on his chest and, like someone's neat hands, caressed him. It flowed over the shoulders, rolled in a light wave along the tense neck, again slipped onto the chest and down to the stomach.

Passing along the waist and outlining the right side, the water swayed near the young man's legs spread apart and timidly froze. Softened by the leisurely and gentle slides of water on his skin, Zuko completely relaxed, losing control of his body.

The slight, growing excitement, so rare for a young prince, always gave him unpleasant sensations. This problem had to be dealt with quickly and hastily - Zuko believed that the physiological desires of the body are insignificant and insignificant until he regained his honor.

However, the excitement that was increasing now was different. Gentle, gentle, caring. As if someone's strong hands were smoothly running over the hot penis, pulling the skin to the head, stroking the long trunk.

Without realizing it, and continuing to half sleep, half awake, he spreads his legs a little wider, allowing warm currents to wash over him from everywhere.

The water begins to ripple a little more, and the slumbering prince feels its tension, touching his trunk. It is so pleasant, so normal and natural that he unconsciously throws his head back, dissolving in sensitive touches.

The excitement for the first time is really pleasant and stress-free. The streams of water seethe more, bringing to an early denouement, and the prince's light liquid will splash out, completely dissolving in the hot spring.

From the soft denouement, which brought such an unusual pleasure, the young man wakes up, not fully realizing what has happened. The hot water has already dissolved and hid in its streams the traces of his unconscious pleasure, so he cannot find out for sure whether it was, or what happened just a dream.

However, the body fully awakens, as if filled with an unknown power, and, fully awake, he finally opens his eyes. Stretching, Zuko notes the droning tension in his muscles, which he gets from a long and sound sleep after numerous workouts.

His uncle continues to doze, his head thrown to one side, and for a second Zuko seems to be very tired, but the man wakes up almost immediately:

- Is it time to go?


Having gathered, he and his uncle and a detachment of soldiers continue to move on the ship, and Zuko, wrapped in the pursuit of Aang and the battle on the island of Roku, forgets about this short rest in the hot spring.

Iroh also tries to forget, but it turns out worse for him, although he convinces himself that everything that happened was a fleeting weakness that will never happen again.

At this, the Blue Dragon only grins, but is silent, gloomily waiting for its time. And he has no doubts that it will come.