
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Fantasía
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40 Chs

Chapter 6: The First Sword

In the tranquil ambiance of Izak's room, the sunlight streamed in through the open windows, casting a vibrant glow. As a new day unfolded, Izak roused himself from slumber, accompanied by a hearty yawn that resonated through the room. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, his body gradually adjusting to the waking world. With a purposeful demeanor, he prepared to leave the comfort of his bed and venture downstairs for a nourishing meal.

Amidst this simple morning routine, a reflective thought crossed Izak's mind: "The efforts I've invested have truly paid off. My weariness has subsided, leaving me feeling remarkably lighter. Moreover, the rewards have been substantial; I now possess enough gold to sustain myself comfortably for several months." Empowered by this realization, he proceeded downstairs, his steps resonating with a newfound vitality. Upon reaching the inn's common area, he engaged the innkeeper, communicating his breakfast preferences. With efficient coordination, a servant promptly delivered his chosen dish.

Eager to sate his hunger, Izak commenced his meal without an exhaustive examination. His fork danced between the servings, securing succulent bites of salad and savoring the tantalizing flavors of the meat. Each mouthful offered a sensory delight, surpassing even his past dining experiences in its richness and quality.

As Izak savored each delectable bite of his meal, an unexpected interruption shattered the rhythm of his solitude. A voice, out of the blue, posed a simple question: "Is the food good?" Without much thought, Izak responded with a positive affirmation, his attention still partially immersed in his plate. However, as he instinctively turned to acknowledge the inquirer, a jolt of surprise coursed through him. There, sitting next to him, was none other than Alex, a sight that defied explanation.

The astonishment that gripped Izak was palpable as he blurted out, "Why are you here!?" The words tumbled out, carrying a mixture of shock and disbelief. Alex's unexpected presence next to him was a puzzle that begged for an answer. Before Izak could fully grasp the situation, he posed the question that dominated his thoughts.

With a calm demeanor, Alex offered an explanation that peeled away the layers of mystery. "Well, I am your party member now, so I can go wherever you go," he stated matter-of-factly. The revelation settled into the air, bridging the gap between Izak's astonishment and comprehension. The pieces of the puzzle began to align, painting a picture of an unforeseen twist in their journey.

Recognizing the unique opportunity that Alex's presence presented, Izak swiftly adjusted his perspective. Sensing that this moment held significance beyond its initial surprise, he devoured the remaining portions of his meal with impressive speed, as if each bite contained a revelation.

Observing Izak's haste, Alex interjected with a touch of concern, "Woah! Calm down. Eating this fast might suffocate you!" His words were punctuated by a gentle chortle, a mixture of amusement and friendly advice. Alex's presence not only sparked unexpected conversations but also altered the rhythm of their actions, creating an atmosphere that was both novel and intriguing.

Once his plate was emptied, Izak's curiosity took the forefront. Seizing the opportunity presented by Alex's unexpected presence, he initiated a candid query, "Alex! Can you teach me more about magic and assist me in becoming stronger?" The desire for growth and empowerment resonated in his voice, accompanied by a genuine eagerness to expand his horizons.

In response, Alex's tone carried a blend of assent and wisdom, "Yes, I can certainly guide you, but remember, every endeavor demands time and patience. Even your approach to eating just now reflects this truth. Much like savoring a meal, mastering magic and becoming stronger require careful consideration and deliberate actions. Each step must be taken with intention, akin to the way you approached your meal."

Izak absorbed Alex's words with a growing understanding. The weight of the message was not lost on him—patience, diligence, and purposeful action were the cornerstones of progress. As each interaction unfolded between them, Izak began to discern the depth of Alex's knowledge and the profound impact of his insights. It was becoming increasingly apparent that their conversations extended beyond casual discourse; they were integral to his training and development.

A determined resolve resonated in Izak's response, a testament to his readiness to embark on this transformative journey. "Okay... I understand that becoming as strong as you will take considerable time," he acknowledged, his tone laced with acceptance. "However, I'm genuinely eager to initiate my training as swiftly as circumstances permit. The prospect of embarking on diverse quests alongside you to explore uncharted realms and delve into the art of wilderness survival holds immense appeal for me."

In these words, Izak not only displayed his comprehension of the time and caution necessary for growth but also revealed his fervent yearning for both adventure and self-improvement. The fusion of his determination and understanding painted a portrait of a soul poised to ascend to new heights under Alex's guidance.

With each passing conversation, Izak's understanding of the training process deepened. It was during one of these enlightening exchanges that Alex extended an unexpected opportunity. "I was just about to retrieve my weapons from the blacksmith," Alex began, his tone holding a hint of excitement. "They were in for repairs, and I thought this could be a perfect chance for you to accompany me. Not only can I provide you with some training, but it's also been a while since I've assessed the sharpness of my blade."

The offer presented an intriguing blend of objectives—learning through experience, training, and practicality. Izak found himself contemplating the possibilities. The prospect of being mentored by Alex, combined with the hands-on opportunity to engage with weaponry, fueled his enthusiasm. It was a chance to put theoretical understanding into tangible action, all the while benefiting from the expertise of his newfound mentor.

Izak's response resonated with a genuine and palpable enthusiasm, his eagerness unmistakable. "YES! I would certainly love to go with you!" he exclaimed, his voice carrying the excitement of a student eager to dive headfirst into a realm of new experiences and opportunities for growth.

In that moment, Izak's enthusiasm echoed his genuine thirst for knowledge and empowerment. The prospect of learning, honing his skills, and becoming stronger in the presence of a seasoned mentor filled him with a fervor that was impossible to contain. It was a step closer to his aspirations, a stride along the path of transformation that he was more than willing to embrace.

"Very well, let's go then," Alex responded, acknowledging Izak's readiness with a nod. The two of them rose from their seats in the inn and stepped out into the bustling world outside. Negotiating the lively streets and bustling markets, they made their way towards the solitary forge that stood as the town's hub for metalwork. With each step, anticipation swelled, mirroring the prospect of training and equipment inspection that awaited them.

Entering the forge, Alex initiated the interaction with the blacksmith in his characteristically direct manner. "Hey old man, I am here to retrieve the equipment I handed over yesterday for repairs," he stated, his voice infused with a mix of familiarity and purpose.

In response, the blacksmith's reply carried a blend of irritation and a long-standing camaraderie. "I AM NOT OLD, and I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU THIS FOR THE PAST 10 YEARS!" he retorted, his words laced with a blend of exasperation and jest. It was clear that such banter was an integral part of their dynamic, a ritualistic exchange that had become a staple in their interactions.

Caught between the jovial commotion, Izak couldn't help but express his curiosity, directing a question to Alex. "Do you both know each other?" he inquired, his eyebrows arching inquisitively.

The reply came in unison, a testament to the longstanding connection between the two. "YES!" they chorused, their voices harmonizing in agreement. The bickering continued, revolving around the blacksmith's age and the playful disputes that colored their rapport. Amidst this lively exchange, Izak's gaze wandered, revealing an assortment of equipment adorning the forge—gear that wasn't just for display, but also merchandise ready for sale, a testament to the blacksmith's craft and enterprise.

Caught in a moment of admiration for the array of weapons on display, Izak's gaze was intercepted by the observant blacksmith. With a knowing expression that spoke volumes, the blacksmith posed a direct question to him, his tone a mix of curiosity and understanding. "You like the weapons, boy?" he inquired, his eyes capturing the lingering interest that Izak couldn't quite conceal. It was as if the blacksmith could read his unspoken desire, leaving Izak momentarily taken aback by the astute observation.

"I am not really sure," Izak responded quickly, his uncertainty palpable. He was torn between his intrigue and a sense of doubt, unsure if he could truly wield such weapons or if owning them was within his reach.

The blacksmith's hearty laughter rang out, a reflection of his awareness of Izak's internal conflict. "Ha ha ha!" he chuckled, recognizing the mix of nerves and self-underestimation in Izak's demeanor. "You can buy them for cheap, you know. These smaller swords might not be suited for grand battles, but they possess their own unique charm. And, I dare say, they've been longing for a wielder," the blacksmith added, a hint of affection for his creations coloring his words. It was revealed that these masterful weapons had remained unsold for years, almost forgotten.

In the midst of this exchange, Alex interjected, his voice laced with encouragement. "What do you say? He's right. These swords have been here for years, waiting for someone like you to claim them. And, considering the time they've spent here, you might just be able to get them for a very reasonable price." Alex's words held a blend of practicality and excitement, offering Izak a nudge toward seizing the opportunity.

Listening to the persuasive voices of both Alex and the blacksmith, Izak's resolve solidified. After a brief contemplation, he decided to make a purchase—a sword that he felt comfortable handling, a choice that cost him around 300 gold coins. As the transaction concluded, Izak's excitement surged, a palpable energy coursing through him. He was now the owner of his very first real sword, a tangible step forward from the days of practicing with wooden implements in the mountains.

Leaving the forge behind, the trio exchanged farewells, each heading their separate ways—Alex and Izak setting forth towards the nearby forest. The anticipation was tangible as they ventured to a serene training ground. Here, amidst the rustling leaves and the soft filtering of sunlight, they would engage in a dual pursuit: refining their skills and acquainting themselves with their newly acquired blades. The forest would become the backdrop to their growth, a canvas upon which their shared journey would unfold.