

______The news said R&D did what?_____

Rachel's POV

I snuggled deep into the comforter as I continued my slumber. It was a Saturday, the first in the past 1 month I had managed to take off work.

Things had gradually eased off but was still hectic, however we had finally found our balance. Our new employees were proving themselves and this had helped us out in sorting out our issues.

We had opened up to taking orders, nonetheless we strictly accepted the amount we could handle at a particular time to avoid much stress and mess ups.

I could feel the sun touch my face through the windows, but I wasn't ready to open my eyes yet as I still felt drowsy and in need of more sleep hours.

Contrary to my thoughts, the world had other plans as it seemed not to like the fact I was finally taking a breather. Why? You may ask, because in that moment I heard a deep voice call my name from somewhere in the house.