(Boy Love) ----------------- Someday you find someone and then they make you feel like the whole world but suddenly, you lose them just because... But you must find a way to get them back! Kaiden would never in a million years allow his feelings for Jake to get swept under the carpet but then even if he must love his heart's choice, there are toxic family demands to live up to. Short book
''What?'' Kaiden exclaimed, seemingly unsure of what he had just heard. Did this grisly faced moustache man really walk up to his room at freaking 5 o' clock in the morning to not only disturb his sleep, but also imply through words, spoken, that he, Kaiden St. Remy Chase was a thief!??!
No! Kaiden found his talk offensive and he wasn't going to let off steam by laying low.
"Look, I–"
''You, nothing!" Derek charged at him, open eyed. "I assure you that now is an absolute bizarre time to be a brat. So, put some clothes on and get your lazy ass out of bed!"
'I can't believe this.' Kaiden thought, shaking his head.
"We barely have some twenty minutes before the first morning mass, and five minutes to be able to make it to the abbey in time–''
''But I don't go to church." Kaiden retorted, boldly, "I never have. And where do they ever go to church on a Wednesday morning?''