(Boy Love) ----------------- Someday you find someone and then they make you feel like the whole world but suddenly, you lose them just because... But you must find a way to get them back! Kaiden would never in a million years allow his feelings for Jake to get swept under the carpet but then even if he must love his heart's choice, there are toxic family demands to live up to. Short book
His evening sport took a lot longer than expected and by the time Kai reached the Estate, it was already pretty dark outside. The clock struck 8 '0' clock. Jogging up the roads, his mind thought about Larry who'd dialled him some several tries straight but for his sour mood, Kai pinned his device on 'Airplane' to shut his brother out as with everyone else.
No calls.
The tall street lights which lined either side of the pretty walks lit up a clear picture of his path as he sauntered towards his place of solace. By now Kai was too tired to run or even jog. Walking seemed more comfortable and easy so he went with the vibe.
The most elegant building in the Estate soon came into view and Kai was the most grateful.
Sparing a brief muse about Jake's words, there was no faulting the boy for tagging him and Larry the richest kids on Campus. The whole College students knew that and it also took a toll on them making new friends. Well for him though, Larry seemed a natural at picking out other rich kids as acquaintances.
Kai took in the view of the shining glass walls of this house as he pulled up to reach the bright view Portico. The night air was chilly at this time and the horticultural trees in the yard dispatched its warmly fresh aroma into his nostrils.
Kai pressed on the doorbell as he took in the outside graces. Not long after, Larry opened the door to him.
"Kai?" He gasped as his brother pushed past him to get in. "So you finally decide to show up." Larry said, reclaiming his naggy tone. "For your info, that was a clearly d*ckass move and why ever did you switch your device off?"
He was trotting behind Kai.
"Look bro, I had an awkward kinda day already. Thanks to you. Can you not nag a hole in my brain as well? I can't with all the shouting."
"What do you mean 'you can't with all the shouting' huh?"
Kai ignored him and pressed onwards to reach the large kitchen side but not necessarily. He just needed to get something chilled from the Fridge in the Standway before the kitchen proper. His throat had dried up from running so much.
He hissed from being too tired. But Larry just wouldn't give up yet.
"Did something else happen out there? Something unwholesome maybe? 'Cause yo, you seem pretty fagged out."
"Glad you noticed. Can you lend me a breather? 'Cause I badly need a drink right now." Kai said without turning to face him.
"A drink?" Larry got puzzled. "When did you start drinking?"
"I'm Eighteen."
"So what then?"
"A break. Please… " Kai begged.
"Well, it's too late for that now."
"Too late for what?"
Kai reached the fridge and pulled open the side door. His favourite juice came handy. A bottle of chilled, cold water. Larry held back his surprise in his eyes. For a second there, he thought Kai was going to actually drink. They only ever reserved the alcohol for special celebrations.
Kai gulped the content of the entire bottle and Larry stood glaring at him.
"What got you so thirsty? The laps?" Kai darted his eyes to him and back. "How many did you cover today?"
"You know for one, you've got a perfectly horrible timing for doing things."
"What things?"
"That. Right there. I don't wanna talk."
They were walking back to the grand sitting room. Kai still seemed not indulgent but not Larry.
"I have news to break." He announced, gaily. "Mum is here."
"Uh… yeah."
Kai was looking at him now. He'd stopped walking.
"Mum is where?" He asked in shock.
"She got in tonight. And dad as well."
"What, they are both here?" Kai's eyes widened out the more.
"'Course not. Dad would never. Just mum."
"Yeah I wanted to tell you."
Kai still had a hard time digesting those words. His mum flew into Stapleville? Or how else and for how long now had she been planning this surprise?
"Recently." Larry's words startled him. "She came up with all this today."
Larry stopped talking and pitched his head upwards. Eyes positioned upfront. Kai decided to turn back around and then he saw her.
"Hi honey..." Her voice as of a delicate singer sizzled through the light echoes of the hallway.
"So subtle, my love. I s'pose you weren't expecting this big of a surprise when you hung up on me earlier this evening. I'm pleased to see you too."
The gingerbread haired woman began to walk closer to her boys, swinging her hips as elegantly still. Her banging youthful body in that Olive black bodycon dress was everything surreal.
"Stop mum. This isn't HighSchool anymore. So can you drop busting in unannounced?"
"Well Larry knows."
"Yeah and that's fair." Larry said grinning from ear to ear now as their mum, Mrs. Chase stopped in front of him.
She dashed a brilliant smile his way before turning toward the impossible twin, Kaiden.
"Actually, your dad came here on some major business so while we don't yet know how long his affairs are gonna take, we decided to stay close."
"Down Melody drive? You drove two whole hours from when you called me just to reach here in time?"
"Wrong, Kai. I flew in a chopper, thanks to Roger. So I exhausted just 15 - 20 minutes to reach you boys."
"Okay." Kai shrugged and resumed his walk to the Sitting room.
"And after a wholesome lot of questioning, I was wrong in anticipating an embrace from you?" Mrs. Chase grumbled. Pouting her mouth, she flaunted her heavy footings behind the boy for his unruly behaviour just now. Larry with her.
"Quit patronising me, mum." Kai's words poked at his mother's gut. "I'm sure the real reason you're here has absolutely nothing to do with me."
"But it does and how is my desire to see both my boys equal to patronising you honey?" His mother spoke softly.
They reached the Sitting area and Kai flew himself on his favourite cushioned sofa. Its lushness teased his frame of mind and he settled on an accurate pose for the moment. Arms on the back of his head which were leaned against the Sofa's Armrest.
The look on his mum's face showed like she was gonna cry.
Kai hissed into a sigh.
"Leave him be, mum." Larry cut in. "He's just being a pretty pain in the ass because I spoke rudely to his girlfriend."
"Girlfriend?" His mum shouted in glee. "Who's she?"
"Actually, some boy."
"Oh!" Mrs. Chase exclaimed. "Kaiden likes a boy?" Her face reeked of outrage and shock.
Kai's features had bloated into a major frown by now.
"Don't make me come at you Larry. I repeat. Do not."
"Oh alright you two. Larry, go check if Ms. Brandice is done with the preparations."
"What preparations?"
Larry already left by now.
"Dinner of course. I had her prepare your favourite. Didn't you perceive the brimming spices in the air of that place?"
Now that she'd mentioned it, Kai would admit that he actually did. But his thirst and tiredness had not allowed him to ask Larry about it.
Kai sat up. "Look mum, I understand you barely got here but you really shouldn't be doing so much."
"Oh c'mon honey. You deserve all of it."
"And not that as well. Quit patronising me, mum." Kai stood up. Angry.
"What did I do just now?"
"Acting, mum. I don't like it when you act around me. You clearly came here because of Larry and to see this Janet girl which is a pretty nice thing. But that's it. Stop tryna fit me into your equation."
"Even if I was." His mum sat straight-backed on the adjacent Sofa. "Should you be the one to pull yourself out of it? We're a family, Kai. And whatever involves your brother should involve you too."
"Mum, I'm tired." Mrs. Chase blurred her hazel eyes at him for saying that. "I need to sleep." He added, "Goodnight."
"Yes. I've got pretty important stuff for tomorrow."
"What's that important?"
Larry returned just in time and leaned over to his mum's ears to say. "That sport, mum. The one he's really passionate about."
"Oh! He does that here?"
"Mhm-mm." Larry nodded. "Also Ms. Brandice is almost done with the food."
"Good, good. Kai honey, at least stay up a little for dinner if you can."
"There's a problem. I can't. Night, you two."
"You also don't want to stay up chatting with me?"
"Why?" His mum sulked.
"Maybe tomorrow. Too exhausted."
In a dash, Kai ambled from there paying neither mind to his mum nor her hurting emotions. He didn't even bother to know what she would say next to Larry but he did hear her whisper something before he left her completely.
"I wish your brother was more like you… "