
To Love A River

In a dystopian future where Vampires emerged from the shadows in order to stop humanity from becoming extinct, a young woman with a dark past meets a charismatic stranger. As time goes by Private Love Aikawa of military unit 4-7, finds that she may not be as human as she first thought, and that humanity may not be the side that she should be fighting for. Battling rogue vampires, mutated creatures and her own past, Love works to unravel the mysteries behind the secretive Helsing unit. This novel starts intentionally slow through the exposition, everything kicks into gear in the latter half so hope you stick with it and enjoy the ride. I also added some song recommendations along the way to listen to whilst you read certain chapters, I hope this helps boost the experience. Please comment and vote for your favourite characters along the way :)

LouLou2 · Fantasía
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81 Chs

Chapter 39. Teamwork


For some reason as Love uttered that word, she felt an odd reaction from their connection, as though Ezra had flinched slightly. 

'Well…we'll just find another way I guess.' He replied quietly, and then the line fell silent. 

What was up with him now? Love wondered.

Interrupting her thoughts, Love had to push aside her disappointment in failing to obtain the strange potion as Kit began to pair her against each of the Unit 2-18 members. 

Till was the only member who opted not to be included in this portion of the training and instead continued to referee each match. 

Love found that she was able to easily overpower both ranged fighters, Sunny and Cordelia, only struggling for a moment against Ivan.