

Finn was in his fine pent house. He locked himself up in his dark massive room. He cried silently as he was murmuring to himself';

"Gosh! I must be the most foolish man on the planet to reject a treasure for a trash" Finn grumbled in his massive bed as he kept turning restlessly on the bed. Darla rejected his proposal in front of all their friends, after she saw how Mahina was passionately kissed by Alba. Finn was so heartbroken after she rejected him. He chased after her and begged her not to leave him and she said to him angrily';

"You still don't get it do you? She can't be better than me? Not ever! I won't have it. I have always been the most desirable girl in school until she arrived and she took everything away from me. The attention, her unrivaled beauty, her grace and poise. She got everything effortlessly. That I on the other hand had to work hard for... That was why I decided to make it my life's mission to bring her down. I promised to take everything from her... look now I have her fame, as my mother owns her late uncles Lourdes fashion world. I wanted you only because she was crazy about you... but now! I don't need you anymore, she is not crazy about you... you wouldn't understand. My dreams became undone all because of her, in less than a year."

Darla ran out of the hotel in tears and entered her fancy ride, while she was crying. Finn fell to his knees and cried in his palms.

Finn returned to reality from his thoughts and realized his pillow was drenched in his tears. He ran into the shower and turned it on. He stood in the middle of the shower with his clothes on as he allowed the water to run down his face and continuously washed away his flowing tears.

"Mahina! I am so! So! So! Sorry. I have been a fool"

"He apologized loudly in his empty bathroom and yelled at himself!"

"Stupid Finn!"

**** **** ****

Mahina was seated in the lobby of Elites health care Centre, waiting for Alba to finish his Meeting with the doctors. 'what was I thinking kissing a stranger, I am doomed, I might lose the only good job that I was hired to work with... damn it' she cussed herself inwardly. She got bored of thinking about the mistake of kissing a strange man and then she started playing candy crush on her old android phone. She was engrossed in playing her game, she didn't even know when Alba stood behind her;

"Miss silky!" she got frightened by the masculine voice. And dropped the phone to the ground in fright. The old phone fell with a bang on the floor.

"You wanted to see me?" Mahina was surprised by his sudden presence. 'Shouldn't I be the one standing in front of him in his office, instead of the other way round.' She watched as he sat in front of her. There were people moving up and down in the hospital reception they couldn't help but glance at the duo at list every other minute.

"Yeah!" Mahina answered him with her eyes fixated on him. she was becoming tense as she anticipated his reply.

"What for?" he asked her looking all confident, with raised eye browse.

"I was wondering if you could grant me an interview." She explained honestly to him.

"No!" he answered blankly. With his eyes still on her.

"Please! I really need the job. I would do anything... just please!" she begged him earnestly, while maintaining eye contact with him. He had a goofy smile on his face. The kind of smile that would keep you on your feet. But Mahina was not in the least concern about his smile. All she was thinking about was getting employed.

"You would do anything?" he asked her triumphantly, looking smug.

"Yeah!" she answered desperately, and she was looking worried, as she waited for his reply. He gestured to her, to follow him.

Alba lead her to his massive office in the hospital. He offered her a seat. He was smiling charmingly, as he sat on his office chair. He crossed his legs, looking at her with his chin rested on his knuckles. Mahina's cheeks were beet red. She was flushed. As she hoped he wouldn't ask for anything perverted from her with the way he was looking at her.

"So Mister Alba, what do you want" Alba chortles and exhaled before he answered her:

"I am not certainly sure you will be able to give it to me" Mahina looked at him quizzically, and thought to herself; 'what could he want... my body, what a perv!' After the humiliation, Mahina went through at the cocktail, she has had enough of all the bullshit the world was throwing at her. She didn't care anymore. All she wanted was to make a name for herself.

"Try me!" Mahina said determinedly. She was certain, she knew what Alba would ask of her, and she was willing to give it a thought, but when he said';

"Miss silky, show me the seven wonders of the world in one day from your perspective" she was dumbfounded. She couldn't stop looking at him. She literally, face palmed herself in reality and in her mind.

"There is a consequence though, if you fail my test!" he continued talking with a slight smile. " I will let you know if you fail the test, but with the determination written up your face, I doubt you will fail." He tilted his head to the side, and waited for her reply. He was sure, she would accept as she was looking very desperate.

"I accept!" he smiled and said

"Follow me!" he led her to the conference hall. With the camera men behind them as he leads the way. Alba sat directly opposite her in the conference hall, with his eyes fixated on her. Mahina was conscious of his gaze, but she couldn't be bothered, all that was on her mind was the job. She interviewed him with all seriousness. Alba was just mesmerized by her endearing gestures. She was so cute without even trying. When they were done she stood up and said';

Thank you, so much mister Alba..."

''Don't thank me... remember our end of the deal" she smiled and replied him';

"'Sure I do. 9:00 am sharp tomorrow, lets meet at Haven's park." She smiled and exited his office.