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Mahina was at the Elites Health Care together with Jaden in his office, she had arrived a little Earlier to check her health and that of the baby growing inside her. Jaden was done checking her health and they were just chatting together in his office:

"Hina I am really happy for you. You will soon be a mother."

"Yeah! Absolutely. I mean I am sure you have seen how single parents struggle right? … cause that's what my life will soon be like."

"Stop joking around Mahina. Alba is always with you and he will be with you as well when you give birth"

Mahina forced a chuckle when she answered:

"Yeah! You are right… don't mind me. I just love fooling around you see. By the way can I have ice-cream or something sweet. I have been craving a lot of sweet junks lately."

"Yeah sure!"